Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3065 (Hints)
Hints and tips by Senf
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg, where we have been having typical Prairie summer weather – warm/hot temperatures with high humidity, which creates ideal conditions for late afternoon/evening ‘pop up’ thunder showers!
Keep staying safe everyone.
It took me a little while to ‘break into’ this but Dada turned out to be benevolent – I counted seven anagrams (six of which were partials), one lurker (not hinted, but it’s 6d), and one homophone – all in an asymmetric 29 clues, with 16 hints ‘sprinkled’ throughout the grid you should be able to get the checkers to enable the solving of the unhinted clues.
Candidates for favourite – 14a, 16a, 15d, and 18d.
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, a number of the more difficult clues have been selected and hints provided for them.
Don’t forget to follow BD’s instructions in red at the bottom of the hints!
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow:
9a Power drops from the sky, it’s said? (5)
The homophone (it’s said) of the liquid that drops from the sky.
10a I appreciate that natural gambolling in hairy creature (9)
A two letter informal interjection that can be used for I appreciate that, followed by an anagram (gambolling) of NATURAL.
12a Cook, good poser! (7)
The single letter for good and a type of poser (as in conundrum).
14a Musical composition that may go to one’s head? (9)
A late 1960s rock musical and a synonym of composition.
16a Contrary to what is expected, unlikely to drink whisky? (7,3,5)
A double definition(?) – the first indicates contrariness to one’s inclination or natural tendency and was used by Shakespeare in Coriolanus in 1607.
21a Capital I invested in large containers (5)
The letter I from the clue inserted into (invested in) large containers, one of which is equivalent to 216 gallons of ale.
28a Figure removing coat for competition (5)
A two digit figure (number) with its first and last letters removed (removing coat).
1d Pull charge up (4)
A synonym of charge (as in providing guardianship) reversed (up).
3d Nuns depart after duffing up boxers, say? (10)
An anagram (after duffing up) of NUNS DEPART.
5d Smug: as a swine entertaining king (8)
A single word equivalent to as a swine containing (entertaining) one of the letters used for king.
7d Potential flower perhaps ideal for developing bloom (8)
The stage of growth that precedes a flower (potential . . . perhaps) followed by an anagram (for developing) of IDEAL.
8d French cakes prepared, then mixed in eels! (10)
A synonym of prepared followed by (then) an anagram (mixed) of IN EELS.
15d Master under servant in great book (4-6)
An old master who painted seascapes placed after (under) a usually young servant gives a book that can be difficult to put down.
18d 50/50 chance: fix sudden descent of aeroplane (8)
One of the possible outcomes of a coin toss and a synonym of fix.
22d Baby crab? (6)
A double definition – the second is sometimes a term applied to a crab.
26d Take out dried fruit (4)
A double definition to finish – the second is a fruit that comes from a palm tree.
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As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put any ANSWERS, whether WHOLE, PARTIAL or INCORRECT, or any ALTERNATIVE CLUES in your comment.
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Dr Brian May CBE ARCS, astrophysicist and co-founder/lead guitarist of Queen is 73 today. This is a song that he wrote, in 1977, for the group which includes a long guitar solo from him at the end:
This was an enjoyable crossword (4*) with the greatest challenge being in the SW for me. A couple of clues, 19a and 18a took me from 2* to 2.5* for difficulty. my favourite clues were 14a, 15d and 18d (when the penny finally dropped. Thanks to Senf for the hints and Dada for another intriguing puzzle. We actually got some rain last night, which has been welcome in this rather dry spring and summer.
For me an easy and enjoyable passage through today . Held up in the SW corner slightly due to my silly typo in 16A causing a problem with 18D which is my COTD .
Thanks again Senf and Dada .
Cannot believe that Cardiff City look like qualifying for the play offs .
Considerably easier than the last couple of Sundays & (can’t quite believe I’m saying this for Dada) no real problems, other than remembering the spelling of the last bit of 7d, in a steady solve in under **time. Good fun & very enjoyable without perhaps being quite up there with his best.
Thanks Dada & to Senf for his review
Pottered through this pretty steadily held up by 14a as I had put in a specific musical composition that fitted the clue but did not help at all with 7,8 or 15d. But once sorted, although I like my answer better, all was good.
#metoo for 14a
I had already solved 4d so I had the first letter of 14a which helped me to rule out ‘musical composition.’ To the best of my recollection, it is the second time that Dada has used the particular musical in a Sunday puzzle. Perhaps, it is something to try and remember.
2*/4*. All good fun. 14a was my favourite with a special mention for the LOL surface of 3d.
Many thanks to Dada and to Senf.
A nice Sunday romp with just a bit of stupidity from me when I wrongly interpreted the 9a homophone.
Quite a lot of ‘likes’ but my top three were 14&16a plus18d – 16a taking the gold medal.
Thanks to Dada and also to Senf for the well illustrated hints – thought you were very restrained in your choice of pic for 3d!
Where’s Dada and what have you done to him?
That was a pleasant stroll through crosswordland with few hold ups. Too many to single out one but avatarially I must mention 25a.
Also Proustian moments re 8d and 13a which bought to mind making pease pudding with Granda Emm. ( Mothers side of the family hence not Bee)
Thanks to Dada and Senf
Apart from a slight pause to check the spelling of 7d, this one went in fairly quickly this morning.
1.5*/4*. 3d made me smile, and I also liked 14a.
Many thanks to Dada and to Senf.
24d my last one in, even when I got it, couldn’t see it until just now! Lovely puzzle. Thanks to all. In answer to Steve Cowling yesterday – champagne? no no, cheap white wine whizzed in a soda stream!
Ha, I was the exact opposite on 24d: following the wordplay I had a collection of letters but I didn’t believe they were a word (I tried to pronounce them, but put the stress in the wrong place) so I dismissed it. It was considerably later when I finally twigged.
Usual tricky Sunday but I seemed to get on the right wavelength for a change. Took ages to get my last in, 3d, because I had got 9a wrong! Best clue for me was 17d.
As ever the clues were interesting, it was just that today I was able to unravel a few.
Thx to all
The quickest finish to a Sunday for a very long time. Nothing stretched. I’ll drink to 16a as my favourite clue today. Thanks.
Must be me having an off day then because I didn’t find this one particularly easy. ****/*** Having said that, I don’t know why I struggled to find the answer to some of them as they are obvious enough. A case of easy when you know how! I’d agree with the top picks so far but I’ll nominate 8d as favourite today. Thanks to all. Back to the cricket now.
Only held up slightly by 13d when I had the wrong “sewer”. It made me smile when I realised the misdirection. That’s my favourite of the day closely followed by 16a and 18d. 3d brought a second smile. Thank you setter and Senf.
As usual I found Dada less than benevolent but this week less tough than last. South went in fine but NW held me up especially as I had another word giving me confirmation bias for 1d.
3d was the key to sorting things out & was my COTD.
Thanks Dada and Senf for the hints.
Took a while to break onto it but a steady solve thereafter. Like others, I found the SW corner holding out longest until I sussed 13d. Lots of good clues to cause lightbulb moments and my favourites are 11a and 18d with the latter being my COTD.
Grateful thanks to Dada for the challenge. Thanks, also, to Senf for the hunts, which I did not need today but were read anyway,
Why are people wanting to erase Winston Churchill from history? I trained at Guy’s Hospital and they want to pull down his statue and change the name of the Guy’s campus.
Why, indeed! I didn’t know that, he’s one of my heroes, read his books. I can’t believe that. I well remember hearing him on the radio during the war. Oh dear!
It is very sad, Merusa. If we erase our past we cannot learn from it. If we cannot learn, we will repeat the past.
I found this very straightforward, finishing in my second fastest time ever I think which was handy as i had a very lazy day yesterday and now have lots of household jobs to do today. Enjoyable puzzle nonetheless, with no particular favourite clue. Thanks to Dada and Senf.
A nice, gentle Dada for me, though I stumbled a bit on 8d (an unforgiveable Proustian slip!). Otherwise, a delightful Sunday outing with my favourites being 3d, 8d, and 16a. Thanks to Senf and Dada. ** / ****
R.I.P. John Lewis
I tortured myself reading À la recherche du temps perdu but I am still unsure as to exactly what ‘Proustian’ actually means
I have looked up various definitions but they all seem rather vague
Exactly what does it mean in the sense you have used it Robert?
Might test even Robert’s command of our language to give a satisfactory explanation without a visit to the naughty stair.
Well, I’ll try. In my comment earlier, I was referring to the initial image–the metaphorical sense-impression–which the author Proust uses to trigger all of his memories in ‘A la recherché….’ Those so-called ‘cakes’ of 8d (and what the narrator remembers about them). The adjective ‘Proustian’ generally means anything related to that magnum opus of his, but more specifically it alludes to the stylistic manner in which memory begets memory throughout all nine volumes of the work. When I read The Book in One Fell Swoop over three months, I was recovering from microsurgery on my eyes, literally, and it was Proust who shed new light on the world for me. (N.B.: I was double-punning, by the way, on the old chestnut ‘a Freudian slip’.)
Hmm, I see, thanks
It’s the taste. That sense-impression. Dip one of those cakes in a cup of tea, say, and then remember how wonderful the taste was. This is the way, the Proustian way, memory works in the book. Of course, the novel embroiders and embellishes…an ever-enlarging circle of memory. It was MY memory that failed me earlier; ergo, my ‘Proustian slip.’
Holy smoke, didn’t teach us that at Deptford secondary modern
I think I’ll stick to Jean Paul Sartre. 🤔
Wow certainly comments and discussion on a different plane, even planet. The blog is taking on a completely new dimension.
It would be interesting to have an Avatar of Robert’s library!
Oh dear – despite having watched yesterday’s news reports including the presentation by Obama (great president) I still had a moment of panic on seeing your ‘RIP John Lewis’ when for one awful moment I thought that my favourite retailers had shut their doors for ever and I might never get another home delivery from Waitrose!
Profuse apologies to the exceedingly brave man in question, I’m hanging my head in shame but thought I should own up to my gross mistake.
You are not alone, Jane. Those were my immediate thoughts, as well. Like you, I apologise to the memory of John Lewis.
I do know of your retailer over there, Jane, but it never even occurred to me….no need to feel shame at all.
Again I’m going to use my Jamaicanism! “‘Im lickle but ‘im tallawah.” Great man, he will be sorely missed.
Enjoyable outing into cryptic land today. 14A is my tip pick. Thanks to Senf and Dada.
I have the French doors open while I can. It’s already 83 F at 8:30 am and is forecast to be in the mid to high 90’s…again. Thank heaven’s for A/C.
Great to see you again!
I enjoyed that — lots of fun clues. Thank you, Dada. I liked so many clues — all the ones that others have mentioned and I’m adding the 5d swine and 28a figure.
Thanks for the hints, Senf. I needed a few in the middle. I hadn’t heard of the container before, and nor it seems has the Unix ‘units’ command. Oxford Dictionaries defines it as 4 hogsheads, which ‘units’ does know about. But that gives 210 British gallons or 252 US gallons — where does 216 come from?
216 gallons of ale comes out of the BRB. It also says that it is 252 gallons of wine, so, as a gallon of wine cannot be smaller than a gallon of ale, it seems that it is one of those old units of measure that is whatever you want it to be!
(Please address any comments or complaints to Chambers!)
Strangely, a hogshead of beer was 54 gallons but a hogshead of wine was 52½ gallons. Hence the container in 21a could hold either 216 gallons of beer or 210 of wine. :wacko:
Maybe they were allowing for the ‘head’ on the beer?
You or Chambers might be incorrect – the BRB has 63 gallons of wine for a hogshead. I suppose after you have drunk a couple of gallons of ale or wine it doesn’t really matter!
63 US gallons is almost exactly 52½ proper gallons. :wink:
Aha! A bit more research has uncovered the reason for the discrepancy. Apparently there is an obsolete measure of volume called a “wine gallon” which formed the basis for the US gallon but was abandoned in the UK in 1826 in favour of the imperial gallon. It seems that a hogshead is 52½ imperial gallons or 63 English wine gallons.
Apparently the English wine gallon and US gallon are very close to each other but not quite identical because each was measured using different bases for pressure and temperature.
I think I need a drink …
What a firkin good topic.
!!! Love it.
When I first worked in cellars. Hogsheads were common. Always wooden hooped casks that one had to learn the knack of manoeuvring into place. Now we rarely see anything bigger than a firkin which is nine gallons. A kilderkin is eighteen gallons. A barrel is thirty six gallons. A hogshead is fifty four gallons. A butt is one hundred and eight barrels and xxxxx is two hundred and sixteen gallons. That is a lot of beer.
Thanks all. That was interesting — and apologies for not saying so on the day, when you might still be reading.
It seems the units command I was using was defaulting to wine, Rabbit Dave having explained the difference. If I specifically ask it to convert ‘4 brbeerhogshead’ then it gives the answer of 216 gallons, matching MiffyPops’s explanation above. Phew!
A steady solve with 18d the only one to hold me up. I liked 16 and 10a particularly but found the whole solving process very enjoyable. Many thanks to Dada and Senf for cheering me up after a family visit had to be postponed because it’s too wet and chilly to be in the garden. This time will pass, I know, but sometimes it seems to be going on for ever!
Hi Essar, it certainly does seem like ‘for ever’ – in my case since 22nd March. Brings a whole new light to bear on the idea of being consigned to ‘eternal damnation’ doesn’t it!
Why gas the lockdown lasted forever but my birthday comes aroundbmore quickly with each passing year? Einstein might be abke to tell me but he’s long gone.
In my case it is change the sheets day which comes round with relentless monotony and undue speed.
It certainly feels as if it’s been going on for ages.
I don’t know if it’s a good thing that we didn’t know how long it would go on for right at the beginning, ie seventeen weeks ago, or if it would have been better to know – not that it makes a scrap of difference.
As usual, when the consensus is a ‘romp’ or an ‘easy stroll’ I struggle! I relied on Senf several times for tips and then worked my way through. Hugely enjoyable crossword. I like Dada days.
I have been informed by Mrs Terence that we are to undertake a Sunday afternoon ‘stroll’ but with the certainty that we will return in good time for the vital event at Wembley starting at 6pm. Such an exhausting life!
Thanks to Dada and Senf.
Forget Wembley, Terence, will you be back in good time to give Lola her dinner?
Jane – she is ‘technically’ my neighbours’ cat and they put food out for her each morning. She tends to have a big feed, a long sleep then return for the last few mouthfuls in the afternoon!
Clever girl – keeping all her options open!
Wotta little beauty! Love the smudge on the nose.
Ha! Yes her little smudgy nose makes her extra adorable!
I got along rather more readily than usual with Dada today but it was still a bit of a struggle. 21a had to be although I was unaware of the large container. Favs for me were 16a and 3d. Thank you Dada and Senf.
What an enjoyable solve, II have a feeling that 9, 11, and 12 across were used recently, my COTD was 16 across all told time well spent.Thank you as always to Dada and Senf.
***/****. Very doable puzzle from Dada which is the first time I think I could say that. My favourite was 24d purely for the penny drop moment closely followed by 17d. Thanks to all.
Despite having eaten several for breakfast, we gazed gormlessly at 8 d for ages before the penny dropped. Never mind, at least we could do this one without help, highly unusual for a Sunday Dada. ***/**** for us, highly enjoyable, favourite clue 18 d. Thanks to Senf and Dada.
Thank you Dada if it is you and Senf the mustard man for taking my mind off this impossible situation which is really getting me down now. I don’t see things getting back to normal for months and I am so fed up with struggling. Now the b——-kettle has gone Kaput, I thought this brand was the cream. The effort needed to get a new kettle makes me think it is easier to open a bottle after all your talk of firkins et al. Plus the fact that I see we have 2 1/2 hours of flipping football this evening, why don’t they put all the sport on a flipping sports channel. I think you can see I am not a happy daisy.
Same thoughts here, Daisygirl, but to judge by the current output I think the main stations will clutch at anything to fill their daily schedules. I reckon that I’ve even come to the end of all episodes ever made of Midsomer Murders………….
Morse – Endeavour? Not that I’ll watch anything with John Thaw in it, or anything set in Oxford!
Oh what have you got against John Thaw, or Oxford? To add insult to injury there is cricket on BBC 2. I really don’t want to pay a licence fee but I dare say there are some amongst us who ate lapping it up. Get a separate channel for sport please bbc
I don’t have anything at all against John Thaw – I might just be his greatest fan EVER and as for Oxford – well, I’ve lived here ever since I was eighteen so I must like it a little bit.
I think my wording of the comment went a bit wrong – I was joking – I meant that I would watch anything with J T in it and, if that includes Oxford, then so much the better.
Think I’ve just about exhausted those as well……….
What’s wrong with Morse. Colin Dexter was a great writer and had an immense vocabulary. As for Mr. Thaw, I thought he was a perfect Morse. Why the antagonism to Oxford? Are you from Cambridge, Kath?
Just curious! 🤔
I don’t think there’s any antagonism, my memory tells me that Morse is Kath’s fave hero and just a pic of Morse will dissolve her into tears! I think Kath is taking the Michael!
Thank you, Merusa – precisely.
Ah! 👍
My comment was taken the wrong way – ask anyone who’s been around on the blog almost since it started – they’ll tell you just how much I loved John Thaw – plenty of them take the **** out of me about it.
Sorry Kath you beat me to it – need to think / type quickerer.
Do you still see the collie – my memory isn’t good enough to remember his name. Every other dog up here is a collie many of them working dogs If Biggles is anything to go by they must be full of ticks!
Yes, how about the collie, Kath?
That is Kath’s quirky sense of humour Steve. Her “previous” suggests she finds Mr Thaw aka Morse mildly interesting at least.
When Dada puzzles first appeared, I didn’t get them at all. Now I really enjoy them. Not easy, but not impossible, and mostly workable if you put your thinking head on. Like Senf, it took me a while to get a toehold, but then it slowly came together. I learnt a new word, for me, for the gallons of ale. If I hadn’t misspelt the flower in 7d I would have finished earlier. COTD for me was 16a. Thanks to Dada and Senf for a great start to my Sunday.
Once again I did not need the hints but thank you Senf for allowing me to check my answers. Could not start until 10a which went straight in . Then it was a fairly steady solve. SW first. NW last. 28a last in as I was looking at the wrong clue. Doh.
Really enjoyed this. Some cracking clues.
I usually have to limber up before I start on a Sunday but this all fell into place nicely.
Thanks to Dada and Senf
Enjoyed that, and managed to just complete unaided xxxxx.
NE corner held me up, with 8D last in and my COTD.
Not totally sure I understand the parsing of 11A – I assume it’s a case of splitting the answer as (2,5)…?
Welcome to the blog.
Yes, you are correct on 11a – a not untypical Dada clue which leaves you with a Hmm even when you have solved it.
I deleted your (somewhat indirect) reference to solving time as that is something that we do not discuss on the blog (FAQ/COMMENT/COMMENT ETIQUETTE – 6).
Ah, sorry. Didn’t realise that was poor etiquette.
In that case in terms of difficulty (aka solving time) / enjoyment which is obviously a much more individual opinion, I’d rate today’s as ** / ****, as occasionally I manage to do it quicker, but more often it’s longer and perhaps with a bit of assistance required.
Not too bad today a 2*, 2*. Like others 24d was last in. I’m still waiting for the penny drop moment for it though but I’m sure I’m correct. Favourites today 14a, 13d and 3d for a giggle. Thanks to those that welcomed me the other day
Ultimate characters for your 24d penny drop moment.
Duh! Of course. Thank you so much
Great blog today! But we do need some help with 24 down. I think we have the letters right but I’m not sure how the meaning matches the meaning? Is this some British thing? Does clock mean to see?
Welcome to the blog, unless you are using a different e-mail address?
Yes, clock is a synonym for see in 24d.
A lovely crossword – I’m with those who thought it was less tricky than is usual for a Sunday.
There wasn’t really anything in particular that held me up but there was still plenty to think about.
For no good reason, other than that something had to be, my last answer was 27a.
The mental image of the nuns legging it after the boxers made me laugh as did 5d.
I particularly liked 14 and 16a and 2, 3 and 5d. My favourite was 24d once I’d focused on the right clock.
Our little grandson knows the name of the 7d shrub and a couple of weeks ago I asked him if he could remember its other name which I’d told him recently. He said, “No, but I’ll call it Rachel”! We don’t have a clue where that came from – he doesn’t even know anyone called Rachel. :unsure:
Enough of my ramblings so thanks to Dada and to Senf.
Late in the day but wanted to express my thanks to Dada for an excellent and challenging puzzle. 14a stood out for me as the best of many fun clues.
Many thanks, too, to Senf for being on blogging duty.
Maybe I’m getting on Dada’s wavelength? Not easy but doable with some e-help, the SW being the most stubborn corner. I still find it difficult to unravel them once I get the answer.
My fave has to be 16a but there were many others that I liked. I love 7d and have tried to grow it here with no success. It made me so cross to see it growing wild on the embankments on the train to Wales. I thought 14a was giggle worthy.
Thanks to Dada and to Senf for unravelling some for me.
Less of a handful than usual, until I got to 1d/11a…the metaphorical brick wall loomed. The penny dropped for no apparent reason standing over a 4 foot putt this afternoon, which I subsequently missed.
Thanks to Senf and Dada.
A nice Dada offering for a Sunday morning. Very do-able with only a couple of hmms for clue parsing, 11a being one of them.
Candidates for favourites were 14a, 16a, 23a, 13d (and the duh moment when the penny dropped!) & 15d … winner 13d with 23a close second. **/**** rating today.
No real stumbling blocks.
24d last in today as was the whole SE corner.
Thanks to Dada and Senf for the hints.
That should have been the whole SW corner …
Hooray – someone else who can’t do left or right.
Thanks, Jane, Chriscross, Daisygirl and Kath.
It helps to hear that I’m not the only one feeling that this is interminable. My greatest fear is that the virus will have a resurgence in winter as I can’t bear the thought of being stuck in the house. I’m sorting out all my wet weather gear so that I can continue gardening in December!
I went into lockdown on 9th March and it’s all getting a bit tedious, as those of you who are shielding will no doubt understand. My thoughts are with all those who are stuck in this very trying situation but, as I said, it will pass as long as people accept that they have a responsibility to protect each other.
The main trouble is that most people are not mindful of others or of responsibility generally. Just think of the rubbish that people abandon, the state of those beaches when people were first allowed out. Beyond disgraceful. I wish I could feel more sanguine about the situation!
Not only that, Daisygirl but they just drop masks and rubber gloves, that could be contaminated, everywhere.
A solid *** difficulty for me and a thoroughly enjoyable solving process.
I love(d) 8d both the clue and the answer.
Many thanks to Dada and to Senf for the nicely illustrated review.
Thanks to Dada and to Senf for the hints. A very nice puzzle, not too tricky. Just needed the hints to parse 10a. I laughed out loud at 4d, but my favourite was 3d. Last in was 12a. Was 2*/4* for me.
A pleasant evening romp through today’s offering. Chuckled heartily at 3D and 13D (when the penny finally dropped about cracked sewer) This then allowed us to complete the problematic SW corner. Many thanks
I’m in the “not as difficult as most Dada crosswords” camp this evening, although needed help to spell 7d and never heard of an 8d. Favourite was 17d thanks the Dada and Senf.
The smell of 8D takes me right to the Bridge theatre in London. The very first production there was the Young Marx and the aroma of 8D wafted through the auditorium in the second half as they were being prepared in the cafe ready to be purchased after the play finished. I guess that is a Proustian memory?
Managed to finish unaided today which is seldom these days on a Sunday. Thanks to Dada and Senf as well as all the bloggers who contribute here. I’m often catching up so too late to comment but the blog is always a source of enjoyment.
Ah yes, MsGlad…how wonderful…not only taste impressions but smell as well. That’s a great memory of wafting 8ds. We should never discount the olfactory sense. Thanks for this lovely comment. Proustian indeed.
Like MsGlad I am very often too late to comment, but the blog is indeed always a source of enjoyment. I found this puzzle extremely difficult (and was glad to see one or two others who did too) but with overtime help from my electronic assistant, and thanks to Senf for hints and tips, I got there in the end.
Late getting round to this one. V slow start but once my wife was on board, everything went in quite quickly. Favorite 3D.