28360 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

DT 28360

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28360

A full review by crypticsue

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This puzzle was published on Saturday 25th February

BD Rating – Difficulty *Enjoyment ***/****

Another improved, if fairly straightforward, Saturday crossword, but given the number of other crossword-related things I had to do on the day, I wasn’t complaining.   I would point out the number of times a letter had to be taken off something and also the wrong definition of 20d, which would have led to it only getting ‘average’ enjoyment stars. However, there are some splendid surface readings so I’ve awarded a half star to recognise their part in my solving entertainment

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DT 28360 (Hints)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28360 (Hints)

Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club

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As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.

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