Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3066 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Senf
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg, where the typical Prairie summer weather has continued with a couple of ‘heat’ warnings ‘thrown in’ – Friday afternoon was 32 degrees, feels like 44 and yesterday was 32 degrees, feels like 41.
Keep staying safe everyone.
Dada somewhat quirky this week – I counted eight anagrams (five of which were partials), one lurker, and one homophone – all in a symmetric 28 clues, with 16 hints ‘sprinkled’ throughout the grid you should be able to get the checkers to enable the solving of the unhinted clues.
Candidates for favourite – 18a, 28a, and 11d.
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, a number of the more difficult clues have been selected and hints provided for them.
Don’t forget to follow BD’s instructions in red at the bottom of the hints!
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow:
1a Complain more flesh visible? That’s a warning (6,6)
A synonym of complain and, when written as (4,2), a suggestion of more flesh visible.
10a Supporting colliery, leaders in next town striking (9)
A three letter synonym for supporting and a four letter synonym for colliery followed by the first letters (leaders in) of Next Town.
12a Reportedly large cab (6)
The homophone (reportedly) of large.
15a Main force burst gas out: that’s in character (10)
An anagram (burst) of GAS OUT inserted into (that’s in) a synonym of character.
20a A swimmer in game doing the backstroke? That’s a battle! (10)
A from the clue and a type of (fish) swimmer that often appears in crosswords, and can also be heather, contained by (in) a (pub) game reversed (doing the backstroke).
23a Tale ultimately penned by old actress — might she work on the plot? (8)
The last letter (ultimately) of talE contained (penned) by an old actress (illustrated below).
24a Fear cracks in lead — very basic construction (6)
An anagram (cracks) of FEAR inserted into (in) the chemical symbol for lead.
28a Understand what’s what — as might professional musician? (4,3,5)
An expression for understanding which can also be a requirement for a musician.
2d Novel I bought full of principally malicious gossip (8)
An anagram (novel) of I BOUGHT containing (full of) the first letter (principally) of Malicious.
4d Infant shifting a toy lower down, initially (3-4-3)
An anagram (shifting) of A TOY LOWER followed by the first letter (initially) of Down.
5d One who invented no end should be elevated (6)
NO from the clue and a synonym of end all reversed (should be elevated).
7d Britain’s outstanding figure perhaps beaten in battle, and inspiring love (8,4)
An anagram (beaten) of IN BATTLE, AND containing (inspiring) the letter used to indicate love in racquet games.
11d Heavyweight parting long hair, lurid colour (8,4)
A seven letter term for heavyweight inserted into (parting) a term for long hair.
19d North American city covered by visitor on tour (7)
The lurker (covered by) found in the rest of the clue.
22d Undercover team briefly infiltrating group (6)
A synonym of team with the last letter removed (briefly) inserted into a synonym of group.
25d Ear on table is corn, primarily (4)
The initial letters (primarily) of four words in the clue.
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Sir Michael Jagger, co-founder/lead singer of The Rolling Stones is 77 today. This is a ‘solo’ duet (if that’s not an oxymoron) with David which reached number one in September 1985:
Rather a tricky puzzle, I thought but, nevertheless, rather an enjoyable challenge (3*/4*). There were a few that were difficult to parse so thanks to Senf for help in figuring them out. There were such a large number of good clues that it is difficult to pick just a few but 1a, 15a and 20a stood out for me. I bunged in 7d and 11d and found them really fascinating once the why of it all had been expkained by Senf. My only quibble is with the synonym in 2d. I’ll say no more for fear of ending up in the naughty corner again. Thank you to Dada for a most entertaining puzzle.
Great (or inadequate minds) think alike re podium
I think that’s an awful word, didn’t like it at all!
I’m sorry Merusa – am confused as to what awful word you didn’t like at all. If it was inadequate it was merely a rather weak attempt at a bit of self deprecation. Certainly no offence intended to Chris – just surprise that we both picked the same 3 clues out.
No offence taken here.
I didn’t like 2d, sounds so insulting.
My principal thought as I laboured to a conclusion was that a Senf judgement of benevolence here would likely occasion spontaneous combustion. Not really sure if this was indeed at the tougher end of Mr Halpern’s Sunday offerings or I wasn’t really at the races but I did feel a couple of the clues (parsing them at least) were more like those in his Graun prize puzzles (still 7 shy of completion in yesterday’s). But as always a thoroughly enjoy the tussle even if it occasionally feels distinctly man against boy.
Few of the anagrams seem to jump out, wasn’t aware 14d could be one word & needless to say didn’t immediately twig the lurker.
Today’s podium is 1,15& 20a.
Thanks to Dada & Senf for his review (needed to parse 11d properly)
For once, and probably never again, I found this relatively straightforward. For me this was Dada at his most benevolent. Something I don’t expect to write again. Tripped up by thinking 24a was a lurker not having read the last word. Lovely picture of Ava thank you Sent. And thanks to Dada for my quickest solve of the week.
Except for 9a, which still has me befuddled, this was a most enjoyable Dada, with lots of catchy and engaging clues. And I rather glided through all of it until I hit the ‘lob’ in 9a. I ended up apparently with the right answer but don’t know why. Anyway, my winners are…what the heck: 2,3,4d (I liked all three!), with many other possibilities. 15a held me up a bit because over here it’s two words (naughty cornered?). Thanks to Senf and Dada. *** / ****
My 20th locked-down Sunday, with no end in sight.
9a is slang, and indicated accordingly in the BRB, which has probably not travelled Westwards across the Atlantic.
Some lateral thinking is required from the BRB entry for the answer to the definitions in the clue.
I still don’t have 9a but have lost interest.
Definitely had a few hiccups along the way with this one – ‘lob’ & ‘complain’ being the culprits along with the beginning of 10a where I had the first checker in place and tried to fit the colliery in there, if you see what I mean!
Lots to enjoy but 23a delivered the most amusement.
Thanks to Dada and to Senf for the hints and what for me was a very different take on Sir Mick. Trying to figure out your latest avatar – what is showing to the side of the ‘big bird’?
The ‘big bird’, which, incidentally, is a four month old, plus or minus a week or two, juvenile Bald Eagle is flying by close to the top of a tree and what you can see is foliage. Incidentally (another one), Bald Eagles do not become completely ‘bald’ until they are four or five years old. This one is from a nest I have been watching, from a safe distance, since early Spring.
Thanks for the clarification, Senf. Now that you’ve made comments further down the blog, I can ‘enlarge’ the pics by hovering over them and discern the foliage but for some reason that isn’t possible where the pic forms part of the crossword header.
Sounds as though you’ve had a great time birding recently – have to say we don’t get many Bald Eagles around Anglesey!
Interesting, Senf, thanks for that little “BTW”.
All part of the service! :smile:
I found this hard going. It took me just as long to work out the why as the actual answers. I can see where Chriscross is coming from with 2d. I guessed at 20a and needed the hints to explain it. The answer to 9a is not generally used in this context in North America so I can understand Robert’s difficulty with that. ****/** Favourite goes to 7d. Thanks to all. Back to the cricket.
Same here with 9a, as it’s Sunday, lets just say I can’t make sense of it either.
There’s this marvellous thing called the dictionary – look up your solution and read all three of the definitions there are (in the BRB anyway)
Don’t take CS comment personally, it took me a while before I learnt my lesson and still on occasions I lapse and feel the wrath!
There’s more than one way to make up a group out of the letters in the answer. Try looking for the ‘brief team’ first and see where that leaves you.
Sorry, that was intended as a reply to Brian’s comment at 11 – no idea how it finished up here!
Not in any of my dictionaries.
I do know to use a dictionary, so thank you for the condescension.
Not intended to be condescending – I just come from a generation that started solving when our only friend was the dictionary – so that is my first port of all every time.
I’ve been using dictionaries since I was ten years old, in 1948, but none of the dictionaries I now have–there are four of them–appear to refer to the answer to 9a with respect to any of the words in the clue. It is clearly a British slang term that never crossed into any of our dictionaries. (Nor do any of the unsatisfactory online dictionaries that I’ve been able to access offer anything remotely close to the answer to 9a.)
Is it possible there are more than one pieces of slang involved here, Robert. I don’t know if you have a similar meaning to the hyphenated term in the clue to the ones we have in the UK. Hope there is cake in the naughty corner and hope this might help if you look it up in your dictionaries.
For the guilty: Welsh rhubarb and strawberry scones, with neighbor’s raspberry rhubarb jam, honey from out hives, and Kerrygold butter!
Shame that Senf and Dada are not allowed entry despite the delightful commentary on a lovely puzzle.
Mr & Mrs T
Sounds delightful. has a list of the varying definitions for the solution to 9a, including those in the clue
Difficult to escape Robert’s interpretation I from the way you put your advice.
FYI: have a BRB but currently it is one of many holding up a very heavy slate mantelpiece whilst I try to work out how I can devise a concealed support for it.
However was the first dictionary an invention? The first book was the invention. Aren’t the rest just books on different subjects not inventions, marvellous as they may be.
I am sure, like me, you read the excellent article in yesterday’s telegraph on, of all things, dictionaries.
BRB is definitely inferior compared to this forum… and indeed helps us Yankees learn your eclectic language and dodgy archaic colloquialisms.
We are also learning about subtle insults and have one question: does the insultee actually need to take offense to qualify?
Mr & Mrs T
Oh, I think so otherwise it ‘falls flat’ but not necessarily to the extent of a slap across the face with a glove and choice of weapons at dawn!
You refer to “antique” colloquialisms
Have taken various people to Montezumas Castle in AZ. There is a timeline illustration showing the Notre Dame Cathedral was built 2 / 3 hundred years before before there is any real written history about the US peoples & their activities. History is something we take for granted compared to you I guess.
I’ll rise to the bait and take offenCe :wink:
I love this banter! But don’t they have crosswords in the States for Americans to do so that they don’t have to get all hot and bothered about our wonderfully rich language? 🤭
I do find this comment insulting and offensive. I’ve been Brexitised!
Another Jamaican saying: “Cockroach don’t business in fowl fight”, but here goes anyway, against my better judgement.
Remember that America speaks the same wonderfully rich language, just with amended spellings and other American coined words that have been assimilated into the language by the variety of immigrants who came from other lands. We had one the other day that we nabbed from another language, “nada”, and there are thousands more.
Now, don’t all attack me at once.
Ha Ha! I was going to refer to transatlantic spelling but thought I would not add to the sour grapes. One well-known commentator on this page once retorted to a mild reproof from me as being “crass”. I am unlikely to recover
Correct me if I’m wrong but I seem to think that your BRB has now been holding up that mantelpiece for quite some time? Mrs LrOK must be a little fed up with the situation by now!
Sorry Robert I couldn’t resist it. No intention to be insulting at all just a bit provocative after G ‘n T refill. I’ll shut up now.
I found this at the easier end of Dada’s spectrum. 11d and 16a held me up a little – 11d was a case of an obvious answer with less obvious parsing that Senf has thrown light on. 16a had a different brown and a different irritating thing but checkers put me on the right lines. 5d my fave today.
Bowie and Jagger although individually excellent, in Dancing in the Street they are such a parody of themselves that I can’t watch it. I will go and listen to Aladdin Sane or Exile on Main St instead.
Thanks to Senf and Dada.
New laptop screen arrived and the laptop is re-assembled with only 1 piece left over!
Perhaps a day for some early Fleetwood Mac JB ? Such a sad waste of a prodigious talent.
Indeed – Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac has been on heavy rotation today too.
PG may have been unwell for a lot of his three score years and ten+, and I’m sure you mean that it would have been great to have had more output, but I don’t think of his life as a sad waste. He had so much influence on, and respect from, other musicians that his legacy is greater than many.
I’m listening to the Splinter group CD and Gary Moore.
Absolutely agree but he had such a distinctive style & simply lament that his issues almost certainly deprived us of a lot of creative output. Might not be right up there with the real greats for technique but certainly for the way he played blues in my view.
I found this straightforward but struggled with yesterday’s.
It’s interesting how we all vary, which is why this pastime is so addictive.
Favourite today was 1a.
Least so 2d which I felt should 3,5 unless of course I’m wrong! BRB is on my side so far.
Thanks of course to Senf and our setter.
I would disagree with you on 2d. My interpretation of the entry in the BRB (Revised 13th Edition) is that it is a single compound word with a ‘stress mark’ before the second element.
I dare to think I may perhaps be beginning to figure out something of Dada’s psyche. In any case this was a delightful way to start out that which hopefully will continue to be a relaxed day of rest in the sunshine (no urgent items on the ‘to ‘do’ list). South yielded first. Fav 1a with 7d running up. Thank you Dada and Senf.
For me far better than yesterdays offering. Tricky but with enough ‘easy’ clues to get your teeth into the tricky ones.
Still cannot fully parse 22d, I can see the group but that leaves the synonym of team, are we supposed to use the first letter twice I wonder which seems to go against the hint?
Best clue for me was 20a.
Thx to all
You must be trying to use a different, but incorrect, synonym of team to that used by Dada.
Brian I agree with 22d. I can see one group of 3 letters but also I group of 4 letters but cannot see a team anywhere. flummoxed!
Brian – you might do well to think of a team that works in wet places…….
…..cowering near the naughty corner….
Well Bluebird, that is the conclusion I came to in the end, however I don’t really think of this word as a ‘team’. Hard to say how I would define it.
So, what would you generically call a group of people working together to achieve a common objective?
Yes, I would call them a team, but if you think of probably the most famous race in the world, neither side is referred to as a team. Sorry I’m just being awkward – comes from Mr M watching me struggle with a very heavy lawn mower so I’m in a bit of a huff!
The word for team with a letter missing is not only used for those in wet places these days. I can think of a well-known example to be found in job adverts
hopefully on wet places (not in).
My husband gets (or used to get) pretty wet when in one of these teams!
My usual struggle with Dada but pleasurable when the lights came on. 15a held out for too long and and 9a still a mystery.
An enjoyable & satisfying puzzle in just over standard 3* time for me.
2d is COTD for me.
Thanks to Dada for the work-out and Senf for the hints.
3*/4*. I enjoyed this a lot.
I agree that 2d should be enumerated (3,5) and I think that the hair in 11d is “thick” rather than “long”. Isn’t the answer to 25d an adjective and the definition a noun?
23a was my favourite.
Many thanks to Dada and to Senf.
OMG, we agree! How many years has this taken? Love you RD.
Love you too, Merusa. :smile: We can also agree about Labradors and cats!
A difficult one from Dada but most enjoyable. I still haven’t entered an answer for 9a because I can’t make it work. It would seem I’m not alone, though, judging by comments above. I will take a look at the BRB as advised to see if I can make sense of it. I particularly liked 1a but 20a is my COTD.
Many thanks, Dada for the challenge and to Falcon for the hints.
RIP Peter Green. I loved the album “Then Play On”.
Oh Well is one of my all time favourites. Not often you hear any band attempt it but Jason Isbell & 400 Unit play a pretty good version as an encore in their shows – plenty of You Tube footage.
I had a pop at this during the luncheon break in the Test match and I am led to say that whoever wins the prize richly deserves it. A tip of the hat to those above who found it a doddle. You must all have brains bigger than the 7 down.
A day full of tension as two from Chelsea (hooray!), Leicester (boo!), or Manchester United (boo!) will qualify for next season’s Champions League today. Will Chelsea be champs or chumps? I asked Lola and she just stared back at me. If Lola doesn’t know, nobody knows. It’s all up to Mr Lampard and his inconsistent team now. A wobbly afternoon ahead.
Thanks to Dada and Senf.
Hate to suggest it but maybe Lola simply isn’t interested in football?
Hehe! She’s one of us girls!
Surely you mean Herher
Stay safe.
Aye, herher!
Boos & hoorays in different places but I asked Biggles, he said “Who cares, the amount they pay the Spanish Santa alone a week you could feed 50 labradors for life. Just think how much more pleasure you would get every day from them than you would watching any of that lot once a week.” Difficult to argue the point.
Liverpool made everybody else look like chumps anyway
Congratulations Terence – guess you must be a happy fella.
Cricket & Chelsea tickets boo – give Lola a saucer of full fat……
Thanks for all the replies. A happy day for our sporting family. Test match going rather well, and then Chelsea, with Monsieur Giroud and Master Mount to thank for our Champions league qualification. I cannot imagine a life without sport.
Lola may not like football? Why the idea is so fanciful, I cannot even consider it!
Delete wrong place again sorry
I thought it was a great puzzle and sailed through it without once referring to Senf. I got hung up on 7d having something to do with a certain Naval Captain who bought a house for his lady friend near my old school but the second word solved that, and George assured me that I was right in lobbing in 9a. So many lovely clues, 15a, 1a and many more. What a super crosswordy weekend. Thanks to all.
Thanks to Dada and to Senf for the hints. Great puzzle as usual from Dada. I just failed at the end, couldn’t get 15a and 8d, despite spending ages on them. Favourite was 7d. Was 4*/4* for me.
Took me a while as, has been mentioned, quite a few crazy synonyms to wrestle with, and, although I could “enter the correct letters for“ 11d ( see what I did there to avoid any naughtiness?)….. I needed Senf as I didn’t get the wordplay. Neither did I complete 14d for no good reason.
Otherwise I enjoyed it.
My favourite was 1a.
Thanks to Senf and Dada.
A belated thank you to Dada and Senf for this tricky, thoughtful and enjoyable puzzle. 1a was my first entry and remained my favourite throughout the solving process. The awkward 9a was my LOI.
For some reason I made heavy weather of this and when it was complete I ask my self why, as for 9a it is a term I have herd used, I believe it is slang. Thank you Senf & Dada.
I knew I was jinxing myself when I said recently that I was finally getting the hang of Dada puzzles… this one is proving otherwise. Only eight answers so far. So many comments above regarding the use of a dictionary as a solving aid. I am sure I would do better if I searched for such help, but I try to restrict myself to (a) the picture hints, (b) the Thesaurus and if still stuck (c) the across hints. So I am probably my own worst enemy.
This is the first and probably the last time I thought of a Dada puzzle as benign. Very enjoyable solve in one sitting over a couple of G&Ts. My favourites were 1&15a and 7d. Thanks to our setter and Senf.
Not as quirky as I thought this might have been. Pleasant Sunday morning solve, I thought **/****
Was a 2 cup of coffee solve time!!
Clues for favourites were 1a, 15a, 28a, 7d & 11d … winner by a nose 15a with 28a close behind.
Thanks to Dada and Senf for the hints
I’m in the ‘this was really difficult’ camp today – it’s taken me a very long time but the weather is rubbish so it doesn’t matter.
I nearly gave up with about three to go in the top but bloody-mindedness just wouldn’t let me which I’m glad about now.
9a was my last answer and, to begin with, I had 28a completely wrong.
I really liked all four of the long answers round the outside and my favourite is one of those.
Thanks to Dada and to Senf.
Telegraph puzzle subscription help. Sorry – I know that this forum is not actually for this… We were enjoying daily Telegraph puzzles with a subscription during our hard lockdown, but now that things are starting up again, we don’t have as much time for the puzzles. I can’t figure out how to cancel my subscription – can anybody help? When I look at my account, it says there are not active subscriptions and I have filled in their ‘Contact Us’ form twice with no response. But each month, the money is deducted from my credit card. Can anybody help?
Hi. I don’t know if you have used worldpay to pay your subscription but if you have go to their website When you first subscribed they would have sent you a reminder of your login details. Enter their site and cancel your payment. Good luck.
By the way, even if you didn’t use this method to subscribe call your card company, explain your problem and ask them to dispute the transaction.
Thanks so much @Vancouverbc. I didn’t pay by worldpay and my credit card company says I must cancel my credit card and order a new one. There must be a simpler way!
I completed the SW first before the roadblock, then I had to use a hint from Senf to get going again. I did manage all of the south but north was above my tiny brain’s solving abilities. I used copious amounts of e-help to get the rest, I’m glad others still haven’t got 9a.
Fave was 23a and my first one in.
Thanks to Dada and to Senf for bailing me out, off to do my exercises in the pool.
Yesterday I found I was sharing the pool with a cane toad, which has now put the wind up me as don’t want the dogs to find it.
Lovely and not too tricky for me. Just held up by 1a for a time and the inventor. That said, I need to check some parsing.
Odd, as I struggled to get 4 answers in the Paul prize crossword in the guardian yesterday.
Thanks Senf and Dada.
I returned to Paul today & have got to within 1. Am pretty certain I have the right answers to a couple but for the life of me can’t parse. I thought it jolly difficult.
A good challenge today. Like several others I don’t have 9A. I’m tempted to ‘- – – -‘ something in…………..
I’m unable to locate the quick crossword today. It’s usually at the bottom of the page which contains the cryptic ? Anyone found it ?
Thanks to all.
I would if I was you!
I’ve just cottoned on to 9A. Wasn’t thinking of football managers at all !
Oh, you already have!!
What a great crossword, plenty of smiles and good clues. Thanks to Dada for Sunday evening entertainment and to Senf. And now for the cricket highlights which will raise a smile of two as well!
Thanks. Penny dropped just after commenting. I found the quick crossword also. It’s been in the same place for years, now in amongst lots of other puzzles !
Very late in the day now: Thanks to one of my browsers, Bing, I found my 9a answer as the 17th synonym listed (under the category ‘informal Brit’) for one of the nouns in the clue. This was indeed the Free Dictionary’s helpful answer. I certainly never intended for my first comment today to draw so many responses, and I apologise for being the incautious instigator. Thanks to crypticsue for sending me a link, though I had already found the Free D on my own. Perhaps Daisygirl’s comment that we Americans shouldn’t get all “hot and bothered” about the often mystifying glories of the English language misses the point: It’s OUR language too. And I do accept her apology.
Full marks for perseverance……..
Robert, we often hear the term “two nations separated by a common language “, which I still laugh at. My personal view is that Americans, well spoken Americans, speak the finest form of English. The pronunciation is as clear as could be, far clearer than in many regions of England. This includes myself, a not too well spoken Londoner, but I do my best.
I also think it’s great that people 3-6 thousand miles away are doing The Telegraph crosswords. Keep it up !
Even though I am a dedicated daily reader of The Guardian, I do love the DT crosswords–and the blog most of all. Thanks for the kind words, Harry Monk.
US Guardian? Isn’t Richard Wolffe just great, and I also like Robert Reich.
Hi Robert,
I for one would be very sorry if you were overly offended by the fact that we Brits (particularly the older ones amongst us) can sometimes get so aerated when it comes to what I’m afraid we are prone to view as the ‘bastardisation’ of OUR language by our friends across the ‘pond’. I’ve no doubt that, in time, the younger generations on both sides will see the various spellings and idiosyncrasies blend seamlessly together but, for now, we’re so used to being an island nation defending itself and its traditions against all comers that it’s proving to be a very steep hill to climb. I’d be one of the first to admit to being very reluctant to ‘move with the times’. As for any other debates, there will always be individuals on both sides of the watery divide who ruffle feathers the wrong way – maybe that’s something we’ll always be stuck with!
I love the fact that we have friends all over the world united by the DT crossword. I also understand that 9a would present problems for some whereas I was familiar with the terms in 9a. Very occasionally an overseas friend has complained about words that are unfamiliar or names of individuals who are well-known here but not abroad. I don’t agree with that complaint as it is a traditional cryptic in an English newspaper. In fact, there is a sprinkling from time to time of foreign words and phrases which I love. As I type I think I have 8d right but refusing to give up on 15a which so many enjoyed. Determined not to reveal the hint!
I’m in the “straightforward” camp this evening. 9a, the subject of much controversy, was my first in. Favourite was a toss up between 1a and 28a with 1a just shading it. Many thanks to Dada and Senf.
Just got back from being somewhere else and read the blog
Wasn’t keen on the puzzle and can’t fathom some of the posts, I must be tired
As for taking offence – I never have done; as far as I’m concerned if someone wants to offend that’s their problem, not mine
Thanks JH & Senf
I found this hard going, but persevered and with minimal help from the electronic gizmo I eventually got there.
Needed Senf’s help for some of the parsings.
Thanks to Senf and to Dada.
liked( the perhaps to become topical) 7D.. “Britain’s outstanding figure perhaps beaten in battle, and inspiring love (8,4)”
Got there in the end with 15a. Resorted to going through the alphabet. Phew! Thanks Senf – I checked I was correct on the parsing. Thanks Dada – it was worth the effort. My favourites were 1 20 and 23a and 11d. I thought some commentators may have struggled with 24a. I thought it a good clue but as I associate the answer with post-war Britain I was not sure if it would find favour with younger beings in far-flung lands.
Thought this was going to be difficult but turned out quite straightforward for Dada. Favorite 7d.