25973 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

DT 25973

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 25973

The Yawning After the Night Before

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ** Enjoyment **

Dateline: Hebden Bridge :  Monday : 00:45

After a very pleasant birthday Sunday, I arrived home just after midnight full of bonhomie (sadly not alcohol)  and at one with the world.  So I logged on to Clued Up and, armed with a cup of coffee and Tracy Chapman on my speakers, set about the new challenge from our Monday Maestro.

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Some minutes later I am waiting for Clued Up to decide whether I have completed the puzzle, although I am fairly certain I have it correct.  Has my good humour survived?  Let’s take a  stroll round Across Street and Down Lane and see.

I have vented my spleen about the Telegraph Grids recently, so I shall say little about today’s abomination.  There’s the usual smattering of cryptic definitions, and the usual odd one that stetches a point.   I am sure I have seen the exact same clue at 5 down in a puzzle recently, so that is where I start.

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