Batman and Robin – Big Dave's Crossword Blog

Toughie 1193

Toughie No 1193 by Elgar

Hints and tips by Batman and Robin

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BD Rating – Difficulty ****Enjoyment *****

Greetings from the Bat Cave. There’s been a loud sound of hobnailed boots in the distance all week, and it’s heralded the return of Toughie-land’s resident Tormentor in residence, Elgar. It’s been three months since we were given a Friday mauling, but’s he’s back and in ferocious mood.

A lovely puzzle that represents the Toughie at its best. Plenty of fiendish clues and explanations of which 27 across is the star.

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Toughie 1181

Toughie No 1181 by Firefly

Holy Pony!

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BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ***

Batman found this fairly easy once he had solved 6 down, but he would like to point out, once again, that no true Cockney would use the rhyming word in rhyming slang – it’s boat not boat race for face, syrup not syrup of figs for wig, and so on.

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Toughie 1065

Toughie No 1065 by Sparks

The New Kid on the Block

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BD Rating – Difficulty ***Enjoyment ****

Greetings from the Calder Valley. Today is a rarity, we have a new Toughie setter, something we haven’t seen for a long while. Welcome to Sparks who has presented us with a fine puzzle, which fits in well with the Friday canon.

This is a nice elegantly-written challenge that suggests we may know Sparks from other publications, such is the quality of cluemanship. If it is a first puzzle, then we do have a talent in prospect here.

I found it a little tricky to get into and started on the right-hand side of the puzzle, gradually working my way left. My solving time was around par for the Friday slot. Couldn’t see a Nina or gimmick going on.

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Toughie 1013

Toughie No 1013 by Osmosis

Another Sleepy Day in Gotham City

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BD Rating – Difficulty ***Enjoyment ****

A Boy Wonder writes:-

Greetings from the Batcave! Zonk! Crash!! Pow!!! Holy Wobblybits! Something is wrong today, Batman. Normally I find today’s setter hangs out with the other nefarious villains like Evil Elgar The Enigmatist and Malevolent Myops, the Caledonian Crusher, but he’s come over all fluffy, Maybe he’s lulling us into a false sense of security, Batman!

A Caped Crusader writes:-

All had been quiet in Gotham City for the last nine months, suddenly an urgent call came from Commissioner Dave.  Bleeding Gums Tilsit was unable to review today’s Toughie.  Alfred rushed down to the Batcave and readied the Batmobile, and the Boy Wonder and I arrived just in time to rescue the day.

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