27661 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

DT 27661

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 27661

Hints and tips by Miffypops

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ***

Today is National Indulgence Day in England. Not Scotland, Wales or anywhere else, Just England. So no indulging yourselves anywhere else. As you can see from the blog, I have exercised my right to indulge. Welcome to our identical twins and regular alarm clocks Itchy and Scratchy who are supposed to be kittens but spend most of their time imitating a barrel full of monkeys which brings enjoyment aplenty. On Saturday Coventry Rugby Football Club annihilated the previously unbeaten table topping Ealing Trailfinders by 32 points to 26 which made me even happier. Saint Sharon adds happiness in abundance, her 48 hour online shopping marathon which resulted in the acquisition of a new kitchen bin needed to be seen to be believed. I wish you all well.

Today’s crossword is a mix of wonderful clues with several old chestnuts. I don’t think it will trouble many of you. No pencils were harmed in the production of this review

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