144 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 144 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 144

by Zandio


Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee


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Many thanks to Zandio who sent me an advance copy of the puzzle as I will be/am boozing with crossword peeps at the S&B in York. Fortunately, this puzzle was not as “Gross” as its number suggests and apart from not knowing enough about RFK Jr it was a not-too-tuff tuffie

Along with the Sunday Toughie, Zandio sent the GK puzzle that appears next to the toughie and for those interested in all things Sloggers & Betters I believe there is a bit of a theme to be discovered

We have 14a and 14d clues today and as has become my practice I have hinted just under half, A bonus nudge may be available if required but bear in mind I may be feeling a little hungover after the aforementioned boozing

Here we go…

Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 144 (Hints)”

Toughie 144

Toughie No 144 by Giovanni

Another great puzzle from Giovanni!

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BD Rating – Difficulty **** Enjoyment *****

When I see that Giovanni is the setter, I know I am in for a difficult but thoroughly enjoyable puzzle.  Today is no exception, even allowing for the fact that this interestingly shaped grid is more-or-less four puzzles in one.  There were a handful of easier clues – just as well or you might never get started – but nothing so difficult that, even if you didn’t know the answer, you couldn’t work it out from the wordplay.

Continue reading “Toughie 144”