134 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Sunday Toughie 134 (Hints)

Sunday Toughie No 134

by Robyn


Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee


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Robyn brings us one of his “list” puzzles today and 19d apart it didn’t give me too much grief last night, parsing 19d took longer than the rest of the puzzle put together but at least I learned something about French Revolutionary Writers and Chinese gold measures. Bradfords failed to find the writer and the gold measure 

I have hinted just under half of the clues so will try and give a nudge if required, but 19d apart I didn’t find it too tough

Here we go…

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Toughie No 134

Toughie No 134 by Excalibur

Hints and tips by Tilsit

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BD Rating – Difficulty *** Enjoyment **

Greetings from the hospital again!  I have quite enjoyed solving on line with the Telegraph site something I didn’t do prior to admission.  Indeed my collection of 50+ pencils in their very own kidney bowl is a constant source of amusement to the nurses and worry to the Doctors, who feel I may have a touch of OCD.  The fact that when I am admitted to hospital, the first thing I pack every time is my Chamber’s and Bradford’s is another worry for them too.

My initial solving reaction was that I quite enjoyed it, but as I have begun to look deeper, I find quite a few things that both trouble and irritate me.

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