Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 26023
Welcome to Pam!
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
It was very odd not having to rush around on Monday getting a blog ready in between visits from the nurse, carers and suchlike. Wednesday’s are usually lazy mornings for me, followed by the cut and thrust of the Bridge Club doing battle with some of the evil grannies of Brierfield (They are not really evil, but they are ferocious bridge players!).
I must start today by welcoming a newcomer to the blog in the shape of Pam, who also goes to the Bridge Club, however she is neither a granny or evil (she may be the former, but not the latter as far as I know!). Although Pam is a very fine bridge player, she is dipping her toe into the world of Telegraph crosswords for the first time after being prised away from the Everyman in the Observer and is visiting us for the first time. Welcome Pam, you are among friends. The drinks are on you!
Today’s puzzle is another good puzzle for those getting to grips with crosswords for the first time. As usual, the answers are hidden in white inside the curly brackets. Highlighting them will reveal the answer.
Feel free to have your say about what you liked or disliked in the discussion after the analysis. There’s also the star ratings, click on your star opinion to show what you thought. New posters should note that your first post may take a little time to appear as they are moderated to prevent spammers causing havoc.