148 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 148 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 148

by Robyn


Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee


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Robyn on Toughie duty today and I found it quite tricky last night, but on reflection, I can’t quite see why. Apart from a sure-fire candidate for (THE LIST™ Terence) 13d remains unhinted as it is a partial anagram with plenty of checkers, but a French term for Scottish Dances I ask you! I would bet that not many of you leapt to the answer without the checkers

Plenty of Greeks, Romans, Shakespeare and golf along with a couple of boats. We have 14a and 16d clues and I have hinted half. I hope you get enough checkers to find the rest

16d gets my COTD by a nose from a close field what did you like?

Here we go…

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Toughie 148

Toughie No 148 by Kcit

Not as difficult as it looks

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BD Rating – Difficulty *** Enjoyment ***

I’m still struggling with the effects of Saturday’s hard drive crash combined with an Internet connection that is varying today from poor to non-existent.  Will be back with this puzzle after a trip to the dentist.  Can the day get any worse?

Well, I finally managed to get around to this puzzle, and it looked at first as if it was going to be difficult.  However, the setter was very kind with all four long answers being anagrams.  One or two curiosities, but overall not a bad puzzle.

Continue reading “Toughie 148”