30813 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

DT 30813

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30813
Hints and tips by Shabbo

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ***Enjoyment ****

Good morning and HNY to all fellow puzzlers.

No prizes at all for Guess the Setter today.  The Queen and the sweetheart give it away amongst 32 top quality clues from the master of brevity, who is getting ever closer to breaking the five words/clue barrier.  Today’s puzzle is 5.1 words/clue, to save you the trouble of working it out (it’s all part of the service) and not a double definition in sight! My LOI in this enjoyable puzzle was 21a, which took me a while to parse. I would also give a nod to the Quickie Pun. Thank you, RayT.

In the blog below, the definition element of each clue has been underlined, anagrams are CAPITALISED and the crossword technique “indicator words” are in brackets. The answers are concealed under the “Click Here” buttons.  Please leave a comment telling us how you got on and what you thought of the puzzle.  Please also try to be positive – it’s only a bit of fun.

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