786 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie 786

Toughie No 786 by Osmosis

Hints and Tips by Tilsit

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ***Enjoyment ****

Greetings from the Calder Valley.  Our glorious leader is having serious computer problems, so it’s a very brief set of notes today about the clues.  A nice puzzle from Osmosis, very much in his normal style.  Some really nice clues that bring a smile to the face.   Although I managed to solve most of the clues, I did have trouble working out how the indications worked, as I’d worked out the answer from the definition alone.  Some of the clues were unnecessarily complicated, to my mind.

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.  You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.  Favourite clues are highlighted in blue.

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