Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30827
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 18th January 2024
BD Rating –Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
Another enjoyable Prize Puzzle from the NY Doorknob
Please let us know what you thought
1a Look surprised – space programme’s ending (4)
GAPE – GAP (space) and E (the ending of programme)
3a Up close and personal truth about drug of winner (4-2-4)
FACE-TO-FACE – FACT (truth) goes about E (drug) and is followed by OF (from the clue) and ACE (winner)
10a Schmaltzy book returned by student on Scots island (9)
EMOTIONAL – A reversal (returned) of TOME (book) followed by L (student) on or after IONA (Scottish island)
11a Green sauce mostly something in gut (1,4)
E COLI – ECO (green) and most of Lip (sauce)
12a Sewage emptied in East River (5)
SEINE – The outside (emptied) letters of SewagE, IN (from the clue) and E (east)
13a Repaired hash-pipes in good order (9)
SHIPSHAPE – An anagram (repaired) of HASH PIPES
14a, 16a, 19a As a rule eat beef – ox perfect cooked with rice! (1,6,1,6,5,1)
16a See 14 Across
19a See 14 Across
20a Worry or laugh about publicity account (8)
HEADACHE – HE HE (laugh) goes about AD (publicity) AC (account)
22a Revolutionary movement in West he introduced to alliance (9)
CARTWHEEL – W (west) and HE ‘introduced) into CARTEL (alliance)
24a Directors wearied by tedious things we hear (5)
BOARD – A homophone (we hear) of BORED (wearied by tedious things)
26a Times given stick? I should say so! (2,3)
BY GUM – BY (times) GUM (stick)
27a Pushing for poet Andrew? (9)
PROMOTION – PRO (form) MOTION (Andrew, the Poet Laureate from 1999 to 2009
28a Threatened goal with cross (10)
ENDANGERED – END (goal) with ANGERED (cross)
29a Regularly sat by set, getting eye problem (4)
STYE – The regular letters of SaT bY sEt
1c Reckon pub out of Irish beer? (5)
GUESS – GUinnESS (Irish beer) without the INN
2d Well-known dog nursing rook in hospital department (9)
PROMINENT – POM (Pomeranian dog) ‘nursing’ R (chess abbreviation for Rook) followed by IN (from the clue) and ENT (hospital department)
4d Ideas revised about horned beast in Christian emblem? (5,3)
AGNUS DEI – An anagram (revised) of IDEAS put about GNU (horned beast)
5d Where City types hide cream cake … (6)
ÉCLAIR – City types might hide in an EC LAIR
6d … getting an excess of it? (9)
OVERSEXED – IT being an informal term for sexual intercourse
7d Peculiar charm found in Gesta Romanorum (5)
AROMA – Hidden in gestA ROMAnorum
8d Long poem complete? One’s omitted most intense part! (9)
EPICENTRE – EPIC (long poem) ENTiRE (complete without the I – one’s omitted)
9d This writer‘s rich source (4)
MINE – Belonging to this writer or a rich source
14d Crabby Blair is CE? That’s changed! (9)
IRASCIBLE – An anagram (that’s changed) of BLAIR IS CE
15d She who may exhibit power in wielding blade? (9)
OARSWOMAN – A cryptic definition designed to make you think about the wrong sort of blade!
17d Use it anyhow keeping fish for religious service (9)
EUCHARIST – An anagram (anyhow) of USE IT into which is inserted (keeping) CHAR (fish)
18d Chap will sink putt in ghastly situation? (8)
HELLHOLE – HE’LL (he will) HOLE (sink putt)
21d Penny met up with the French in shrine (6)
TEMPLE – An anagram (up) of P (penny) MEET followed by LE (French definite article)
23d Stiff and cold – that puts off female (5)
RIGID – fRIGID (cold) without (that puts off) F (female)
24d Sudden disappointment has bishop miserable (4)
BLOW – B (chess abbreviation for Bishop) LOW (miserable)
25d Time to welcome new poet (5)
DANTE – DATE (time) to ‘welcome’ N (new)
Thanks for the solutions. I managed about half of it but overall found it rather tricky.
Out of interest why the “…”s between 5d and 6d? Is there meant to be some connection or is it just to make the clues “flow”?