Quarterly Prize Puzzle No 124– Review
July 2023
Just Saying – A Puzzle by Radler
Many congratulations to David Broatch, who can bask in the honour and glory of being this quarter’s winner.
Radler made us work hard before we could submit a competition entry but eventually it was possible to see that the shaded letters reveal A CHUM IN NEED EQUALS A MATE so the saying required is A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND IN DEED
1a Radler’s one funny pun does well retrospectively (9)
PSEUDONYM – An anagram (funny) of PUN DOES followed by a reversal (retrospectively) of MY (an interjection of surprise (well))
6a Just when party’s beginning on social media, I see jelly (5)
ASPIC – AS (just when), the letter at the beginning of Party and IC (an abbreviated way (as used on social media) of writing I see)
9a Point of eccentric path Dad retraced with his daughter (5)
APSIS – A reversal (retraced) of PA (another name for dad) with SIS (Dad’s daughter would be your sister)
10a Had pet rat fed nut (9)
CANOODLED – CAD (rat or terrible person) ‘fed’ NOODLE (an informal term for an idiot (nut))
11a Riddles after cross-dresser image surfaces at home (2,7)
TV SCREENS – SCREENS (riddles) follows TV, an abbreviation for a cross-dresser
12a Use a disguise on the telephone (5)
AVAIL – A (from the clue) and a homophone (on the telephone) of VEIL (disguise)
13a Running through last letter with regions (5)
ZONED – ON (working or running) inserted into ZED (the last letter of the alphabet)
14a Stick around Sally, Charlie’s left supplies (9)
EQUIPMENT – cEMENT (stick without the C -Charlie’s left) goes around QUIP (sally)
16a Low-fat pack hides refinement (9)
POLITESSE – LITE (low-fat) is hidden in POSSE (pack)
18a Celebrity hugging student’s disgusting (5)
GLORY – GORY (disgusting or distasteful) ‘hugging’ L (student)
20a E.g. upright pitcher and beer cask on counter (5)
TUNER – TUN (beer cask) and a reversal (counter) of RE (the usual on the subject of)
22a Under attack, strike melted plastic seals (9)
EMBATTLED – An anagram (plastic) of MELTED ‘seals’ BAT (strike)
25a With congestion affecting delivery, attorney probes Gulf oil (9)
ADENOIDAL – DA (abbreviated district attorney) ‘probes’ ADEN (place in the Arabian Gulf) and OIL (from the clue)
26a Fake documentation not able to be changed (5)
RIGID – RIG (fake) ID (documentation)
27a This ox did play strangely (5)
ODDLY – This refers to the relevant letters in Ox DiD pLaY
28a Now tomorrow‘s confirmed, eat dry nuts (9)
YESTERDAY – YES (confirmed) and an anagram (nuts) of EAT DRY
1d Whence aim and ultimately pocket? (5)
PLANT – A reference to the game of snooker – PLAN (aim) and the ultimate letter of pockeT
2d Gradually introduces drugs in speech at function (5,2)
EASES IN – A homophone (in speech) of Es (drugs) followed by SIN (a trigonometrical function)
3d Shame about booze, music, endless sex (9)
DISCREDIT – RED [wine] (booze) inserted between DISCo (‘endless’ music) and IT (an informal word for sex)
4d Fulfilling position shared by platonic heterosexuals (5)
NICHE – Hidden in (shared by) platoNIC HEterosexuals
5d Fine take on appalling clue (9)
MINUSCULE – MINUS (take) goes on (in a Down solution) an anagram (appalling) of CLUE
6d Fragranza alla capitale? (5)
AROMA – How an Italian might refer to the smell of their capital city
7d Chopper using field south of river, needs gas (7)
POLEAXE – PO (Italian river), LEA (field) XE (chemical symbol for the gas Xenon)
8d Comforter duty combined sadly with cold end to holiday (6,3)
CUDDLY TOY – An anagram (sadly) of DUTY combined with COLD followed by the ‘end’ to holidaY
13d Heel tapping hare devoured stew (9)
ZAPATEADO – A lively Spanish dance involving much stamping of the heels – ZAP (hare or move quickly)), ATE (devoured) ADO (stew in the sense of a lot of fuss)
14d Cooking ready, eats feast (6,3)
EASTER DAY – An anagram (cooking) of READY EATS
15d Messenger modelled there (4,5)
PAGE THREE – You probably have to be a certain age to remember when Melinda Messenger modelled for a particular newspaper and where her photograph was to be found – PAGE (messenger) and an anagram (modelled) of THERE
17d North Sea reported drilling top oil source (7)
LINSEED – The abbreviation for North and a homophone (reported) of SEA ‘drilling’ or going inside LID (top)
19d Bound book describing adult patrolling lake (7)
OBLIGED – OED (Oxford English Dictionary, book) goes round (describing) BIG (adult), the latter ‘patrolling’ or going round the abbreviation for Lake
21d Generously cut shrubby bush at front away (5)
ROOMY – Remove the first letter of Bush from the front of bROOMY (shrubby like a broom bush)
23d Hurriedly eats pair of nuts (5)
BOLTS – Hurriedly eats or what goes with nuts to make a pair
24d Unknown adult involved with daughters, one with child (5)
DADDY – An anagram (involved) of Y (a mathematical unknown), the abbreviation for Adult and three lots of the abbreviation for Daughter
Congratulations to David, thanks again to Radler for a fine QPP and thanks also to CS for her review – especially the 8d bunnies!
Thanks once more to Radler for a superb puzzle. Thanks also to CS for the explanations and congratulations to serial winner David Broatch for adding another prize to his virtual trophy cabinet.
I particularly enjoyed some of the very neat definitions in the puzzle (e.g. ‘had pet’, ‘e.g. upright pitcher’ and ‘now tomorrow’).
I took the 10a nut to be a head rather than an idiot but I suppose that either works.
Congratulations to David – as Gazza said, your virtual trophy cupboard must be fairly full by now!
I was just very relieved that I eventually beat the Radler fiend, albeit at the eleventh hour.
Many thanks to him and yet again to CS – our blogging queen.
Congratulations David and thanks again Radler for what I found to be a very challenging but ultimately very satisfying exercise.
Thanks also to CS for the review.
Congrats David & many thanks Radler for a top puzzle, and to CS for review. Some great definitions, as Gazza has noted – I think “pair of nuts” deserves a mention too, but really too many good clues to go picking favourites – thanks again!
Thank you to Radler for another ‘brain stretcher’ and to Cryptic Sue for her review – badly needed for at least 4 clues! My virtual trophy cabinet is nowhere near full but who knows – perhaps the randomiser will smile upon me again! Thank you to all of you who congratulated me and thank you too to all of you who carry on the operation of this truly wonderful site since we lost Mr & Mrs BD. The internet would be so much poorer without you.
Best wishes to all.
David Broatch