Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29760 (Hints)
The Saturday Crossword Club
Hosted by Tilsit
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
Greetings from Warrington, where the dawn is just sneaking over the trees and deciding it fancies another hour in bed!
Firstly, thanks to Crypticsue and Senf for stepping in at really short notice. As some of you know, I started a new job recently and as we have a very small team, sometimes it’s necessary to cover for colleagues at the very last minute. As it happens, I am on my own weekend shift rota today and tomorrow so am in my own home office taking bookings for assistance on trains. Luckily, I have been able to get things done before the shift starts.
So, to today’s puzzle, I found this rather enjoyable and generally quite accessible, although there are a couple of challenging clues to deal with. As to the setter today, I can rule out a couple but I guess it’s the Boss who’s come out to play.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions. Thank you to our setter for an enjoyable solve this morning!
Some hints follow:
1a Established procedure at home (7)
The name for an established procedure plus AT.
5a One in form maybe always allowed outside (7)
Here you need to find a meaning of form linked with nature. Something meaning always has a word meaning allowed around it.
11a Drink cures heart that’s broken (10)
An anagram (broken) of CURES HEART gives a liqueur.
14a Nonconformist priest nearby indisposed (12)
A nice appropriate anagram of PRIEST NEARLY. If the answer were plural, you’d have an anagram of Britney Spears!
25a Come between Italian footballers and model? (9)
The short name for an Italian soccer club and players, plus a word meaning to model.
26a Take the plunge with cricketer here on vacation (5)
A short name for a certain type of cricketer, plus the outer letters of HERE (on vacation).
27a Confusion of slave hiding cocktail of rum (7)
A word meaning to slave away has an anagram (cocktail) of RUM inside.
28a Fan display that is not so hot (3-4)
I’m taking this as two definitions, rather than a single all in. One of the definitions is cryptic, but read all together it could also mean the same thig Something than means a fan and what it does.
1d Appropriate whilst in transit (6)
A cryptic way of describing something – you need an alternative meaning (and pronunciation in some parts!) of appropriate.
3d Have one go then another almost, let out and capsize (4,6)
A nautical expression is what you are looking for. A word meaning to have a go plus the same word, minus its last letter, add an anagram of LET and you have the answer.
5d Way of living provided in the French fashion (9)
An article in French has a two-letter word meaning provided inside; add a word meaning fashion and you get a way of living.
6d Farewell from man-servant short of time (4)
You are looking for the Latin word for farewell (Think ‘Ave atque ….’ From your school days!). The name for a servant minus the letter T
7d Easy-to-make money Michael’s reported (5-3)
Something that is easy-to-make is a slang word for money (though better known in the plural) and a homophone of a possessive name for someone called Michael.
8d Standing a round perhaps giving medical care (8)
Two definitions.
13d Piece of furniture and where to find it (10)
A slightly unusual clue as the definition is also the second part of the clue.
20d Reveal occasionally sunny view I initially loved (6)
The alternate letters of SUNNY VIEW plus I and the first letter of LOVED.
24d Ship‘s freight about to be removed (4)
A type of ship is formed by taking the name for freight on board, minus the abbreviation for about.
Did you sail through? Or were you becalmed? Thank you to our setter for an enjoyable solve this morning. Hope you found it as entertaining and enjoyable as I did. A good way to start the weekend.
The Crossword Club is now open.
Music today is from a singer who passed away last weekend and this is one of my favourites. RIP Nanci Griffith
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The Quick Crossword pun: cooker+burrows=kookaburras
Well, I finished unaided but not sure of couple of my answers. At least today’s puzzle continued the theme of great crosswords this week. The only slight gripe I had was 16d, which was almost given away by the clue. I think it’s a pangram minus the “X” but I can never remember if that is proXimal or Prolixic.
COTD is 1d.
Many thanks to the setter for the challenge and thanks to Tilsit for the hints.
There’s definitely an X in my solved grid.
Ah! In which case, I got one wrong.
In mine too but it hadn’t led me parsing-wise. Thanks to you CS I had another look.
I found the X too so just a Pangram, Steve. The was mostly straightforward with a few witty and wily clues to exercise the grey matter (1.5*/4*). My COTD was the well disguised 5a, with a nod to 7d and 15d. Many thanks to Tilsit For the hints and to the compiler for a really enjoyable puzzle.
I’ve just spent a long time looking up “form” in all my dictionaries, if you want to know anything about form, ask me.
does it have anything to do with baby hares Merusa?
When I put the “X” at the end of the clue I got wrong it made total sense. I am still kicking myself!
2*/3.5* for me today for a fun pangram with nice brief cluing.
I don’t think 13d works, and I am not sure why “purchased” is a lurker indicator in 19d.
15d was my favourite.
Many thanks to the setter and to Tilsit.
Agree re both clues.
Me too, esp 13d which I thought was poor…
Gentle this morning. Favourite 15d. That made me smile. Thanks to all.
For me the best Saturday puzzle in a long time. Not too tricky but clever and elegant clueing. My favs were 15a and the best one 5a. Took me ages to work it out as it was a piece of GK I did not know. Very enjoyable.
Thx to the setter and for the hints although for once I did not need to consult them.
1 left to go, 17d, just can’t see it at the moment. Taking husband out to lunch for his birthday so will tackle on return and hope it jumps out at me. Otherwise great puzzle so thanks to all.
Not 17d, 15d!!!
Last quick look before leaving the house and a big DOH! from me. Great clue.
My last in too Manders. Clocking a missing letter for the pangram came in handy.
You’ll love when you do!
Very straightforward. 13d is a bit strange unless I’m missing something. Suspected a pangram but then forgot about it as all the answers flowed. Thanks to today’s setter and Tilsit.
Found this straightforward for an SPP , except for the SE corner where 13d and 28a really held me up. Like RD Ii didn’t think 13d worked, Otherwise really enjoyable **** fun.
Go for 7d as COTD.
Thanks tosetter and Tilsit for the
15d was solved fairly quickly and was the standout clue for me: concise, lateral and funny. Overall this was a terrific puzzle to cheer up what has become a very soggy Shropshire Saturday, and a pangram to boot.
Thanks to our setter and Tilsit.
A steady solve, with just a query over 13d. Completed in *** time. I love the anagram at 14a!
Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
Me too re 13d.
A curate’s egg for me, although some of that was self inflicted as, for example, I mentally converted the enumeration of 13d to (5,5) which didn’t help at all.
Candidates for favourite – 21a, 6d, and 15d – and the winner is 15d.
Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
Thoroughly enjoyed this one with the possible exception of 28a & 13d which didn’t quite hit the spot.
Packed podium hosting 1&5a plus 2,5&15d.
Many thanks to our setter and to Tilsit for the Saturday club. Sad to learn of the death of Nanci Griffith – nobody could hold a candle to her when it came to singing From a Distance.
I saw her at the Royal Albert Hall in the 90s. Spell-bindingly beautiful singing.
I agree completely Jane. I thought 13d did not work as a logical clue at all. And the answer to 28a is not a phrase in common use at all. I suspect the setter was stuck finding a solution to fit in the grid and had to adopt an unusual turn of phrase. Best wishes, Bill Wright
Also not happy with either of these clues. I admit that with 13d I was looking for a piece if furniture that shares its name with a town. As for 28a I have never heard of this hyphenated word. It must however be what I think it is
Really enjoyed sitting in the sun with this one.
Welcome to the blog
What sun?? Grey and gloomy in East Kent
Welcome, Kelvin. Yes, what sun? Dull, wet and altogether gloomy in Shropshire.
The same incthe Vale of White Horse, dismal.
And south Cambridge. Grim -except that the beans need the rain.
And North Norfolk. Loads of tomatoes but they are not ripening – any suggestions/?
Put a banana skin or a ripe banana by them. It gives off a gas that helps them ripen. Then don’t remove all the ripe ones as those remaining help
Thanks Toni,I’ll give it a go.
I have the same problem. I have loads of trusses but they are all green. I will find some bananas at the village shop.
Also take off the lower leaves
Sing to them each morning
Monty Don said on gardeners world last night to cut off the leaves.
Well, the lower ones to allow the air to circulate. I’ve already done that.
Too hot and sunny here in South Florida, but can’t complain. Tropical Storm Henri, now likely to become a hurricane, was on our watch list earlier this week, but turns out it is going to hit Boston, Cape Cod and Long Island instead. Good luck to all up there who probably don’t have much in the way of hurricane protection.
Largely straightforward & pleasant puzzle. 4 clues turned a brisk solve into a fairly pedestrian one but the pangram certainly helped. Nicely clued throughout though I share the reservations about 13d & also thought 28a not the best. I’ll plump for a podium of downs at 5,7&15 as my picks.
Thanks to the setter & Tilsit.
A fair **/*** Saturday puzzle with some old favourites and easy-ish anagrams oiling the way. Nothing too demanding with 1a my COTD. With thanks to Tilsit and the setter
Testing but doable and satisfying.
Loved 15d.
So ** and a bit/****
Many thanks to the setter and to Tilsit.
Lovely puzzle today which I solved alone and unaided . And I noticed it was a pangram.
As with others , loved 15d. A great penny drop moment there.
Thanks to the setter and to Tilsit.
A fun pangram. NW came in last. Joint Favs (in Kath’s absence!) 7d and 15d. Thanks Mysteron and Tilsit (hope new job goes well for you).
Careful, Angellov because Kath is around and thanks goodness she is. Have a go at him, Kath for choosing two favourites! :smile:
Him’s a her SC but nowadays I of course will always be happy to hear from Kath even if it’s a reprimand! 🙂
So sorry, Angellov. I must make a note to self not to assume that a blog name is either male or female!
Mind you, in a world where the Globe Theatre feels it important to explain to the audience that in Romeo and Juliette, the actors do not actually kill themselves and that, in truth, they are quite safe, I fear for the sanity of humanity.
You are a her and I am a him! It was ever thus. 🌹😃
Ace puzzle. Another vote for 5a here – had to unearth a meaning I haven’t seen in ages, but a lovely penny-drop moment.
Rabbit Dave, think grip/grasp for one of your questions.
Or “ take possession of” for that same question?
Even with 5a solved, my penny hasn’t dropped yet re the first part of the clue. I chortled over 15d, and thanks to Tilset for his hinting, much appreciated.
5a. Think about where you might find the answer.
Good fun today – enjoyed the surface for 5a, and in common with others, loved 15d and the Oh I SEE moment when the penny dropped. Not sure I’d use that combination of words exactly for 28a – I even googled it to see if it was a common usage and it doesn’t seem to be – but the answer was clear enough. Thanks to all concerned.
BTW, knowing many of you are ailurophiles, I don’t hesitate to share my anxiety for Clemmie, in cat hospital with an unknown infection for two days now. Hopefully temp will come down and I can pick her up later, when she will treat me with utter contempt for putting her through such trauma…
I hope Clemmie improves and is back with you soon even iif she won’t speak to you for a week.
Sorry to hear about Clemmie, Lorna. I hope she is better and back with you soon.
Worrying times, Lorna. Thinking of you and Clemmie with fingers crossed. 🤞
Don’t worry. She’ll come round in her own time and forgive you !
If she treats you with contempt, Lorna, you’ll definitely know that she’s feeling better!
Terence will get Lola to have a word with her, she’ll explain the bit about feeling worse to feel better!
Thanks Merusa and everyone for the lovely comments. Clem is home, looking like a dowager duchess who feels she’s surrounded by incompetent inferiors but has decided to say nothing….
Remember to let us know how she does. Love to Clemmie from Amalia!
Cats are very good at the blame game, and masters at disdain. Hope Clemmie is soon well and back home.
An excellent, and, for me, an emotional choice of music Tilsit
Many moons ago I was a sound engineer and had the pleasure of recording this album and can attest that Nanci was a lovely, kind generous lady and of course, a wonderful singer songwriter and she’ll be sadly missed.
How lucky were you, Sim. I’m so pleased to learn that she was indeed the delightful person she always came across as being.
Excellent puzzle but I do share other’s misgivings about 28ac and 13dn. Loved 1dn and 15dn.
Thanks to setter and Tilsit.
Good to see you, SW, I’ve been hoping that you were just inundated with visitors!
I echo Jane’s comment, Stone Waller. Good to see you back and do you export your oil? 😊
I really don’t like 19d. A very poor clue. If you have a homophone then the clue has to indicate it!
Didn’t think it involved a homophone
19d is a lurker and it’s indicated by “purchased by”
Excellent Saturday crossword with 15d a great (and very amusing) clue. **/****
I’m happy enough with 28a, used as a verb, but 13d ain’t so good. Missing something I think. As others have commented, 7d and 15d best of the day. */****. I’m getting the hang of these pangrams now, but didn’t need any help from it today
Thanks to setter and Tilsit
Agree with most of you – a dodgy 13d, A very good 15d, a very user friendly prize pangram. Not sure about 28a but I think it has to be. Many thanks to the setter and to Tilsit for the hinty bits. Have a nice weekend everyone.
I’m missing something (apart from some marbles). Why all the discussion about a pangram (yes, I do know what a pangram is)? I can see that this is a pangram and I do have the X, but so what?
My favourite clue was 15d.
Thanks for all the hints – some weeks you help to ensure I get a good night’s sleep!
I’ve asked the same question about the relevance of knowing it’s a pangram helping to solve the puzzle. I think your remark about the hints could be taken the wrong way 😂.
If I had gone with my original thought that it was pangram and not an “X” less pangram, I wouldn’t have got the answer wrong that I did. Knowing it’s a pangram does help especially if you are nearing the end of the puzzle and there is a “J” missing, for example.
I can see that but, how do I know if it is a pangram?
You can’t be 100% sure until you’ve finished, but if you’ve got a Z and a Q, you begin to suspect it might be, and keep an eye open for J and X and other less common letters.
Thank you.
Maybe I should have said “knowing it might be a pangram”. As Physicist said, you cannot be 100% sure until the puzzle is finished. For my part, if “Q”, “J” and “Z” appear, I am then on pangram alert.
BTW, I didn’t take your comment about the hints the wrong way. :grin:
If you notice the more unusual letters appearing, and your nearing completion it might be a pangram; go through the alphabet in your head, jotting down the missing letters, that don’t appear in your solutions so far. They’re likely to fit in the blanks and may help you solve the rest of the clues. I’m no expert on this though!
Don’t take my comment about the hints the wrong way, I only meant that some weeks I can manage on my own but, when I’m stuck, the explanations stop me from fretting!
I really enjoyed this pleasant pangram, completed over two early morning pre work cups of tea.
I’ve been tossing 13d around in my mind trying to justify it, it’s close but just missing something I feel. Didn’t impact on my enjoyment though, top clues for me were 1&5d
Many thanks to the setter and to Tilsit for the entertainment.
Well I think I must be as thick as clotted cream, that’s been left out by some clot, until the clots are so clotted up you couldn’t un-clot them with an electric de-clotter. Never heard of the expression at 7d, for 25a I tried fere and cede but couldn’t see the obvious answer. Can’t see the relevance of display in 28a although I did bung in the answer. For 22a I had written the wrong letters down while trying to solve the anagram which made it impossible to solve, only realised when I clicked on the answer. Not a good days solving for me. I even had to borrow a Blackadder quote to start this message😊. But thanks to all , it helped to pass the time.
Great Blackadder quote – I certainly know how that feels at times!
7D was my last in with a ‘Doh!’ that completed the pangram…trying not to be placed on the naughty step…but think of a type of concrete that makes the job easier. 25A – Madonna used another word for model in one of her hits!
Hope this helps because today’s setter was, I think, somewhat cunning in setting the puzzle – perhaps as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on and is now working for the U.N. at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning. 😜
A pangram Saturday…brilliant!
Some very clever and amusing clues like 15D, a couple of ‘head-scratchers’ like 5A & 28A, and the odd ‘eventual penny-droppers/DOHs’ e.g. 7D plus a great assortment of anagrams and lurkers…all in all a superb puzzle!
Thanks to the setter (BD?) and of course to Tilsit for another great blog ‘n hints and music.
Great puzzle and as it is impossible to have two favourites two honourable mentions go to 5a and 15d. Many thanks to Tilsit for the hints and Nanci Griffith and to the setter for an excellent Saturday puzzle.
A nice gentle puzzle for this Saturday. 1.5*/*****
Lots of mis-direction in this as well as some
chuckle-worthy clues.
Candidates for favourite: 18a, 1d, 2d, 7d & 15d with winner 15d followed closely by 18a. Thought 1d was very clever in the wording of the clue and when read as a simple statement.
Fun puzzle today!
Thanks to setter and Tilsit
A lovely pangram, the awareness of which helped me complete 7d but then got stymied by the cute and clever 15d, but what else could it be? Yummy! I enjoyed 1, 3, & 5d very much. Thanks to Tilsit and today’s compiler. **/***
Hurricane Henri on its way to the Big Apple, bypassing us on the Carolina coast. Good luck to all.
Climate change is still a hoax? Whoever heard of the NY and New England areas being hit by a hurricane?
There are indications that man-made climate change may be making hurricanes stronger, but those areas have been affected many times before.
3/4. What an interesting puzzle. Clever misdirection and witty in parts. My last one in was 15d – a real d’oh moment. Like others 13d seemed ill fitting to what was otherwise a very enjoyable solve. Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
Good steady solve. Last one in and favorite 15d.
13d was a bit of a head scratcher. My immediate thought was a certain place in Derbyshire, but I didn’t have enough spaces. 25d wins the top spot. Thank you setter and Tilsit.
Me too re place in Derbyshire.
This was right up my straße, I loved it all! I was alerted to a pangram early on, a great help. I was able to solve unaided except for dictionaries, but my paper, front and back, is full of scratchings of letters, trying to crack the anagrams. Lots to like, 11a ‘cos I like it, 1d for the smile, I learned something new at 5a, I could go on and on, but I have to go with 15d as fave. I even liked the crickety one at 26a.
Thank you setter for the fun Saturday, very rare for me to solve unaided, and to Tilsit for the hints and tips.
It was hard work, but I finally finished. Of course my last in was the very clever 15d. Having spent my teenage years watching Peter pull various motor bike and car engines apart, I spent far too long trying to make this clue be about a seized engine, duh. And I was misled by the use of the first word in 1d for the longest time. Apart from 18a and 28a I quite enjoyed this one today. Thanks to setter and Tilsit, and congrats on the new job.
Some lovely clues e.g. 15d and 1d; not so keen on 28a as a fan but thank you setter for a good old pangram and thank you Tilsit
Thank you for your kind comments.
Thanks for popping in to claim ownership, Cephas, always good to hear from you and to tackle your puzzles.
Many thanks for popping in, Cephas. It was a great cryptic and, if I had stuck to my conviction that it was a pangram, I would have finished unaided.
Pleased to have finished this without reference to this page. Very unusual for me. I’ll gave favourite status to 3d and 15d.
I have stared at 15d for a while now and just don’t understand it. It’s the last one and every other letter is there. Can someone provide a litlle hint please?
Finally got there with a penny drop moment. Just needed to think of another meaning for jammed.
‘Jammed’ could mean ‘with jam’.
Hi there, if anyone can help me without breaking the rules I would be very grateful. I have 5a, but don’t understand why the answer is one in form and I don’t have the answer to 28a although I have all the checking letters.
Have a look at the definition of form. Often clues in crosswords use unusual definitions.
I must admit I don’t like this clue very much. And to be clear I don’t think it’s referring to an unusual definition of form to work but it does rely on knowing what the answer means and what it refers to and taking one aspect of that definition and applying to “One in form”. As I said I think the clue is rather strained – I often find when I solve the clue first and then struggle to justify it with the clue means the clue is not so “good”.
But the clue is straightforward by cryptic clue standards. You know what the form is and the phrasal definition is merely a cryptic/unusual (and misdirectional) description of what you are likely to find the answer (or its mother/father) “in”.
Yes you’re right of course. Just don’t like it! Mind you it’s nothing compared to the car crash of a clue that is 28 across. I think if somebody described the thing in question the way this answer does you’d look at them very oddly indeed!
Think of 28a as a verb in a mechanical sense. Hope it’s ok to say that
Well yes obviously! But I bet you’ve never heard the thing described in that manner! I certainly haven’t.
It’s not so much a “thing”, more of a verbal process/action. Imagine a fan in a mechanical situation – the fan is there to 3,4 the installation.
Believe me I get it. I’ve done the Telegraph Saturday crossword for about 40 years. And as an engineer who has used this process with and without mechanical help I can assure you using that method has never been described in that way. In fact the answer implies no use of a fan!
It’s largely irrelevant what conventions you’ve encountered in your career. What matters is how a setter COULD cryptically/obscurely/unusually/mischievously describe a process/action in a cryptic clue. If you use an electric fan or even a hand-held flapper-fan (both mechanical/physical systems) then you are using the fan to 3,4 yourself. And in that context (even if you think it may be contrived) the answer most definitely implies the use of a fan.
Hi Jose
I didn’t say the clue doesn’t work. It clearly does.
I just don’t like it! P.ease allow me to express that opinion without trying to educate me.
The answer isn’t describing the the thing. Clue and solution are verbs
Yes I understand how it works. I’m just saying that if I used a fan in that manner I would NEVER use that phraseology to describe making something less hot using a fan. In fact, as I said, in industry we’d use that terminology to make something less hot WITHOUT the use of a fan and use a different turn of phrase when a fan is employed. It’s probably this that’s irking me. It’s really is pretty minor mind and as people have pointed out the clue “works”. Just winds me up is all!
Think of a fan in a car engine. Is it not there to help 3-4 the water in the radiator?
Absolutely. I’m just allowing my own experience to influence my reaction. Welcome to the human condition eh!
Mostly completed on Long car journey from Cornwall but not when I was at the wheel. I was left with a few which I completed when home without help but not convinced by 28a. Thank you Cephas but I did not twig it was yours. Thanks Tilsit for confirming I was right with the aforementioned plus the mysterious 13d. Favourites 5 and 27a and 1 15 and 24d – the last one as although the ship is very familiar the wordplay was succinct.
This was challenging but I finished it alone and unaided. Some very clever clues but 5a COTD. Pride goes before a fall, for I needed e-help and Mr. TH help for the Quickie, and didn’t know the meaning of the word in one of the clues although the answer had to be what it had to be. The pun made me laugh.
Thanks to the setter and for the (unneeded) hints.
Re 28a; has no-one ever driven a VW beetle, camper or 2CV ? these were all famously 28a-ed. There’s even a garage near me called 28a-ed Engineering – it specialises in Citroens even though these days they are all water- XXXXed
Absolutely have. But note all the examples you quoted had ‘-ed” on the end! I’ve never heard the expression in the answer in my 56 years to describe forced making less hot. But I’m not in the design department (I work for a company that makes diesel engines and used to work for an electric motor manufacturer). I suspect if I was designing a fan to make something less hot I might use that expression but I honestly can never remember it used.
I don’t think you’re parsing the clue correctly. The “not so hot” bit is referring to something else…
Well since I parsed the clue and worked out the answer pretty much straight away I’m sure I haven’t mis-read. I’m frankly amazed why so many are second guessing me saying I’ve never heard those two words together in the meaning defined by the clue. Why can’t people just take that on face value?
Because to fan something is to 4 it with 3. “That’s not so hot” refers to the definition of 4 alone.
It’s almost as if you didn’t read what I said at all and just repeated your original post.
I realise how the clue works as I’ve repeatedly said (see my previous comments) but in my long, long experience nobody refers to forced 4ing like that. An -ed is added. The clue answer implies to 4ing naturally. Ie no blinking fan! Feel free to state your lived experience is different but mine is that 3,4 is for natural with no fan 4ing!
None of the above has anything to do with parsing the clue which I did immediately but for me the answer doesn’t properly work. Ymmv
So sad to read aboutNanci, one of my favourite singers. Thanks as always for all the hints! All the best.
welcome to the blog
Bugger! Was feeling very proud of myself completing it in good time – but no X! Found it after having another look. Roll on next week ☹️
I think that the hint for the contentious 28a is a little misleading. Fan (as a verb) is the definition, ‘display’ is synonymous with the first part (see the BRB) and ‘not so hot’ is synonymous with the second part.
It’s taken me until now (Tuesday) to work out what the answers to 13d and 28a were.