ST 3200 (Full Review) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 3200 (Full Review)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3200

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 19th February 2023

BD Rating – Difficulty */**Enjoyment ***

Another Sunday, another Sunday Prize Puzzle from Dada

 I don’t suppose anyone who wasn’t typing a review of this crossword would have noticed but this one has eleven clues requiring something to be inserted into something else (eight of the fourteen Across clues, and seven of those one after another). Could this be because I understand from someone who knows a thing or two about cryptic crossword setting, that insertion clues are the easiest to write?

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought


1a    Food for cooking dinner gets prepared after one (11)
INGREDIENTS – An anagram (gets prepared) of DINNER GETS goes after I (one)

9a    In reverse, place a rock in wheels (7)
ROTATES – As the clue says, in reverse SET (place) A TOR (rock)

10a    One visiting a French apartment, due (6)
UNPAID – Another ‘one’ this time ‘visiting UN (French indefinite article) and PAD (apartment)

12a    Bird in queue behind rail (7)
SPARROW – ROW (queue) goes behind SPAR (rail)

13a    Tailless insect absorbs second bodily substance (7)
HORMONE – A HORNEt (without its tail) ‘absorbs’ MO (second)

14a    Gong banged finally, dinner say brought round? (5)
MEDAL – The final letter of banged inserted into (brought round) MEAL (dinner, say)

15a    Islander, like chap I dressed in brown (9)
TASMANIAN – AS (like) MAN (chap) I (from the clue) inserted into (dressed in) TAN (brown)

17a    Incompetent Dan put in, opener finally trapped in cricket game (3-3-3)
TIP-AND-RUN – An anagram (incompetent) of DAN PUT IN into which is inserted (trapped) the final letter of opener

20a    Gift first of lemons in yellow (5)
FLAIR – L (the first letter of Lemons) inserted in FAIR (yellow)

22a    Employ too many staff, thousand in Verona, surprisingly (7)
OVERMAN – M (the Roman numeral for 1,000) inserted into an anagram (surprisingly) of VERONA

24a    Eject bags with shallow box (7)
SANDPIT – SPIT (eject) ‘bags’ AND (with)

25a    Fill puzzle (6)
RIDDLE – Double definition

26a    Made off with bag — loot! (7)
RANSACK – RAN (made off) with BAG (sack)

27a    Very little grain? (11)
CHICKENFEED – Something of very little or grain to feed chickens


2d    Green note (7)
NATURAL – In a natural form (green) or a musical note which is neither sharp nor flat

3d    Fragrant liquid so rare and wet, splashed around (9)
ROSEWATER – An anagram (splashed around) of SO RARE and WET

4d    Cash: bread, though not ready? (5)
DOUGH – A slang term for money or a mass of flour moistened and kneaded but not baked

5d    Shops all opening, eight million people outside running in, apparently (7)
EMPORIA – The opening letters of Eight Million People Outside Running In Apparently

6d    Pilot I suspect circling right capital city (7)
TRIPOLI – An anagram (suspect) of PILOT I ‘circling’ R (right)

7d    Unproven belief in fresh start under leader in parliament (11)
PRESUMPTION – RESUMPTION (fresh start) goes under the ‘leader’ in Parliament

8d    Leave property on Monopoly board (6)
STRAND – Leave or abandon or the name of a property on a Monopoly Board

11d    Communist playing knotty roles (4,7)
LEON TROTSKY – An anagram (playing) of KNOTTY ROLES

16d    ‘Ass’ infers stupid type (4,5)
SANS SERIF – An anagram (stupid) of ASS INFERS

18d    Uriah upset about Victor is grumpy (7)
PEEVISH – A reversal (upset) of HEEP goes ‘about’ V (the letter represented by Victor in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet) and IS (from the clue)

19d    Wandering casually initially, I had a day going uphill (7)
NOMADIC – A reversal (going uphill) of C (casually initially) ID (I had) A (from the clue) MON (day)

20d    Back African party, well on the fringes (7)
FINANCE – FINE (well) into which is inserted (on the fringes) ANC (African political party)

21d    Ask a page to put on ring (6)
APPEAL – A (from the clue) P (page) PEAL (ring)

23d    Relative in fleece instantly turned up (5)
NIECE – Hidden in reverse (turned up) in fleECE INstantly

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