February 18, 2009 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie No 97

Toughie No 97 by Cephas

Firm but fair

+ – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *** Enjoyment ****

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are becoming a bit of a struggle with two crosswords to be blogged – I already have help on Thursday, Friday and the Saturday Review.  If you would like to help, then get in touch through Contact.  Today I have changed the format a little so that the components of the answer, and the answer itself, are in capitals.

The puzzle itself was firm but fair, apart from some of the silly three letter clues.  Peter Biddlecombe (whose Review of  last Saturday’s puzzle will be published at noon tomorrow) won’t like the grid on this one – four totally separate corners joined only in the centre.  Don’t be surprised if you get some of the answers and then struggle to find the wordplay, but then that’s why this blog is here!

Continue reading “Toughie No 97”

DT Cryptic No 25855

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 25855

Do this one first, then move on to the Toughie!

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment ***

After a late start due to the increasingly frequent problems on the CluedUp website, here are the hints and tips (mainly actual answers today as I was somewhat lacking in inspiration!).  Today I have changed the format a little so that the components of the answer, and the answer itself, are in capitals.

Someone at the Telegraph must have been listening, as the Wednesday puzzle used to be the source of a lot of grief, mainly because of the dubious nature of some of the clues.  That seems to have changed, as this is a neat, straightforward puzzle.

Continue reading “DT Cryptic No 25855”