DT 30335 (Full Review) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 30335 (Full Review)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 30335

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 24th June 2023

BD Rating – Difficulty *Enjoyment ***

Another Saturday Prize Puzzle from Cephas, although without some of the characteristics we usually find in his grids

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought


6a    Supporter assisting in what Oliver wanted? (6,7)
SECOND HELPING – SECOND (supporter) HELPING (assisting)

8a    Having stripped off, made green commercial (6)
ADVERT – The inside (having stripped off) letters of mADe followed by VERT (green in heraldry)

9a    Don’t eat, upset about striker’s second tackle (6,2)
ATTEND TO – An anagram (upset) of DON’T EAT goes ‘about’ the second letter of sTriker

10a    Bird roosting during the night (3)
HEN – Hidden in the last two words of the clue

11a    Twice set out to find fly (6)
TSETSE Two lots (twice) of an anagram (out) of SET

12a    One’s shelled quietly coming into land (8)
TERRAPIN – P (musical instruction to play quietly) inserted into TERRAIN (land)

14a    Georgia accepts inexperienced driver, one in another state coldly hostile (7)
GLACIAL – L (inexperienced driver) inserted into the abbreviation for the State of Georgia, I (one) inserted into CAL (California, another state)

16a    Busy working, he got injured (2,3,2)
ON THE GO – ON (working) and an anagram (injured) of HE GOT

20a    Steers out of control? (8)
STAMPEDE – A cryptic definition of some out of control cattle (steers)

23a    Uncompromising detective leaving area (6)
STRICT – DI (detective) leaving district (area)

24a    Container tax (3)
VAT – A container or the abbreviation for Value Added Tax

25a    Blow whistle in passage (8)
WINDPIPE – WIND (blow) PIPE (whistle)

26a    Home to England’s capitalists? (6)
LONDON – The home to people living in the capital of England

27a    Especially talented linguist’s present? (4,2,7)
GIFT OF TONGUES – A present for especially talented linguists


1d    Catholic‘s chosen to keep head of church in charge (8)
ECLECTIC – ELECT (chosen) to ‘keep’ the head of Church, the result followed by IC (in charge)

2d    In Indiana, the maniacal curse (8)
ANATHEMA – Hidden in indiANA THE MAniacal

3d    Chapter one not in favour of wine (7)
CHIANTI – CH (chapter) I (one) ANTI (not in favour)

4d    Some regret slurs over province (6)
ULSTER – Hidden in reverse (over) in regRET SLUrs

5d    Lady getting up after six in city (6)
VIENNA – A reversal (getting up in a Down solution) of ANNE (lady) goes after VI (the Roman numeral for six)

6d    Dividing the team’s hilarious (4-9)
SIDE SPLITTING – SPLITTING (dividing) the SIDE (team)

7d    Communicating one’s ideas but achieving a wrong mark (7,6)
GETTING ACROSS – GETTING (achieving) A CROSS (wrong mark)

13d    Proust oddly missing dreary routine (3)
RUT – The even (oddly missing) letters of pRoUsT

15d    Troublemaker, one Boris Johnson? (3)
IMP – Yet another I meaning one, followed by MP (the role Boris Johnson used to hold)

17d    Young flier in a comfortable position (8)
NESTLING – A young bird (flier) or a way of saying in a comfortable position

18d    Angry speech managed to stop former Conservative leader (8)
HARANGUE – RAN (managed) to ‘stop’ HAGUE (former Conservative leader)

19d    Score below ninety (7)
SEVENTY – A number which is twenty (a score) below ninety

21d    Spymaster I tip for position in the field (3-3)
MID-OFF – M (spymaster) I (from the clue) DOFF (tip, one’s hat perhaps)

22d    Inventor moved onside (6)
EDISON – An anagram (moved) of ONSIDE