Sunday Toughie No 20 by proXimal
Review by Sloop John Bee
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This puzzle was published on the 12th of June 2022
This was a tricky little devil that took me a lot longer to solve than the previous proXimal I blogged for the holidaying Deep Threat (Two days earlier #30,010). It is impressive how the other SJB (Steven J Bartlett) can pitch his puzzles with just the right level of difficulty between his back page and toughie puzzles. I believe I get one more go in DT’s blogging chair on the 1st of July, I wonder who I will get then.
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Sunday Toughie No 20 by proXimal
Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee
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After Friday’s relatively easy X less pangram, I was expecting a sterner test today, and boy did I get it. This took at least 3 times longer than Friday’s proXimal most of it spent staring at answers and reverse parsing them. I admit that the first word of 9a remains unparsed. I can explain the head part, but is he a twin or just a bad chef. Over to your good selves to help out. Anyway, this blog isn’t going to write itself so here goes…
Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 20 (Hints)”