25967 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

DT 25967

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 25967

Hints and tips by Tilsit

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *** Enjoyment **

I made it home from the hospital, but haven’t felt much like solving over the weekend, so I have a large pile of puzzles to wade through.  Whether it’s because I am out of sorts I can’t decide, but today’s puzzle irritated me more than pleased me.  I hate grids that have only one way in and out of each corner and today’s was no exception.  There does seem to be a large number of Telegraph grids that are not helpful to solvers, and it may be about time that a review was carried out of the grids. Similarly I hate ambiguous clues with a passion, and there’s one today at 25 across.

Overall, the clues are of the standard we expect from our Monday Maestro, but one or two are of the tooth-sucking variety, and I’ll mention those as we go along.  Right, off we go….

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