250 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie 250

Toughie No 250 by Shamus

Tough Stuff!

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty **** Enjoyment ****

Very much at the top end of the scale today from Shamus. A puzzle of beautiful construction but some hard-to-parse answers. I was convinced for a while that there might be a faulty anagram at 18 across, but Gazza came to the rescue, and analysed it correctly for me.

Elegant cluemanship as always from Shamus, very much in the Giovanni mould.

As usual, the answers are hidden in between the squiggly brackets. Highlighting them reveals all. You can rate the puzzle using our star system at the end of the blog, and of course have your say and give your opinion after the blog as well. A reminder that first-time posters sometimes take a wee while to appear as they have to be approved, in order to prevent the board being hijacked by spammers.

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