Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26333
Hints and tips by Gazza
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BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
I used to know where I was on Tuesdays; we had puzzles from Shamus and Ray T on alternate weeks. Then last week the schedule went berserk – not only did we have Ray T two weeks in a row, but his trademark (exclusively single-word answers) was jettisoned. So I approached this morning’s puzzle with some trepidation as to who the setter would be. Well, I’m pretty sure that it’s not by Ray T and I do think that it’s from Shamus (not least because of 5a). It only remains now for me to be proved totally wrong by a comment from the real setter!
As always we’d love to get your comments on the puzzle, the review, the weather, anything, and please don’t forget to click on one of the stars below to register how much you enjoyed it.
Across Clues
1a Fellows beginning to emerge in horse-breeding place that’s full (7)
{STUFFED} – the definition is full. Put a couple of F(ellow)s and the first letter (beginning) of Emerge inside a horse-breeding establishment.
5a One examining car by hill (7)
{AUDITOR} – someone who examines the books is a make of car followed by a word for hill. Shamus had the identical clue in last Thursday’s Toughie.
9a Remedy relative backed associated with part of body? About right (7)
{NOSTRUM} – the definition is remedy but it’s one of dubious value rather than something prescribed by your GP. Reverse (backed) a male relative and follow this with how a child might refer to his or her stomach (part of body) around (about) R(ight).
10a Recalled atmosphere with chatter when imbibing new drink (7)
{SANGRIA} – this is a refreshing and alcoholic Spanish drink. String together a synonym for atmosphere and an informal verb to chatter at length and put N(ew) inside (imbibing), then reverse (recalled) the lot.
11a Mag in part excited flier (9)
{PTARMIGAN} – this game bird (flier) is an anagram (excited) of MAG IN PART.
12a Source of inspiration found in career at Oxford (5)
{ERATO} – hidden (found) in the clue is one of the nine muses (source of inspiration) in Greek and Roman mythology.
13a Whole group on return taking in army (5)
{TOTAL} – reverse (on return) a group and put the usual abbreviation for our volunteer army inside to make a synonym for whole.
15a Ex-PM putting young men in good mood (9)
{GLADSTONE} – this is the name of the Prime Minister of whom Queen Victoria (whose English lessons obviously didn’t get as far as the use of the subjunctive) said “He speaks to Me as if I was a public meeting”. It’s constructed by putting a term for young men between G(ood) and a synonym for mood.
17a One loving relations? (9)
{RACONTEUR} – I’ve obviously been doing too many Private Eye puzzles because my first thought here was of someone committing incest, but then I remembered that this is the Daily Telegraph and thought again. It’s actually a cryptic definition of someone who tells (relates) stories in an amusing way.
19a Mexican food from a company in road heading west (5)
{TACOS} – heading west in an across clue indicates a reversal, so reverse an abbreviation for a type of road and inside it put A and the abbreviation of company.
22a Solitary type and source of borrowing, we hear (5)
{LONER} – this solitary type sounds (we hear) as if he (or she) lends out money.
23a Italian roamed around hotel and university land (9)
{LITHUANIA} – this country (land) is an anagram (roamed) of ITALIAN around H(otel) and U(niversity).
25a Fuss created by friend, a retired priest (7)
{PALAVER} – an informal word for a fuss is formed from a synonym for friend followed by A and an abbreviation for a priest reversed (retired).
26a Foreign religious jurisdiction providing associative statement? (7)
{IMAMATE} – basically this word means the authority of the man who leads the prayers in a local mosque, but the presence of “foreign” indicates that here it is being used to describe the jurisdiction of various Muslim leaders. If you redefine it as 1’1,1,4 it becomes a statement of someone professing association or friendship for another.
27a Southern city once in dire need made safe (7)
{ENSURED} – a past participle meaning made safe is an anagram (dire) of NEED with S(outhern) and the usual Old Testament city (city once) inside.
28a Artist left in Eastern sea that’s green (7)
{EMERALD} – a shade of green is formed by putting the abbreviation for a Royal Academician (artist) and L(eft) inside E(astern) and a sea that sits between Europe, Africa and Asia.
Down Clues
1d Hospital department overlooking untidy place? Children play there (7)
{SANDPIT} – so hands up all those who tried to start the answer with ENT! (I certainly did). What we actually want is the abbreviation of a hospital for people who are convalescing or have a chronic illness. Follow this with D(epartment) and how you might describe an untidy place (like a teenager’s bedroom).
2d Vulgar type put star off (7)
{UPSTART} – an anagram (off) of PUT STAR.
3d Class taking in posh meeting (5)
{FORUM} – this is a meeting to discuss topics of public concern. Put the letter standing for posh inside another word for a school class.
4d Orator making European mass eagerly excited in tribute (9)
{DEMAGOGUE} – the definition is orator and it’s someone who rouses the baser instincts of his audience by oratory. Put E(uropean), M(ass) and an adjective meaning eagerly excited inside what is owed (tribute).
5d Rector ignoring first sign of petty crime (5)
{ARSON} – this is a crime. Remove (ignoring) the initial letter (first sign) of P(etty) from another word for rector.
6d Trendies possibly hoarding name in tableware? (6,3)
{DINNER SET} – an anagram (possibly) of TRENDIES has N(ame) inside (hoarding).
7d Extreme weather in direction of navy followed by trouble (7)
{TORNADO} – a charade of a preposition meaning in the direction of, the abbreviation for the Royal Navy and a synonym for trouble produce an instance of extreme weather.
8d We are stirred? About right — and stirred again (7)
{REAWOKE} – this is an anagram (stirred) of WE ARE, and inside it put an abbreviation meaning right or correct to make a verb meaning came to life once more (stirred again).
14d Vehicle in endlessly narrow road heading for rig in port (4,5)
{LAND ROVER} – a make of vehicle that I certainly meet a lot of in the narrow roads round where I live is constructed from a word for narrow road without its final E (endlessly), followed by a channel port with the initial letter (heading) of R(ig) inside it.
16d This I rate risk in war? (3,6)
{AIR STRIKE} – this is a semi-all-in-one and it’s an anagram (in war?) of I RATE RISK.
17d Go back to poor condition concerning Northern Europeans reportedly (7)
{RELAPSE} – a verb meaning to deteriorate once more (go back to poor condition) is a charade of a prefix meaning concerning and a sound-alike (reportedly) of people from Northern Europe.
18d Sources of light in front of church and supported by the French (7)
{CANDLES} – these sources of light are made from the initial letter (front) of C(hurch), AND and the plural form of the French definite article (supported by meaning coming at the bottom, in a down clue).
20d Caught six-footer at a musical work (7)
{CANTATA} – this musical work comes from C(aught) (as in cricket), a six-footed insect and AT and A.
21d Marine plant producing wonder in beginning (7)
{SEAWEED} – a synonym for wonder goes inside another word for beginning (as in “a **** of doubt crept into my mind”).
23d Sensational enticement to overlook drug I had observed (5)
{LURID} – remove E(cstasy) (overlook drug) from a word meaning enticement and add a contraction (observed?) of I had to make an adjective meaning sensational. I presume that observed here means as in an observation, i.e. in speech. There’s a nice bit of misdirection here – in 1d overlook meant preceded (in a down clue) but here it’s used in a totally different way.
24d Custom embodying the post-war world? (5)
{USAGE} – a synonym for custom could also be, if split as 2,3, the embodiment of the post-war world, emphasising the role of the prevailing world power.
The clues I liked included 15a, 25a and 1d, but my favourite is 4d. What do you like? Let us know in a comment.
1d was my favourite today – I was trying the ENT route for quite a while. The rest was not too tricky once I got going.
I am still not sure of the setter either, but then I am pretty bad at spotting them!. Thanks to the Setter and gazza for the review.
I have just read your comment on 17a, gazza – I had the same thoughts uinitially for about the same reasons!
I enjoyed this. It was definitely 3* for difficulty judging by the time it took me to solve. My favourite clue was 12a. Thanks to the mystery setter and Gazza. Now if you really want a brain work out, try the Toughie – I had to check it wasn’t Friday!!
Thanks for the warning Sue – think I will give it a miss and clear some cupboards.
I will just add – its taken me on and off for the last two hours and some conferring with the Gnome to make sure what I had was right in a couple of instances. We also have a new word for Mary – he has just invented ‘checkled’ which I think will fit in nicely with perservate, numberals etc.
Checkled is an adjective – descriptive of any pair of golf trousers with tartan and little dots. Something like John Daly’s current attire!.
But in the current context it refers to making sure the word you have is correct.
I like that better
That’s a lovely one but not so sure about that definition Gnome – would rather use it in other contexts!!!
I got on this setter’s wave length quite early on so had a nice enjoyable solve. New word for me was 26a – like the word play from it. My favourites were 15a and 24d.
Good CW with lots of nice clues. Although hadnt come across answer to 26a before.
Yes, it’s by me – well spotted. Re 5a, I should probably keep a database of clues to avoid duplication but I did genuinely make the same construction twice! Re 17a, the original intention in the misdirection was nepotism rather than incest but I suppose the latter is an equally valid if somewhat less tasteful interpretation!
Thanks for clearing that up, Shamus, and thanks for the entertaining puzzle.
Because I wasn’t sure it was you, I just thought ‘oh its not a mini!’ not its that German car again. Re 17a – not all of us went down the less tasteful route, we have purer minds. Very nice puzzle, by the way.
I’m with you Sue – never even thought it!!! Too much Private Eye Gazza.
Re 24d. Are we really in a US age? I got the answer very early on, but didn’t see the connection for ages (no pun intended!). Didn’t particularly like it. Thoroughly enjoyed the whole puzzle, though.
Many thanks to Shamus for an entertaining crossword and to Gazza for the review. Favourites were 12a, 17a (Peter Ustinov immediately came to mind for some reason when I read the clue!) and 8d.
Have just noticed the clip at 18d – my favourite comedy moment of all time. Thank you.
More of a struggle than yesterday but all fair and good contruction in many clues. 11a favourite just because I love seeing them on the hillside especially in Winter plumage.
Starting late today have been for a scan, have read the comments, interesting, but not the hints, will be starting this after lunch, chuckled at the checkled sue/gnomey as with Lea not sure of the definition :)
No but a good word to add to your growing dictionary of alternative words – we could use it for the Sue definition of making sure a clue is right. I am off to do my cupboards – enjoy the puzzle Mary.
yes I agree, Sues definition is the best, just taking the puzzle out in the sun, whilst it lasts :)
An enjoyable puzzle today with good clues. Sue has given me a challege now to look at the Toughie.
My fav today was 5a because the ink has not yet dried on the last time I filled it in so it was easy.
Thanks to Shamus and Gazza
Enjoyable crossword from Shamus today, I liked 17a and 4d, great review Gazza.
Harder than Monday’s puzzle but not too mind-blowing. I liked 17a and 20d.
Now for the Toughie!
Really enjoyed this today. The highlight was the Two Ronnies sketch. I never tire of wartching that. Needed a couple of down clues to get 10a. Liked 20d.
Thanks to Shamus and to Gazza for the hints.
Thanks for the hints. I got quite a few answers right without understanding why. I was completely stuck on 26a despite having all the intersecting letters, and when I understood it, I didn’t like the clue.
Didn’t think much to todays even after completing it. IMHO 17a and 26a are rubbish clues but I have learned two new words 4d and 12a. Also I thought 17a poor (makes little sense even with the excellent explanation above) and 1d is one of those clues that you get the answer despite the clue! Still 25a was nice as was 28a. All in all pretty average I thought.
3/4 way through when unexpected visitors arrived!! not in the right frame of mind now so I will read through the hints ( thanks Gazza) and hope for a more peaceful day tomorrow :)
Well done on completing this Barrie, I didn’t find it particularly easy
Some jolly good stuff here, such a shame I didn’t understand a lot of it. Did the NW corner plus a few before duties at the Crem – I’m there all week. After a decent walk, got the left side completed plus several more, then looked at the hints. Good clip at 18d, Oxford has a very upmarket Wetherspoons called the Four Candles.
Thanks to Shamus and Gazza.
didnt finish but still better than yesterday and sunday. kudos for the two ronnies sketch. possibly on of the greatest comedy moments ever.
Well this was a nice little trundle if somewhat undemanding.
Even the CC can’t have any difficulty today!
Thanks to the compiler and to Gazza.
Only joking – today was a day I could do none of the Telegraph Crossword before coming here. That’s two Fridays so far this week. And it is only Tuesday.
I was just thinking Peter, if you found todays easy how come you couldn’t do yesterdays, then I came to your ‘only joking’ bit :) Where else but on this site could you get two Fridays befor a Wednesday :)
like the humour :)
Hi all, I’m pretty new to cryptic crosswords and I live in NZ, where these Telegraph crosswords are printed in the Wellington paper approx 5 weeks after they come out in England. So my comments will be a little behind…. today is a vast improvement for me as I only failed to get one, 26a. ‘Imamate’ was one of a few new words to me but with other clues, such as 11a ,12a and 15a, I ‘m getting better at figuring out the cryptic trickery even if the answers are new words to me.
But can someone PLEEEEEASE tell me how San is an abbreviation for a hospital??!!
Welcome, SimienXword.
SAN is a short form of sanatorium (or sanitarium if you’re American), a type of hospital.
Thanks Gazza and Big Dave, won’t be forgetting this one :o)
Welcome to the blog SimienXword
San is short for sanatorium – a hospital for convalescents and the chronically ill
Very enjoyable my favourite being 11a – one of those words that has stuck with me for yonks. 3*
Loved the Two Ronnies – now that’s humour!
Absolutely rubbish day today hence terribly late comment. All started off quite well and then went, to quote elder daughter, “tits up”, and then went steadily downhill from there on. Consequently I found todays puzzle a bit tricky but I think it’s probably me not the puzzle. Some of the answers I got without understanding why until I read the blog – 4d, and 14d – two I couldn’t do at all 26a and 24d (STILL don’t understand 24d even having read the hint) – in general a lovely puzzle – thanks to Shamus and Gazza am hoping for a better day tomorrow …..
24d. Since the war the predominant power in the world has been the USA, so it’s been the age of the US or “US AGE”.
Getting answers without knowing why happens to me all the time, Kath. Got 17a just from the checking letters and no idea how it fitted the clue! Ditto several others.
1. I could not download the blog around 11PM your time nor get it via Google but succeeded via bigdave44.com around 11.30. Strange.
2. Another night when the Hints weren’t needed!
I liked 15a, 17a, 26a, 1d, 14d, 20d & 21d.
Summer is over here in NL – back to normal rainy weather.
I liked 17 a best and strangely got 1d pretty quickly although I could only half work why the till I checked your blog (the hosp dept got me!). I didn’t much like the construction of 18d as it was rather confusing.
Welcome Dr Cross
Forgot to say thanks to Gazza for his excellent blog and all for comments. Some day I’ll try to produce a puzzle that will please even Barrie!
Top class.Really enjoyed this one.Re sandpit I also first had ENT but restrained myself.