CluedUp maintenance – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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CluedUp maintenance

CluedUp will be having maintenance

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[In case you have missed it, the following message is posted on CluedUp]

From 10pm on Wednesday 9th June CluedUp will be unavailable while maintenance is carried out. We recommend that you don’t use the site from this time. We apologise for the interruption and expect to be back on the puzzles beat the following morning.

9 comments on “CluedUp maintenance

  1. Well, it’s back up, but they appear to have moved it to a Sinclair ZX-80. I’ve now been waiting 15 minutes for the Cryptic puzzle to load, also tried the Toughie with similar lack of success,

  2. I finished the cryptic but it says on the puzzle page that the crossword has not been played. I also didn’t get any points for it. I have just done the suduko and the same has happened. Anyone else having this problem?

  3. I finished the cryptic but on the crossword page it says this puzzle has not been played. I also didn’t get any points for it. I have just done a suduko and the same has happened. Anyone else having this problem?

    1. Excuse the repeat postings but my message took a while to appear so I thought something had gone wrong so posted again.

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