Special Puzzle – 011
Christmas Double Toughie: “Y in 27 52: XY” by Elgar
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Today we are very pleased to present a Christmas bonus treat in the form of Elgar’s traditional end-of-year Double Toughie. Click on the grid above to access the puzzle.
Thanks for the posting – I’ve been looking forward to this.
Rather like Captain Oates, I may be some time…
Two intense sessions later, with a couple of days of restorative festive family fun in between, and now at serious risk of caffeine overdose, I have a full grid :smile:
Mind you, I have not yet untangled the parsings from four clues and there are another four with loose ends still to be resolved; so this puzzle is still a work in progress. Whilst on this bumpy ride I have had some fun, enjoyed a few nice PDMs, and also expanded my GK by 11 new pieces of information which – you never know – may come in handy one day! Now, if only I could figure out the significance of the last sentence in the preamble… :scratch: