Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 25846 – Review
A full analysis by Big Dave
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment *
See also the original posting for DT Cryptic No 25846
2a Wanted a lot (4,2,6)
MUCH IN DEMAND – not much explanation required
8a Easterner had some unkempt hair (4)
THAI – hidden in unkempT HAIr
9a Suspect one investing in Mississippi fund (8 )
MISTRUST – i (one) inside Ms (Mississippi) then trust (fund)
10a Test-case about sealed plastic container (8 )
CASSETTE – anagram (about) of test-case
11a Romeo takes lady to the country (6)
RWANDA – R (Romeo in the phonetic alphabet) then Wanda (lady)
12a With a pointed feature and a keen scent (5-5)
SHARP-NOSED – double meaning
13a Grow slowly but do not start to turn round (6)
EVOLVE – (r)evolve (turn round)
16a Singers found nothing in rich ornamentation (5)
CHOIR – o (nothing) inside an anagram (ornamentation) of rich
17a Being from Milan, a revolutionary (6)
ANIMAL – an anagram (revolutionary) of “Milan a”
18a I have part of car first whilst trying out all possibilities (10)
EXHAUSTIVE – exhaust (part of car) first then I’ve (I have)
21a Dean arranged to take Virginia in a state (6)
NEVADA – an anagram (arranged) of Dean around (to take in) Va (Virginia)
23a Amaze a son with this developing (8 )
ASTONISH – an anagram (developing) of “a son this”
24a Place under surveillance when money risked in gambling is wrong (5,3)
STAKE OUT – stake (money risked in gambling) out (is wrong)
25a Go to previous country (4)
TOGO – “to” before (previous) “go”
26a Molestation on the radio? (12)
INTERFERENCE – double meaning
1d Beat the unending spots (6)
THRASH – th (the, unending) rash (spots)
2d It’s as far as one can be from the bank (9)
MIDSTREAM – again, not much explanation required
3d Certain confusion losing article, the fool (6)
CRETIN – an anagram (confusion) of cert(a)in (certain without the “a” / losing article)
4d Warmer after having a dip? Water should be in it (9,6)
IMMERSION HEATER – heater (warmer) after immersion (having a dip)
5d Although it’s only a minor ailment, it causes confusion (8 )
DISORDER – double meaning
6d Lady producing many a song (5)
MARIA – M (1000 in Roman numerals / many) aria (a song)
7d Proceeded gingerly at quarter past four having made headlong plunge (8 )
NOSEDIVE – nosed (proceeded gingerly) IV (four) E (East / quarter)
14d Stubborn old boys can have had a meal (9)
OBSTINATE – OBs (old boys) tin (can) ate (have had a meal)
15d During Whitsun be a tennis-player not having suffered defeat (8 )
UNBEATEN – hidden in WhitsUN BE A TENnis-player
16d Clare in trouble on holiday. Get away (5,3)
CLEAR OFF – an anagram (in trouble) of Clare then off (on holiday)
19d Go up first, it’s an improvement (6)
UPTURN – up before (first) turn (go)
20d Face six wise men, not second saint (6)
VISAGE – VI (six in Roman numerals) sage(s) (sages / wise men without the second “S” / Saint)
22d It is just over a foot (5)
ANKLE – not much explanation required