Toughie No 3190 by Stick Insect
Hints and Tips by crypticsue
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BD Rating – Toughie Difficulty * – Enjoyment ***
Stick Insect set a crossword , where, providing you knew the ‘long’ words that were all fairly clued, it was about right for a Wednesday Toughie
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought
1a Directs one to end thus missing start in short stay (10)
TRANSIENCE Move the I (one) in a synonym for directs to the end of the word and then add an adverb meaning thus without its first letter (missing start)
6a Pressure before argument in part of boat (4)
PROW The symbol for Pressure goes before an argument
9a A time fool sent back food in trat? (5)
PASTA A reversal (sent back) of A (from the clue) the abbreviation for Time and a fool
10a Enjoying success, I consumed seconds for starters (9)
INITIATES Enjoying success (2,2), I (from the clue) and part of a verb meaning consumed, followed by the abbreviation for Seconds
12a Way to conduct dinosaur demo, horribly consuming pterodactyl’s head (5,8)
MODUS OPERANDI An anagram (horribly) of DINOSAUR DEMO ‘consuming’ the head of Pterodactyl
14a Soldiers advanced tracks around delta in plain (8)
ORDINARY Other Ranks of soldiers and the abbreviation for advanced go around the letter represented by Delta in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet and IN (from the clue). The abbreviation for railway (tracks) is added at the end
15a Small fender bender arose (6)
SPRANG The abbreviation for Small and the English word for a vehicle crash, which the Americans would call a fender bender
17a 27 found in Italian chorus (6)
ANCHOR Another word for the solution to 27a is hidden in the last two words of this clue
19a Berliner’s agreed return of single friend is means to spice things up? (8)
JALAPENO The German (as used in Berlin) word of agreement and a reversal (return) of a single friend
22a Angler quit Don, ludicrous and bombastic (13)
GRANDILOQUENT An anagram (ludicrous) of ANGLER QUIT DON
24a Unrestrained, Wooster almost enters row (9)
LIBERTINE Almost all of the forename of Wooster, the PG Wodehouse character ‘enters’ a row
25a County resists American cash (5)
BUCKS Triple definitions
26a Rank smell obviously repels them at first (4)
SORT The first letters of Smell Obviously Repels Them
27a Bruce, for one, running wee errands (10)
NEWSREADER An anagram (running) of WEE ERRANDS
1d Mark, kind in print (4)
TYPE Another triple definition clue
2d In a garden building, husband becomes problem, it’s claimed (7)
ASSUMED Change the abbreviation for Husband in A garden building for a mathematical problem
3d Substitute good gold, for German the regular instruction (8,5)
STANDING ORDER A substitute, the abbreviation for Good, the heraldic word for gold and the German definite article
4d Agent soon left out embracing young lady (8)
EMISSARY Take out the abbreviation for Left from an adverb meaning soon and replace it (embracing) a young lady
5d Christopher Pine, initially in audition is firm (6)
CRISPY Homophones of the diminutive form of Christopher and the initial letter of Pine
7d Plump upon answer for building without corners (7)
ROTUNDA A synonym for plump goes upon (in a Down solution) the abbreviation for Answer
8d A general style underpins laundry (10)
WASHINTON Fashion or style goes after (underpins) some laundry
11d Nuts are replicable? Unique! (13)
13d City fails to secure backer (3,7)
LOS ANGELES Part of a verb meaning fails ‘secures’ a financial backer
16d Spreads denunciation, son demoted in investigation (8)
BANQUETS Condemn (denunciation) and an investigation where the abbreviation for Son is demoted to the end of the word
18d Slope around hospital room (7)
CHAMBER A slight convexity on a surface goes ‘around’ the abbreviation for Hospital
20d Tempted, aim to retain the Yorkshire reserve (7)
ENTICED An aim keeps (to retain) the way someone from Yorkshire would say ‘the’ and some reserve or formality
21d Soft fabric to catch one fish (6)
PLAICE The musical abbreviation for soft and a type of fabric to ‘catch’ the Roman numeral for one
23d Addict in deception, right to the end (4)
USER The abbreviation for Right is moved to the end of a synonym for deception
Very gentle. I liked 19a, 2d and 18d.
Thanks to CS and Stick Insect.
Just about to start this on a really horrid, cold, rainy, miserable day. Will come back to read the hints later. Am really enjoying repeats of Downtown Abbey early evening on ITV3. Thanks to Stick Insect and CS
Just finished! Yeah. Now to Downton – roast sirloin in the oven as I couldn’t face it on Christmas day.
The weather has confined us all to indoors so it’s been a day of guzzles, a wonderful hot stone massage & the final episode of the terrific series 3 of Slow Horses. Enjoyed this one – not too tough but very enjoyable & although no particular fav nicely clued throughout & a perfect Toughie for a slightly fuzzy brain.
Thanks to Stick Insect & to Sue
I managed over half of the toughie today which is good for me, the hints were very helpful. Thankyou Stick Insect for the challenge.
I’ve been watching Slow Horses too, it always reminds me of Robert as we both shared a love of Mick Herrons books. Good memories.
A pleasant puzzle – thanks to Stick Insect and Crypticsue.
I liked 2d and 13d.
Glad of the input from CS to completely nail the parsing of 1a but no other problems to report. Rosettes awarded to 2,13&20d.
Thanks to Stick Insect for the puzzle and to CS for the illustrated review – delightful 7d.
Unlike the gale blowing outside this was a breeze by comparison. Nicely clued throughout, I thought, with 20d my pick of several good ‘uns. Like Jane, the parsing of 1a eluded me until I read the accompanying hint.
Thanks to SI and Sue.
After 2 weeks away, this was just the right puzzle to get me going again
Super toughie just right for the slot, I have to like t’Yorkshire clue but the bacon and several others merited liking too
Thanks to CS and Stick Insect
Liked the substitution clue in 2d too.
Not too tricky but very enjoyable.
Thanks to Stick insect and to CS for the review.
Good evening
One of my infrequent attempts at a Toughie. All done! Pen down after a fairly good stretching of the braincells courtesy of Stick Insect, whom I thank along with Sue for the explanations.
1*/3* ….
liked 13D “City fails to secure backer (3,7)”