DT 29682 (Hints) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 29682 (Hints)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29682 (Hints)

The Saturday Crossword Club

Hosted by Tilsit

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

Greetings from the glorious Lake District! Apart from the rain. I’m away for a few days with my lovely sister who I haven’t seen for over 12 months, apart from her husband’s funeral due to the wretched pandemic. We’re in the Western Lakes, not far from Wasdale and the beautiful Wastwater.

Yesterday was spent on the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway, where we enjoyed this view.

Today’s puzzle is a little trickier than the last couple of weeks, but it is a very enjoyable challenge, nonetheless. It is a pangram, which may help with a couple of answers.

As usual, remember the rules for the Saturday prize blog. Nudges are OK, whacking great elbows or posting answers are not on and will be removed.

Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.

A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.  Thank you to our setter for an enjoyable solve this morning!

Some hints follow:


7a How healthy porker will go the full extent? (5,3)
A totally porcine way of describing doing something to the full extent.

9a Drive able to be seen when broadcast (6)
A word meaning to drive sounds like something that can be seen.

11a Charge harbour where there are low duties (3,5)
A word for a charge and something meaning a harbour.

12a Her country? Not even his (2-4-4)
A cryptic expression for a place that is neither here nor there, but definitely not for the male of the species!

15a Philosopher paid for a doctor (13)
Something meaning paid, as in a bill or charge, plus another way of saying a doctor.

18a Remain at home having broken gift exercising (7,3)
Something that means keep and another that means at home, plus an anagram (broken) of GIFT.

20a How storyteller might be moving furtively (8)
[Amended hint]  These storytellers telling tales out of school, a verb which can also be used to mean moving furtively

21a Lady with misplaced idealism is leaving (6)
Remove IS from IDEALISM and rearrange the rest to get a name.

23a Which French cook trimmed food? (6)
The French word for which (or who!) plus the name for a cook, minus the last letter (trimmed)

24a Piece of magic that’s celebrated by one on pitch (3,5)
Something a magician does with a rabbit and something a soccer player may celebrate.


1d Reportedly obtain nothing in poor area (6)
The name for the poor part of town sounds like if you obtained nothing.

3d Tom with half of meal giving sign of approval? (6,2)
The name of a fictional Thomas plus the name of a daily meal cut in half.

4d Beset with bad luck, Jack isn’t regularly cross with Edward (6)
The abbreviation for a Jack in playing cards, plus the alternative letters (regularly) of ISN’T. Add a cross and a short way of saying Edward.

6d Greek capitalist? (8)
Someone who lives in the Greek capital.

8d Travel some distance to do everything possible (2,2,3,6)
If you travelled to no particular place, you may be said to do this.

13d Be there in this (10)
If you are in this, you may said to be present.

18d Unusually kind to accept most of fee cut (6)
Inside an anagram of KIND goes most of the word FEE.

19d Prompt delivery (6)
If you prompt a delivery, in the obstetrics sense, it’s this.

22d Pound in Fez rarely seen (4)
Hidden answer to give a controversial person named Pound.

Thanks to our setter for a really enjoyable challenge today. Do let us and him know what you thought.

The Crossword Club is now open.

Music today is something whimsical!

Could new readers please read the Welcome post and the FAQ before posting comments or asking questions about the site.

As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put any ANSWERS, whether WHOLE, PARTIAL or INCORRECT, or any ALTERNATIVE CLUES in your comment. If in doubt, leave it out!

Please read these instructions carefully – they are not subject to debate or discussion. Offending comments may be redacted or, in extreme cases, deleted. In all cases the administrator’s decision is final.

If you don’t understand, or don’t wish to comply with, the conventions for commenting on weekend prize puzzles then save yourself (and me) a lot of trouble and don’t leave a comment.  BD

The Quick Crossword pun: chilled+Rennes=children

114 comments on “DT 29682 (Hints)

  1. Just popping in as I did not look at yesterday’s posts until this morning. I would very much like to add to all the good wishes posted to Kath yesterday. Kath is very much in my thoughts and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is so lovely to read her blogs and she is always good fun at the birthday bashes.

    1. We’ve sent the family a link to yesterday’s blog so that they can see how much we think of Kath. Hopefully they’ll look today too.

      1. I too have only just seen yesterday’s posts. I’d like to add my very best wishes to Kath for a full and swift recovery

    2. Sorry to hear about Kath. I remember meeting her at the 2020 Little Venice bash. Please send my best wishes.

    3. I missed yesterday’s blog too and would like to add my best wishes to Kath for a speedy recovery. I look forward to her posts as she covers my favourite Ray T crosswords so I hope she’s back in the cruciverbial saddle soon.

  2. I was all done in a solid ** time, except for 20a. I have an answer, that I’m not happy with. Rather than someone who is not telling the truth, would this be someone telling tales for example?

    I hope that doesn’t put me on the naughty step.

    Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.

            1. I’ve tried several times to re-enter the correct version of my e-mail and tick the box to save it. When I go back to look at it, it has reverted to the incorrect version with one ‘p’ missing. I’ve no idea why?

    1. I’m struggling to see a problem with 20a, but I can’t think of a way to explain why without getting my wrists slapped.

    2. Same here Malcolm. Still pondering over 20a & not happy with either of my 2 thoughts but will resist Tilsit’s review to see if he’s hinted it.

    3. This was my last one in after a quick romp but reminded me of a three word expression we used to call such a person when we were children.

  3. 2.5*/4.5*. I really enjoyed this pangram, which all came together quite steadily. There were a lot of very nice, slightly quirky clues and I wondered if this might have come from the pen of Donnybrook?

    My podium comprises 12a, 5d & 16d.

    Many thanks to the setter and to Tilsit.

  4. A reverse engineering puzzle. I found a fair number of clues impenetrable at first but, once I had worked my way throught the list and pickedoff some of the easier ones, I had enough checkers to guess some of the answers and try to work out how the clues worked. Things soon went more quickly and I finished in just over 2* time. It isnt my favourite way of completing a crossword so I’d give it 2 5* for enjoyment. 15a was quite a good clue and 16d, which held me up for a bit. Thanks to Tilsit, you lucky chap. I’ve spent many a happy hour walking and water colour painting round Wastwater. I’ve never managed to capture the reflections, when the water is still, though. Thanks to the compiler too.

  5. That was a lot of fun with the North slightly more friendly than the South. No outstanding Fav(s) just an overall collection of ingenious clues. Thank you Mysteron and Tilsit (really enjoyed your offering of the fun performance by the multi-talented King’s Singers).

  6. A very enjoyable challenge and lots of great clues, COTD 15a followed closely by 16d and 19d. LIke others last one in was 20a and would have been all over more quickly if I had sussed 18a earlier. Thanks Tilsit and the compiler for some wonderful misdirections like 18a. Cheers

  7. Enjoyable although as I’m waiting for school sports to finish I was rather hoping that it would provide more lengthy entertainment. Thanks to Tilsit and today’s setter.

  8. Apologies if it’s an old chestnut, but I thought that 16D was an excellent clue

  9. Donnybrook sounds right to me, or should I say NY Doorknob? Either way, this was a lot of fun and most enjoyable.
    Not playing favourites today, just smiling widely.

    Thanks to our setter and to Tilsit – enjoy the remainder of your holiday.

  10. Like others, I dithered over 20a, my LOI, but finally resolved it into a mostly satisfactory answer. Otherwise, a cracking puzzle, chockful of tricks and treats. Hard to narrow down the podiium winners, but settled on 16d, 18a, and 12a. Thanks to Tilsit (I have terrific memories of my first Wordsworth pilgrimage, taking my mother into Dove Cottage, visiting Rydal Mount, seeing daffodils ‘in situ’, etc.) and today’s setter. ** / ****

    Thinking of Kath, wishing her all the best.

  11. Most enjoyable except for 20a which I just couldn’t relate to storytelling, pun intended in case you wonder. Thanks to Tilsit it became clear as I read his blog.

    Some very good clues with 16d my favourite but honourable mentions to 12, 15, and 24a, and 5d.

    Whoever the setter was many thanks for a good Saturday puzzle and to Tilsit for taking time out to help us. Like others Wastwater is my favourite of the Lakes and I love to go there on a dark, cloudy day and stand and look at the looming presence of the great hills at the head of the lake while inwardly reciting, “and the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the ‘HOUSE OF USHER’ “.

  12. I see that I am not alone if I stick my neck out and suggest that this is a NY Doorknob creation. A very enjoyable pangram. I can’t give it a difficulty rating as I was solving it while multi-tasking and, as I have been told many times, that process leads to inefficiency all round. But I will give it **** for enjoyment.

    Assuming that my eyes and brain were still appropriately connected, it would appear that the Quickie is also a pangram.

    Candidates for favourite – 11a, 12a, and 20a – and the winner is 20a.

    Thanks to Donnybrook and to a very generous Tilsit (19 hints for 26 clues in a SPP).

    1. Quick Crossword clues like:

      5d — Mass (7)
      7d 40 days after Easter (9)

      strongly lead to a setter famous for his religous clues! We may never know unless the setter owns up.

  13. I found this a straightforward and uncomplicated puzzle which made a refreshing change for a Saturday. **/*** I can’t see a problem with 20a although the term is a bit dated now. Amazingly, I did notice it was a pangram early on and didn’t even need the hints to understand the answers. Great pictures of the Lake District, Tilsit. I’m glad you’ve managed a break. You’ve had a rough year and always seem so busy. No real favourites today. I hope Kath’s family keep her in touch with the blog. It kept me going during some dark days. I’ll certainly miss her Thursday slot. Kath has a unique way of expressing the hints. Thanks to all.

    1. We will forward all good wishes to Kath each day as necessary. She enjoyed yesterday’s posts. We will also post updates on progress if we can do so without putting pressure on Kath’s lovely family.

      1. Not only did she enjoy them, she also thanked everyone for their good wishes

  14. Whoosh!
    All done in almost under * time.
    Had no problem with 20a.
    Many thanks to the setter for this boost to my confidence.
    Also, thanks Tilsit.

  15. Not that straightforward but enjoyable, nevertheless. Unlike others, I did not have a problem with 20a but I did with 15a. I pondered it, tried this, then that followed by a bit of the other but it just would not reveal itself. I ended up looking at the hint. Obvious, once the answer is known. I agree with Sheepdog about 16d and this is my COTD. I missed the pangram, of course, despite suspecting one when I solved 4d early on.

    Many thanks to the setter for the challenge and to Tilsit for the hints. Enjoy the Lakes.

  16. Other than 20a this one yielded so quickly that I completely missed it was a pangram. My first thought for 20a was the answer I eventually settled on & seems to chime with Tilsit’s revised hint but can’t say in all honesty that the telling tales out of school bit occurred. 23a was a darn sight easier here than the same answer at 14a in yesterday’s fortnightly Elgar Toughie torture. Lots to like here in what was a pleasingly gentle examination. 16a was my clear pick with 15a in the runner up spot.
    Thanks to the setter & to Tilsit plus positive waves for Kath.

    1. And so: the 50-yr-old “Lefty” is tied with the 38-yr-old S African for the lead at the midpoint. What do you think of the play so far? The weather has been balmy but windy of course, with gorgeous blue skies and temps in the high 70sF. Local favourites have pretty well bitten the dust, and Dustin Johnson missed the cut.

      1. I’m in the “good walk spoiled” camp (commonly but almost certainly incorrectly accredited to Mark Twain!). Now the Monaco GP – that’s a different kettle of fish!

        1. Golf and F1 seem like very easy sports.

          Just watched stage 14 of Giro d’Italia … 4/5 hours of furious pedalling only to reach a 20% gradient in the last few kilometres. And they will be doing it again tomorrow … and all next week. Amazing!

          1. As somebody once said any sport requiring manual dexterity involves getting up to over 300 pairs of mutually opposing muscles to work exactly as you want them to at precisely the same micro-second. Of course they are easy.
            Regarding cycling I presume you have read “Bird on Wire” by Andy McGrath that and the episodes with Armstrong et al have tainted cycling for me, although I still watch the Tour every year.

      2. Robert
        Perfect weather for a course by the sea. At least the PGA have not got the greens like putting on linoleum so it is a golf tournament not a freak putting competition – unlike how the USGA set up Seminole for the Walker Cup a couple of days ago.
        With so many players within a handful of strokes it should be a great last two rounds.

  17. I made hard work of this by not getting the 3rd word in 8d right until the 3rd attempt, when I realised we had a possible pangram. Only then could I get 15a, which is my COTD, along with 16d.
    Like others, 20a was my LOI, and wasn’t certain I had it right until reading the hints.
    Thanks to the setter and Tilsit

  18. Bit of an oddball today I thought. The clues were either blindingly obvious like 17a and 2d or extremely obscure such as 13d and 14a.
    On the whole it was fun with a bit of head scratching.
    Thx to all

  19. We must have been on the right wavelength from the start as we fairly whizzed through this despite 15a being a new word for us, fairly clued though. We were on pangram alert from early on. Favourite was 16d. Thanks to the setter and Tilsit. Best wishes to Kath from us both.

    1. Great puzzle, Cephas. Many thanks for it and for dropping in. It is greatly appreciated.

  20. Dead on wavelength today, loved it all. I did need to use a word search for 15a, that’s much too big a word for a tiny brain! Not only on wavelength but loads of fun. I put the wrong “remain” in 18a, that held me up for a bit. Saw nothing wrong with 20a. I thought the “pitch” at 24a was cricket, made no difference, it was “one of those.”
    Impossible to choose a fave, I wouldn’t want to break a Kath rule while she can’t reprimand me, but I did smile at 16d.
    There seems to be a lot of discussion as to setter, whoever you are, please come back regularly. Thank you Tilsit for the hints and outstanding pics, enjoy your holiday.

    Oh Cephas! Did I ever tell you how much I love you?

  21. I loved this puzzle. Like most people, I found that 20a required more thought. So much for being a lateral thinker! Clearly Cephas and I are on the same wavelength, though. I’m with Merusa! 😂

  22. I am so sorry, I am all over the place and no, I have not hit the gin yet as I may have to drive! I posted this on previous blog. Just done a cut and paste.

    Hallo everyone, I have just clocked in and was shocked and saddened to learn about Kath – she was an absolute brick some months ago when I was in a very dark place – I am sure the combined thoughts and best wishes from the BD Blog will help her. Much love to her and her husband and two lambs. I have been off-piste as George was rushed into hospital yesterday – heart attack – the fourth! and of course I could not go with him. Thank God for Addenbrooke’s, they do come up trumps in an emergency. I am biting my nails here at home, Dirty Daughter Two is down in Cornwall and I cannot disturb her much needed break. Anyway, I have just turned to the crossword to distract me together with a couple of Marmite rice cakes spread with Philadelphia, a sudden craving. I don’t seem to have eaten much. I really liked 16d, very smart and like others I pondered over 20a but read Tilsit’s hints and think I am correct – and I did spot the pangram. Many thanks to Tilsit and the setter and to the two charming youngsters who came so swiftly with the ambulance and were kind, efficient and calming. Love and good wishes to everyone who is going through a hard time at the moment

    1. Oh DG, what an awful time you are having

      Love and hugs to you and George.

    2. Oh dear, Daisygirl, I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. I wish George all the very best and a swift recovery and send my very best wishes to you. :rose:

    3. Oh Daisy, I’m so, so very sorry about George. Being far away, the only thing we can do for you is send waves of love and best wishes to you in abundance. Please keep us updated. Love you.

    4. Oh gosh, DG How absolutely ghastly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and George. Have a gin and get someone to drive you if you need to go anywhere.

    5. So sorry to hear about George, DG. Best wishes and hugs and love from over here in Carolina.

    6. So sorry to hear your news about George, DG. Thinking of you both. :rose:

    7. Oh dear Daisy, so sorry, that is awful. Such a shame that you couldn’t go with him. Hoping and praying for the best, and that he is soon home with you. Best wishes to you and George.

      1. It’s such a shock to the system, when you have to call an ambulance, Daisy. The ambulance service is so good that it does reassure you, though. At least, every time I have called an ambulance for my Jim, I ‘ve been able to go in to the John Radcliffe in Oxford, with them. You must be so up in the air, having to stay at home. Hopefully, you’ll feel more comfortable, when your daughter comes and it’s important to try and eat, if you can. I’ll be thinking of you, as well as Kath tonight. Get well soon George and Kath and keep your chin up Daisy.

    8. Commiserations to George and indeed you and your family. He is certainly in the best place at Addenbrookes and I do hope he will make a good recovery. I am currently undergoing investigations for a heart problem and dearly wish I still lived in East Anglia where such excellent care was always administered by Addenbrookes/Papworth. Godspeed DG.

    9. Just popped back in and read your post, DG. Dear goodness, that husband of yours likes to dice with Lucifer, doesn’t he!
      As you say, thank God you have easy access to Addenbrooke’s, George couldn’t be in a better place.
      I do hope that you get him back home soon, no puzzle slots together properly when there’s a piece missing.

    10. Just popped in to read yesterday’s blog and so sorry to hear your news re George. At least he is in the best possible place and will get excellent care. My thoughts are with you Daisygirl when having to see your loved one leave in an ambulance and you can’t go with them. If that is not enough, to then walk back into an empty house with all the familiar things around but not your soulmate. Stay strong and may our thoughts and blogs sustain you.

      1. So sorry to hear about George.
        Hope all goes well for him and he is back with you very soon

  23. **/****. Very enjoyable solve sat in the sunshine with a pint of Guinness – I need the iron since my operation (at least that’s my excuse 👍). No particular favourites but thanks to our setter for a rewarding challenge. Thanks also to Tilsit.

    1. And here’s me making Peter eat more spinach to raise his iron level, I bet he would prefer a Guinness 😊.

      1. Oh, BusyLizzie! Please give Peter a Guinness! I bet if Popeye knew of Guinness he would be using that to give him strength. Olive Oyl would love him all the more and Bluto would be vanquished. 🤣🤣

  24. Tough, but with the exception of 20a, my LOI, a smooth solve. In spite of discussion not convinced that I understand it. Will look at the full review to see what I am missing.
    18a COTD.
    Thanks Cephas for starting the weekend and Tilsit for the hints.

  25. My wife and I will hopefully be in the Lake District next weekend, it is our favourite place in the UK. I have stayed at the B & B at Burnthwaite Farm at the head of the Wasdale Valley, I can not recommend it highly enough .
    I enjoyed today’s puzzle . 18a held me up because I stupidly thought it was an anagram of all the 10 letters 😏😏
    Favourites were 16 and 6.
    We have our daughters 30th birthday party in our garden this evening, just praying that it stays dry 🙏🙏

  26. Love to Daisygirl and all best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Nice crossword **/***
    Thanks to Cephas and Tilsit
    No hints needed today. It’s all or nothing with me. I need none or I need loads.

  27. First, best wishes to Kath and to Daisy’s George. Get well both of you, you’re needed at home.

    Lovely Saturday puzzle, very much enjoyed. Just two clues, 15a and 14a held me up at the end. Never heard of 15a, and 14a, well I just couldn’t see the wood for the trees there, duh. Thanks Cephas, need more like this, and to Tilsit. Enjoy your Lake District sojourn. Was there with friends many years ago, great memories.

  28. What an absolute belter of a puzzle, completed after a long walk on the Yorkshire coast where we actually had some sun today. No favourites, they were all top clues.

    My thanks to Cephas and Tilsit, continued best wishes to Kath and now also to Daisy Girl.

  29. What an absolute belter of a puzzle, completed after a long walk on the Yorkshire coast where we actually had some sun today. No favourites, they were all top clues.

    My thanks to Cephas and Tilsit, continued best wishes to Kath and now also to Daisy Girl.

  30. The DT has lost my subscription and, after copious exchange of emails, I’m told my sub is available at:
    If anyone on this blog recognises that email, please let me know, or if anyone knows how this transmogrified from me to Valden, or whoever it is. I need help.

    1. Merusa,
      “Thewayforward” appears to be some graphic design studio in Rickmansworth, to contact you mil mail@thewayforward.com , there is no listing for a Valden on their website. To me it looks like a co**-up by the DT subscriptions lot.
      Other than keep pestering don’t know what you can do.

  31. Definitely trickier than the last few Saturday puzzles. The pangram hint helped the solve. 2.5*/***** for me today. So many great clues today along with misdirection too!
    Favourites are 7a, 15a, 23a, 24a, 9d & 16d with winners being 15a & 16d

    Thanks to setter and Tilsit

  32. Good fun – outside at the bar for the first time in six months here in Tyrol. Favorites 16d and 12a.

  33. Hi! It is a very long time since I commented here, and even longer since I completed a Saturday crossword without resorting to this page. It must have been one of the easier ones!

    I was quicker than usual and enjoyed several clues. I would like to mention 12 and 18 across and 16 down.

    I am not familiar with recent posts, but I gather someone is not well and offer my very best wishes.

    1. Paul, please visit more often. It’s great to get the views of others. A couple of members are not well at the moment but the latest is our lovely blogger, Kath. She does the blog for Ray T every fortnight. I have particular reason for wishing Kath well because she has given support to me in the past. There are others who are going through bad times and we members do our best to support them.

  34. I haven’t commented for quite some time. However, having just seen the news about Kath I really did want to send her my very best wishes for a speedy recovery. I sincerely hope you will be able to join us again soon: your comments so often reflect my thoughts, and bring a smile to my face. Get well soon!

  35. You were spared the Donny today: plaudits to Cephas on a good one.

    Just a note to wish all the best for those not feeling too chipper right now. It’s made even worse of course by the Eurovision Song Contest being on the noo, so I think I might slink off to the Irish, where no-one cares about anything except Guinness. If you’d care to join me, the postcode is SE23 1JB :-D

    Great puzzle, well done C and thanks T.

    1. I’ll be there, NY Doorknob (great anagram) because I feel my iron levels are low. 🍻
      Not a huge fan of the ESC.

  36. Enjoyed this crossword. Liked 16d – very smooth clue. Thanks to Cephas and Tilsit – enjoy the Lakes – we love Wast Water.

    Thinking of you Daisygirl, and best wishes to George.

  37. Thanks to the setter and to Tilsit for the review and hints. A nice puzzle with a few tricky clues. Needed the hints for the 18’s. Favourite was 12a. Was 3* /3* for me. Sorry to hear about Tilsit’s sister’s husband. I’m in the Lakes myself at Elterwater. Also sorry to hear about Kath. I wish her a full and speedy recovery. Best wishes to her family.

  38. Loved 16d. Laughed out loud! 15a brilliant but not easiest. Thoroughly entertaining; thanks to setter.

  39. Arrgghh. So many people loving 16d and unless I’ve got the wrong answer (a bung-in with all the checkers and the word means begin) I can’t parse it at all. Other than that I found this an enjoyable challenge. Thanks to Cephas and Tilsit (Wastwater surely has to be the most beautiful place in England) and best wishes to Kath and Daisy’s husband. It’s been a bad week for bad news. One of my husband’s former colleagues was tragically killed in an accident last week leaving two very young children. She was 32.

  40. Done this morning as went to the cinema yesterday and friend came home with me for dinner. What a tonic! I have decided that Cephas is my favourite setter as I must be on just the right wavelength. If he ever needs anyone to give a crossword a test run I’m his woman. I don’t know what Brian means by 14a but think he must be referring to 15a. I had read the intro (thanksTilsit) so was pre-warned about 20a so although last there is nothing wrong with it, and takes me back to chanting at children who did that very thing. The word-play over all is so clever. I did not know the word at 15a but it came to me with a few checkers. Favourites 11 15 and 23a and 3 and 16d. I would probably have 23a for my last supper accompanied by a Cephas crossword, and a bottle of French red. Thanks again setter and hinter – enjoy the rest of the stay in The Lakes.

  41. Finished completely unaided – a good change after the last few days. Started at a good gallop but then slowed down as I came to the difficult ones. LOI was 20a which delayed me by 1*. This was my own fault as I thought one letter of the pangram was missing and I was trying to fit it in. When I realised it was in use elsewhere the penny slowly dropped. This was a good clue among many other outstanding ones, but COTD had to be 16d. I’d like to say more about that brilliant one but I’d be on the naughty step. Many thanks to Cephas for a challenging but very enjoyable puzzle, and to Tilsit for the hints although they were not needed.
    So sorry to hear your bad news Daisygirl – I do hope George has a speedy recovery. Also all very best wishes to Kath.

  42. P.S. Pride goes before a fall – I am absolutely stuck on the quickie, with less than half completed!

  43. Sorry to be pedantic, but in 23a, the French word for which is quel (or quelle).

  44. Only just got 20a to finish the crossword but only because there was only 1 word I could think of that fitted and satisfied part of the clue. Don’t really agree the clue was mis-worded though having thought about it. Fav clue 16d

  45. Running a day late as I forgot to print the crossword yesterday.
    20a gave me a lot of trouble too and hope that I have got it right.
    Remembered the Pound required from past puzzles but my pangram alarm didn’t go off.
    Thanks to Cephas and to Tilsit for the club.
    Best wishes to George for a speedy recovery.

  46. Didn’t have time to post this yesterday…enjoyed this crossword very much . Finished it alone and unaided in a very good time for me. (NB for me.)

    Thanks to Cephas and to Tilsit who I hope is enjoying his trip to the beautiful Lakes.

  47. Only just found xxxxxx for this. Loved love loved it. Although, 1 more to go in – 5d – I just can’t see it!

    1. We ask people not to mention specific solving times as others may take longer

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