Sunday Toughie No 46 by Robyn
Hints and Tips by Sloop John Bee
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We really need a 1a here as our boiler has just broken down, I need a 22a to keep me going. I have hinted about half of an evenly balanced 14a/14d clues and a few bonus pics as well. If there are any problems with the remainder please ask and I will try and guide you to the right solution between bouts of shivering. I hope the shivering is due to being overcaffeinated, I have swapped from a Kenyan Wanjegi to a Brazilian Single origin but wonder if the capital city we need for 24d produces coffee.
Here we go…
Continue reading “Sunday Toughie 46 (Hints)”
Enigmatic Variations 1569 (Hints)
Coexistence by Skylark
Hints and tips by Phibs
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I’d like to tell you where the pseudonym Skylark comes from, but I can’t. Is she perhaps a diminutive songster, or someone who enjoys the occasional drop of a blithe spirit? Or could the fact that Chambers gives the verb ‘skylark’ as meaning ‘to trick’ be relevant? I’m hoping that our setter might come to my assistance…
…which she has very kindly done – see the first comment below. A much better reason for choosing the name than any of my suggestions!
Continue reading “EV 1569 Hints”
Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3190 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Senf
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A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg, where, at the beginning of the week, we ‘experienced’ our first (weakened) Polar Vortex of the season and, on Wednesday, we had a minimum temperature of minus 31 degrees and the maximum for the day, reached at 11:00pm, was minus 19 degrees. … Continue reading