147 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 147 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 147

by Zandio


Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee


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Zandio with his usual entertaining not to tuff tuffie. I found it quite hard to choose which clues to hint but here are half of 14a  and 14d clues and I hope there are enough checkers to get you over the line

There are quite a few literary references to styles of writings from Aesop to Hans Christian Anderson but I may be going 16a to call it a theme

Here we go…

Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 147 (Hints)”

Toughie 147

Toughie No 147 by Elgar

Another five star performance from Elgar

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BD Rating – Difficulty ***** Enjoyment *****

Once again Elgar serves up a Toughie that is worthy of the name.  Always tough, always enjoyable, each answer has to be carefully extracted.   Even after I had completed it, I still had to sort out the wordplay for four of the clues.

Continue reading “Toughie 147”