DT Cryptic No 25900 – Hints – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT Cryptic No 25900 – Hints

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 25900 – Hints

Selected hints by Big Dave

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment ***

Things are getting better – just the one place name this week.  The puzzle is much the better for not having the names of any women, although one boy’s name does crop up in the wordplay.  If we could just get rid of those place names that are better suited to General Knowledge puzzles …. but perhaps I am dreaming!   The usual few hints to get you started.

Peter Biddlecombe’s full review of this puzzle will be published at 12.00 on Thursday, 16th April.


1a Leg, small gift at the present time (8,6)
This is a double definition where the present time is Christmas

13a Accent around wire (10)
This accent appears in a lot of French words

15a Record here in France one expert (8)
I quickly added the French word for “here” to The Mine this morning!

18a Copper most upset at practice (6)
First the chemical symbol for copper then upset signals an anagram to give this practice or usage – especially for you, Jo and Richard!

24a Just over four weeks almost having brandy (4)
Nearly all the letters of a month give a brandy made from grapeskins and other refuse from wine-making

26a Steal most of the bad beer (5)
Add an S to this answer and you get a word meaning bad beer

28a Two places in London, one with a market, or one in Northamptonshire (14)
This Northamptonshire town comes from combining two places, one in Greater London the other, with the market, is just south of London Bridge


2d Opportunity to see this performance on first night (7)
A double definition that shouldn’t cause too much trouble

4d Marine is coming from Saint Lucia at sea (8)
I liked this one, but don’t ignore the instruction to remove “is” before resolving the anagram!

7d Man held up by golf supporter on the shoulder (7)
Careful with this one – it’s the golf supporter that goes up, not the man

21d Hat, cheap sort finished with gold (7)
This hat is an anagram followed by a chemical symbol

To find out what Peter Biddlecombe makes of this one, read his full review next Thursday.

7 comments on “DT Cryptic No 25900 – Hints

  1. Kram

    I’m sure you have realised by now that I don’t go for the easy clues in these hints!

    I wasn’t too keen on one or two of them myself. I’m sure Peter B will tell us what he thinks in his review.

  2. John

    Sorry, but we try to avoid the actual answers at weekends, so I have asterisked that out!

    The Mine (of Useful Information) is a section of the blog which contains, among many other things, a page on French words that commonly appear in crosswords.

    As you had the correct answer, you probably don’t need it today! Maybe another day.

  3. Hello Big Dave,

    Your invaluable service seems to have sold us a bit short today!!! Currently, you are our me(n)tal guru. We are “stuck” only on 18 across today. Could it be”lesson”?

    Best wishes to you and your service…

    Jo and Richard

  4. Jo and Richard

    Flattery will get you everywhere on this site!

    You may need to think again about 11 down, but there’s a picture of one in the blog header.

  5. Just got around to doing this, this morning. A particularly “french” feel to this one I think. :-)

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