Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30629
A full review by crypticsue
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This puzzle was published on 1st June 2024
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
The NY Doorknob set what I thought was a tricky Saturday Prize Puzzle where we had to start by playing ‘hunt the clue’. I didn’t write anything in the grid until 12a and took a lot longer to solve the whole thing than I normally do on a Saturday
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought
1a See 10 Across
7a Bolshevik leader‘s run media company (7)
TROTSKY – TROT (run) SKY (media company)
8a Made complaint being finally woken (7)
GROUSED – The final letter of beinG and ROUSED (woken)
10a/1a Enjoyably nostalgic experience: eruption of Vesuvius? (5,4,3,4)
BLAST FROM THE PAST – although Vesuvius has erupted since AD79, this is the ‘blast from the past’ that people remember
11a Debtor has ground in wetlands area (3,6)
THE BROADS – An anagram (ground) of DEBTOR HAS
12a Girl dancing with men shows mischievous spirit (7)
GREMLIN – An anagram (dancing) of GIRL with MEN
14a Spend penny – allowed to go in river? (7)
DEPLETE – P (penny) LET (allowed) inserted in the river DEE
15a Worried singer Jones grabbing weapon (7)
ALARMED – ALED Jones the singer ‘grabbing’ ARM (weapon)
18a Plain in Peru oddly blowy do they say? (7)
PRAIRIE – The odd letters of PeRu and a homophone (do they say) of AIRY (blowy)
20aa One’s seen in Modi’s land, an Asian nation (9)
INDONESIA – ONES (from the clue) inserted in INDIA (the land where Modi is Prime Minister)
21a/24a Instrument transformed satellite upgrade (5,5,6)
PEDAL STEEL GUITAR – An anagram (transformed) of SATELLITE UPGRADE
22a R.E.M. in to see musical technique (7)
TREMOLO – REM (from the clue) inserted between TO (from the clue) and LO (see)
23a Brute leaving Black Death area of London (4,3)
EAST END – Leave off the B for Black in bEAST (brute) and follow with END (death)
24a See 21 Across
1d Film enemy keeping old gun elevated (7)
FOOTAGE – FOE (enemy) ‘keeping) O (old) and a reversal (elevated) of GAT (an American abbreviation for a Gatling Gun)
2d No turning back: determined to make start (5)
ONSET – A reversal (turning back) of ON (from the clue) followed by SET (determined)
3d Push your luck – in the fitting-room? (3,2,2)
TRY IT ON – An informal attempt to do something risky or audacious to see how far one can go unscathed. Whether you would do this while trying on a garment in the fitting room is up to you
4d E for expert? (7)
EGGHEAD – E is the first letter (head) of Egg
5d Fresh approach taken about year books (9)
APOCRYPHA – An anagram (fresh) of APPROACH ‘taken about’ Y (year)
6d Trial, then tucked in with a will (7)
TESTATE – TEST (trial) ATE (tucked in)
7d Force that pulls in giant boost rocked downhill racer (11)
TOBOGGANIST – G (the force that pulls something towards the earth) inserted into an anagram (rocked) of GIANT BOOST
9d Tousled beauty had fun avoiding Romeo (11)
DISHEVELLED – DISH (beauty) rEVELLED (had fun) ‘avoiding’ the letter represented by Romeo in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet
13d Something from poissonnier, no Moselle ordered (5,4)
LEMON SOLE – Something from a French (or other) fish shop (poissonnier) is an anagram (ordered) of NO MOSELLE
16d Democrat in a garment gives speech (7)
ADDRESS – The abbreviation for Democrat inserted in A DRESS (garment)
17d Fibbed about keeping small Post Office sack (7)
DESPOIL – A reversal (about) of LIED (fibbed) ‘keeping’ S (small) and PO (Post Office)
18d Flat ground helping American university (7)
PLATEAU – PLATE (a helping of food) A (American) U (university)
19d Animal beginning to eat: more ginger brought round (3,4)
RED DEER – REDDER (more ginger) ‘brought round’ the beginning to Eat
21d Suggest one opens the letters (5)
POSIT – I (The Roman numeral for one) ‘opens’ POST (letters)
Is it me or are the DT prize crosswords becoming more challenging?
Welcome to the blog, Brendan.
Either that or I’m becoming progressively more dense.
Small point. The answer to 12a s/b GREMLIN
3*/4* …
liked 7A “Bolshevik leader‘s run media company (7)”
Another small point. The answer to 6d should be TESTATE.
I really struggled – had to resort to this page for about half a dozen answers! How do you know which compiler (NY Doorknob?) is responsible?
Welcome to the blog, Lyn Haigh.
NY Doorknob (aka Donnybrook) claimed ownership on the Saturday Hints blog for this puzzle.