Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29419 (Hints)
The Saturday Crossword Club
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
Tilsit is unable to provide today’s hints, so I’m back in the chair.
An interesting mix of clues, from which it was difficult to decide which would cause the most problems, so feek free to ask for help, but remember to heed the instructions in red below.
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow.
1a The setter is no longer cool, coming to standstill (7)
The abbreviation for “the setter is” followed by a word meaning no longer cool or fashionable
11a Cove in film next to lake (5)
The IN from the clue followed by a well-known two-letter film which is preceded by (next to) L(ake)
12a Where traffic is moving from place to place (2,3,4)
Two slightly cryptic definitions
13a Student stops engineer working in shade (4,5)
The letter used for a student goes inside (stops) an anagram (working) of ENGINEER gives a shade of colour
16a Nothing fantastic in Greek letter (5)
O (nothing) followed by a word meaning fantastic
17a Charles and Mike split (5)
An affectionate form of the name Charles followed by the letter represented by Mike in the NATO Phonetic alphabet
20a Two articles on a menu revised in London club (9)
The single-letter indefinite article followed by the definite article and an anagram (revised) of A MENU
28a Curl right round fireplace (7)
The two-letter abbreviation of right goes around a type of fireplace
1d One man, not the Messiah, embracing East European (7)
The second part of this took a bit if figuring out! – I (one) and someone from a Monty Python film who is not the Messiah around (embracing) E(ast)
4d Time and time again, love is an inspiration (5)
A three-letter period of time is followed by T(ime) and O (love) – to give The Muse of lyric poetry
5d Regret sounding bit stressed out? (9)
Sounds like a bit or small coin followed by an adjective meaning stressed out
7d Dog’s entered in races as one withdrawn (9)
A name often given to a dog goes inside the IN from the clue and some “races” held on the Isle of Man
14d Look in to restrain son being obnoxious (9)
A two-letter word meaning look followed by a phrase (2.4) meaning in one’s house around (to restrain) S(on)
15d One’s left us for dead? (9)
An example (one’s, one is) of the answer is to use the milder phrase “left us” instead of dead
21d President, disgraced, having more time to spend with family? (5)
Split the surname of this disgraced former President of the US as (3,2) and it could mean having more time to spend with family
24d Use excellent line with King James Bible (5)
An expression meaning excellent followed by L(ine) and preceded by the two-letter abbreviation for the King James or Authorised Version of the Bible
The Crossword Club is now open.
Today’s nusic is from one of my favourite girl singers from the fifties:
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The Quick Crossword pun: fought+knight=fortnight
This puzzle had some unusual clues, including some rather stretched synonyms. Nevertheless I enjoyed the challenge and managed to finish it unaided by the use of re erse engineering some clues (2.5*/4*). I liked 1d, 14d and 20a. I bunged in 21d and am still not totally sure why although I can just about see it. Thanks to BD for the hints and help parsing a few. Thanks to the compiler for a worthy challenge.
Tough today but with some super clues inc what for me is in the top 10 of all time, 1d.
I thought some of the synonyms were a bit stretched but I get criticised by the ****** for saying that.
My only remaining problem is 23a, just can’t fully parse my answer.
Pleased to have completed (assuming my answer to 23a is correct).
23a Leader to advise Democrat about campaign medal (5)
The initial letter (leader) of A[dvise] and D(emocrat) go around a campaign
Excellent, now I get it. Missed out the 1at A which was confusing me being a bear of very little brain.
Well I found this a bit tricky. Whether that was as a function of the actual difficulty or my starting after a boozy lunch I’ll leave you to decide. I did enjoy 1d. I struggled with 21d largely because of an inability to put the letters for 20a in the right order. Once I sorted that given the checker from 25a all becomes clear. Right off to do some more damage to my stocks of lockdown beer.
I AGREE WITH BRIAN! 1d was just downright brilliant.
1d, worth a year’s subscription. Classic.
This was a “slowly, slowly, catchy monkey” one for me. I used an anagram scrambler for 8d as I couldn’t make anything from “can hide”. I wish I’d been a bit more patient, as I’d probably have got it from checking letters. I wonder if the setter is a member of the 20a. Thank you setter for the brain stretch today, and thank you too BD for the review. The site has become a real joy during lockdown, and a part of the daily routine.
Oops, just realised that it’s not the full review. Thank you BD for the Saturday club hints.
Completely agree with Brian on all counts. I too have got an answer for 23a but don’t understand the parsing. Maybe I have got it wrong too! Still I’m in good company. Thanks to all.
Have now seen BD’s hint above so all makes sense, thanks. I guess Brian was right too.
Great music and dancing,thanks for the clues I need all the help I can get.
Welcome to the blog Kevin
Nice Saturday with an interesting and varied ( ;) ) mix of clue types
Thanks to the Saturday Mysteron and to BD
Thanks for the hint for 23a to BD. I was in two minds about this one too. Tricky today. At first pass I managed about 4 answers. A strong coffee put the brain into gear. I liked 1a, 20a and 7d. Favourite goes to 15d. I thought this was a cracking clue. ***/*** Thanks to all. And for Robert, stop watching the news. It’s definitely not good for your health. All those talking heads criticising everything with the 20/20 hindsight of their crystal balls. And in America it must be worse!
Enjoyable puzzle thank you setter and BD – but why is the Telegraph continuing with these money prizes on Saturdays surely it’s time to bring the pens back!?
Must have been on just the right wavelength this morning as 1a went straight in and the rest followed quite smoothly with the exception of 15d which held out until the end. The 13a ‘shade’ was new to me and I invariably falter over those ‘inspirations’ so I did check on those post-solve.
Thanks to our setter for an excellent puzzle and thanks also to BD for the review – those dancers in your first clip deserve a huge round of applause!
Borrowing RD’s pedant’s hat – BD did the Hints, Gnomey will be providing the review
Of course, my apologies.
I was expecting either you or BD to have a word with Brian over his use of ‘******’ in his comment……….
I agree, Jane. Anyone who disagrees with Brian is a ***** to him, I guess. Must be a difficult way to see the world, I would think.
I invariably find Brian’s comments to be spot on and why shouldn’t he draw attention to aspects of the crossword that are gnomic or just plain difficult to construe?
I am always pleased to read what he says and the way some bloggers wade in with all three keyboards whirring I find dispiriting and it is the cause my infrequent posts on the site.
Now, I’m curious as to what Brian said. All I see is ******… can we have a cryptic hint?!
On lived under a bridge, gruffly (5)
Ahh, that word … thanks!
Actually, that’s the word that changed its meaning a few years ago thanks to the our beloved tabloid press. It used to mean people on comments boards who pretended to take a contrary opinion in order to wind up other posters. Sorry, I guess most people on here already know that.
I agree. We all have different views on the crosswords, and the use of the word ****** was rather offensive in this regard. They are definitely out there on the web without a doubt, but I like to think not on this site. I often agree with Brian, but not today. Doesn’t make me a *****.
I agree too
It is sad to think that anyone on this site calls any of the the rest (or just some) a *****
I think it is a “Brian will be Brian” too far.
One of the outstandingly attractive things about this site is the range of opinions expressed by the contributors, which broadens the mind . Another is the tolerance, good humour and support we show to one another most of the time.
Our first sitting room was painted ‘eau de —-‘ with a carpet to match. I was so proud of it, a very in shade in the 60s, until a neighbour said it was like sitting in a goldfish tank.
Thanks Daisy, I had never heard of the color in 13a, at least not spelt like that. When you add the eau in front I do remember it of course. And we too loved it as a shade in the 60s.
Me too, as I say in 11 above, French colour didn’t come to mind.
I have redacted all occurrences of the mildly offensive term used by Brian.
You will know 13a better by its French name.
In the top ten of all time might be a stretch but agree with Brian that 1d was a cracker in what I thought was a very pleasant Saturday solve. Not particularly difficult with a few gimmies, some familiar words cropping up but good surfaces & nicely clued throughout. Wasn’t familiar with 13a, always feel it necessary to check my 20a spelling, didn’t fully parse 21d & the two letter bible abbreviation was new to me but otherwise plain sailing (bit like what have the romans ever done for us in 1d film). Podium – 1a&d plus my last in 15d, with 8d just missing out.
Thanks to the setter & BD for the review & 21d explanation.
Hi again, Huntsman, Re yesterday’s reference to Ferrante and Roth–Yes, I’ve read both My Brilliant Friend and The Plot…America. Greatly admire the HBO version of Part 1 of the Ferrante. The Roth novel is one of those amazing late splurges that Roth brilliantly enjoyed—American Pastoral and Sabbath’s Theater are two others–just when his career seemed to be in eclipse. I’ve only seen the first three episodes of the TV adaptation of The Plot (long story there) and now must watch the re-runs. Lindbergh was one of those proto-Nazi, nativist, White Nationalist sympathisers (like someone who actually WAS elected president, and now look where we are) and Roth justifiably settles his hash.
I did so enjoy My Brilliant Friend.
So did I Daisy. Re-watched series 1 to refresh my memory & couldn’t resist binge watching 2. Felt quite bereft at the conclusion & hopefully not too long to wait before book 3 which has been commissioned & which I’ll resist the temptation to read. Very surprised it has been overlooked in the BAFTAs where I do hope the marvellous Succession wins the International category.
Thanks Robert – haven’t read Roth so will make the effort.
Once again it was the NW which held things up. Missed the need for “working” in 13a so wrongly settled on a lighter shade which in turn complicated 1d. Had not previously come across creature in 8d but bananas meant it had to be as did 4d which filled itself in. Thank you Mysteron and BD.
Tough but fair. NW corner held me up
1d was good but 7d was my COTD with my LOI 15d close behind.
Not familiar with 13a.
Thanks to setter & BD for hints.
Gosh that was a struggle with 1 d taking the longest to parse. I had gone around every East European country to no avail. Felt a great sense of achievement when completed. Many thanks to Big Dave and the setter. Not much else achieved this morning such was the desire to “finish it”. I agree with Greta that Robert is well advised to stop watching the doom and gloom of broadcasting and their wise words coming much too late.
I liked a lot of this but consider it marred by a couple of stretched definitions. I’m not convinced that the liqueur in 17d is alcoholic and whilst the answer to 21d is very obvious, even with Dave’s note above I’m lost to how the family get involved. I did like 15d. Thanks
I’m pretty sure it is!
It is definitely alcoholic. Well, it is in France. :grin:
Indeed it is and the appellation stipulates a minimum of 15% alcohol content so adding to the kick in Kir cocktails!
When I was a twenty something living in Cambridge used to give friends Kir Royale using Ribena as I couldn’t afford the real thing. Don’t think they guessed. If friends came to lunch I’d march them up to Majestic for pre lunch drinks as it was free and it was rather fun. Still serve Kir with Ribena, because I can! Stay safe all.
You couldn’t afford the alcoholic juice but you could afford the champagne?
No, cheap white wine whizzed by a soda stream, remember them?!
Regarding 21d, think of another word for the first three letters that will give a phrase that allows a person to spend more time on something including family. (I hope that doesn’t put me on the naughty step!)
I am pleased to read that it wasn’t just me. I had quite a struggle with this one, a real head scratcher, for completion at a canter – ***/***.
No stand-out favourites, but I did like 1d and 7d.
Thanks to the setter and BD.
Steady solve only held up by my spelling mistakes (20a 25a) and miscounting the number of times in 4d.
We have Her Majesty and a Sweetheart is this Ray T on a Saturday?
17d definitely alcoholic as a disastrous night finishing off Grandma Bee’s drinks cabinet can testify (even if I cannot as I murdered many brain cells that night.)
Thanks to BD and setter.
I doubt it is Ray T, John. There are a couple of 9 word clues and Ray T uses 8 or less. If I’m wrong no doubt I will be put right.
A testing and rewarding challenge for a Saturday. 1d was an excellent clue and my favourite, with 15d running it close. Thanks to the setter and to BD. Summer seems to have disappeared from my neck of the woods.
Another one that I found a struggle although it was fairly clued. Like Brian, I could not parse 23a but I understand now after BD’s explanation. My COTD is the brilliant 1d with an honourable mention for 15d.
Grateful thanks to the setter for an entertaining challenge. Thanks to BD for the hints and I hope it is not health reasons that have prevented Tilsit from reporting in.
Have you all got your masks ready for 24th July?
I, too, am concerned about Tilsit. How is he?
Hello there
Thanks for the concern. I am OK but have had a fairly tough week, culminating in being made redundant as well as a few other issues. I’ll be back on duty next weekend, rest assured.
I’m so so sorry to hear it. I just wish you well and hope our concern helps to take a little edge off the misery. Been there so know what a blow redundancy is to ones self esteem. It does get better.
My comment re 1d being in the top has prompted me to wonder just what clues people would include in their top 10. My no1 would have to be GEGGS (9,4).
I seem to remember it driving Henry crazy in Drop the Dead Donkey.
Yeah, that is a good one,
I like this one.
( 3, 3, 3, 1, 4)
OK I give in. ?
Has not got a clue.
GSGE is even better!
Personally, I prefer GEGS. :grin:
Seem to vaguely remember – Travel from Kew Gardens to Barking to obtain lethal weapon (8) which involved knowledge of the District Line. Plus there’s always the old HIJKLMNO (5) chestnut.
Water good clue.
I do like that one!. I once sent it in to Radio 2 when they were looking at cryptic crosswords and wanted some examples. They read it out but the guest (can’t recall who) got it immediately much to the astonishment of Amol Rajan, who was the presenter. I think it was Drivetime, before the BBC messed with it.
Start putting on clothes for sport (11)
Am 90 mins into my afternoon stroll & have only just twigged the answer Roy I think – did Harvey Smith do it?
It’s not the two-finger salute, but yes, he did :smile:
Help I can’t get it!
What is the answer to the GEGGS clue please – it’s driving me mad too!
It’s incorrect, it should be GEGS – a reverse anagram, just what one wants at the breakfast table
You know what ‘one’ is in crosswordland, and you know what East represents – now watch the clip, which is a rather big hint but great fun
Although often quoted as a favourite clue, it is actually poor as it lacks a definition.
I do agree, but Graun readers might consider it self-defining ie not the dish but what is presented in the clue
The Guardian crossword blog has discussed and dismissed GEGS, describing it as being something for Catchphrase rather than crosswords. (I found the whole article interesting.)
Thanks very much – got it now
I would like to throw this famous clue by John “Elgar” Henderson into the ring:
I say nothing (3)
If it helps, the first word is the definition and the rest is wordplay.
Very good – really like that one
Love it, thanks.
What a day Brian. I always love your assessment of puzzles including no hold bars. Hope it’s the same tomorrow.
PS. I think you have one G too many.
I thought that was a wrestling term ‘No holds barred’
Sorry for bombing, but madam was supposed to be here by 2pm and I’m still waiting…
Effect of a late lunch in the glorious sunshine is my primary defence.
Maybe what I mistakenly wrote could be applied to the freedom young people have nowadays to go into pubs – up to a point?
Amongst my favourite clues is this one by Arachne:
Two Dutchmen (9)
Is that men of three halves?
I’m afraid I need a hint , please.
LbR has given a hint above. Think of the Cockney meaning of (my old) Dutch.
gazza, my favourite clue is one of yours … it always makes me laugh.
Remove nuts from a portion of Angel Delight (4)
Something like that, but your version was probably better.
I’m flattered, Stan.
Love it. Suitable punishment for the two Dutchmen……
Yes – like you, one of the best clues ever in my opinion anyway, was one of Gazza’s – in an NTSPP ‘Looks like Gregory’s after a nibble’. There are lots of Ray T’s clues that I thought were brilliant, needless to say.
I’m feeling peckish … it’s a shame that all my local takeaway restaurants are still closed.
Ouch! That is painful, Stan! 😖
They have two ‘other halfs’
Sorry to introduce a negative tone but I did not enjoy it at all. When I have question marks against clues for which I know an answer but don’t know why (because of loose definitions or uncertain parsing) then I find it unsatisfactory, and today I had no less than 18 question marks – a record, I think. 1d was an example – a really stretched clue. I was certain of the answer but it was not until I read the hint that I understood why. 12a is weakly cryptic. Not heard of the shade in 13a, so that was an education. COTD was 16a. Don’t understand the parsing of 16d. The only light relief was the amazing dancers. Thanks to BD.
The good news is that my daughter and granddaughter have tested negative for Covid-19 after isolation for a week, so can go out into the big wide world (well, island, anyway). Enjoyed a walk on the beach in celebration. We are now 78 days with no cases.
Good news about family.
Are you allowing holidaymakers onto the island yet?
Holiday makers are allowed, but must self-isolate for two weeks, so not a lot of use really. Just had a trial of a one-week isolation followed by testing, but they haven’t said whether that will be continued. However, people returning to (or going to) the UK from here do not need to isolate. Also there is talk of people being allowed in from the UK on a day return, directed at business people. In the meantime an airbridge for holiday makers has been established with the IoM, which has apparently been successful both ways. No isolation needed.
Steady solve although not helped by last night’s effort to empty my rumtopf kilner ready for walnut pickling. Like a number of others 15d was my last in. Favourite was 16d which I think has great surface. Thanks to BD and today’s setter.
Funny and fast for me, with the exception of the COTD 15d, which held me up a bit. 1d did indeed make me laugh, and I really enjoyed the cleverness and trickiness in several other places. I’m not sure how the family figures in in 21d, however. My top choices: 15d, 1d, 5d, and 14d, Thanks to BD and the setter. Hope that Tilsit is all right. ** / ****
Just an example of people you could spend more time with if you split your solution 3,2
Presumably the 3 is a slang term?
Oh Brian … now where am I going to tell you to look? Definition No 1 in the BRB
Ok mea culpa!
“An opportunity to spend more time with my family” is what politicians (at least on this side of the pond) often say when they’ve been sacked or forced to resign.
A pity a few of them aren’t prepared to say it more willing – or is that too political?
21d is an oldie but goodie probably with (close to) identical cluing to today.
I see that one of the quotes in the Review Quiz (on p179) question 3 is from The Go Between!
Small world, eh LROK? Spooky too.
It is that. Tomorrow (well today now) is my son-in-law’s birthday. We went for a meal with them tonight & it turned out my wife & our daughter had bought him identical cards (except for “Husband” and “Son-in-law”). What are the odds of that?
Stay safe
All I wanted to say has pretty much been said. Mr Ron you are so clever and so funny. 15d is delicious as is 1d. I just enjoyed the whole romp and no crickety or footbally pitfalls for me. Florence, my brother is a member of one of the answers and has taken us there for lunch On several occasions. . Fri’fly grand.
All these comments about Brian … someone has to be the first to say it … He’s a very naughty boy!
Not according to today’s Telegraph!
I toyed with mentioning that but decide that we might end up in some sort of corner, probably without some rather delicious fruit cake if I say so myself what baked it!
This was a slow and steady solve which I found enjoyable my COTD was 17down, 1 down and the exert included reminded me of the trouble it caused when it was released, still makes me smile and think of the dead parrot sketch.
I am so wary of blurting something out on prize crossword days and taking my place on the step of impropriety, that I shall simply say this was an absolute cracker. I needed BD’s help to understand how I reached the answer to 24d, continuing to prove that the expensive education at a private Catholic school was entirely wasted.
With England dominating in the Test Match, it is, inevitably, raining in Manchester as I type this. However, in Surrey, we have bright sunshine and relative stillness meaning only one paperweight was required, with occasional extra use of an elbow. Lola the cat, at twelve years old, has seen it all before and shows no interest in either the crossword or the cricket. She enjoys golf on the television, especially the putting as she likes to paw at the screen as the ball trickles along, but she loses interest when the ball drops into the hole.
Thanks to the setter and BD.
Avatar (which I’ll leave up for a few days) is Lola today – in her favourite spot, where she has created a sort of nest under the ivy, amongst what were wallflowers.
Thanks for the avatar I guess quite a few have been wondering what the lady looked like. Like all cats she probably has cushions & beds a plenty but prefers her straw & leaves bed in HER spot.
Absolutely! She will stroll past a cushion and settle down on a mixture of soil and leaves!
When golf was on the TV one of my daughter’s cats, on seeing a ball drop into the hole, would scurry round the back of the set to discover where it had gone – kept us all amused!
Nice avatar, Terence, ‘Hi’ to Lola who has obviously stolen your heart.
She has, Jane. I can’t imagine life without her.
She’s a very pretty girl!
Thanks Merusa!
So that is Lola. She is lovely and I can quite see why she has captured your heart. Our first cat was a stray. I found him in our dustbin scrounging for food. He was covered in sores and had a broken tooth, which gave him a lop-sided leer like Humphrey Bogart. He latched on to us and, naturally, we called him Bogart. We had the vet treat him and he became an important part of our newly wedded life. He was such a wonderful cat that I wrote stories about him and they were broadcast on BBC Radio Shropshire.
Up until Bogart I did not like cats all that much. Always been a dog man but cats have a way. 🐯
Same here Steve – I had little affection for cats (though had no antipathy towards them) and then Lola decided to live with me and I changed my view very quickly. She is such a character. Are your stories about Bogart available anywhere?
The tapes were wiped for reuse, Terence, which was the practice of the BBC then. The only copies are what I recorded from the radio. I do, of course, have the original scripts. Unfortunately, the ink is starting to fade. I really should think about rewriting them.
With help from the hints now have a letter in every square and can parse all but 24d where l must a missing something.Stoke have staved off relegation but their skill level resembles mine at puzzles.I would also like to commend today’s Quick puzzle making very good use of a difficult grid.Thanks to setter and to our founder.
Try rereading my hint for 24d. There’s not much more i can say.
Thanks.l had not looked at your clue for this.l got it a few moments after my comment and with a strong Methodist background was ashamed of myself.
Enjoyed this one today, especially 15d. Sorry,I’ve read all the comments and I still don’t get the explanation for 21d.
Thanks to the setter and BD
Nor do I. Despite all the the above. Complete mystery to me.
As BD has hinted, look up the first three letters of your answer
Yep, I still don’t get it. Perhaps the saying didn’t make it across the pond,
Good puzzle. Favorites 1d and 15d, the latter took ages to solve until the penny dropped!
Enjoyed this puzzle very much….but just could not see 15d despite having all the checkers. What a ‘doh’ moment when the electronic gizmo revealed the answer !
Thanks to the setter and to Big Dave. Hope Tilsit is not unwell again.
Keep safe everyone.
Found this Saturday puzzle a bit of a struggle to get going. SE again my troublesome area as well as several clues where the answer fits but the parsing is not at all obvious (at least to me), and that includes 2d, 21d & 22d.
Favourite clue and a DUH! when I got it is 15d. Also liked 1a, 12a, 18a & 5d
***/*** for today.
Thanks to setter and BD
Trust Tilsit has not had a relapse … stay safe everyone. Keep your bubble small despite all the relaxations in many countries.
I’m in the very tricky camp. On first read I solved 1a so thought I was in for an easy ride, not so!
I don’t know much about Monty Python so the cleverness of 1d passed me by.
Instead of looking up the spelling for 20a, I just bunged in what I thought was correct. Of course I had to look it up eventually.
I think my fave is the Native American.
Thanks to our Saturday setter and to BD for sitting in for Tilsit.
Oh! So many comments! :phew: back later to read them all properly and to comment on the actual crossword, assuming that I have any energy left at all.
124 Comments? It must be Saturday!
My goodness. Having been out all day in glorious sunshine playing cricket (what a relief to be able to do so again even without the traditional cricket tea), and so only just having found time to look at today’s puzzle, I was amazed to see the number of comments posted.
This was very enjoyable indeed and, apart from a couple of bits of head scratching, I found it reasonably straightforward and didn’t need my pedant’s hat which I see CS borrowed. My rating is 2*/5*.
My favourite was 1d (that is a perfect example of how a name should be used as part of the wordplay) with 15d my last one in, 15d, in second place.
Many thanks to the setter and to BD.
Now for the NTSPP …
Thanks to the setter and to Big Dave for the hints. A very enjoyable, but quite tricky puzzle, just right for a prize crossword. Needed the hints for 1&15d, both of which were very good, the former was my favourite. I wonder who the setter was? Lots of humour and a sweetheart, Ray T? Was 4*/4* for me. Cracking puzzle.
At least one clue more than 8 words, a number of double word clues in the Quickie & he usually pops in so probably not I would say
I have 2clues left to do, and just can’t get a handle on 5a and 8d. Even with virtually every other letter I am struggling, and I don’t like beng beaten ! Constantine help please?
You’ve expanded your alias (and maybe left a T out?) since your last comment in 2017. Both aliases will work from now on.
5a Advertising a trade which is rather nutty? (7)
A two-letter abbreviation for a type of adbertising is followed by the A from the clue and a trade
8d Forest creature can hide bananas (7)
An anagram (bananas) of CAN HIDE
Thank you for that.I’ll get back to them. I had assumed it was an anagram in 8 d, so I’ll keep at it !😁
Done them ! Schoolgirl errors, I didn’t read 7d carefully,so 2 incorrect letters and another simple error on 12a. But all completed now,thanks and I can feel satisfied, albeit with help.
I don’t wish to appear churlish, but I love my Saturday Telegraph for the brain testing crossword, not having to exercise my long ago honed origami skills ( many a time sat in front of day time TV watching Robert Harbin!)
I really prefer it when the puzzle is on the back page and not the inside 🤣
Favourite today was 1D and least favourite was 21D …after googling it I’m still not sure if the ‘more time to spend with the family’ clue.
I am totally with you on the puzzle being on the back page, David. I hate trying to fold the paper when it’s on the inside, which it has been for quite a while now. I suppose revenue from full page adverts is more important. Wasted on me as I never ad them.
I couldn’t have done it without help, it was very odd in parts…Some jumped out -like 20a but like many I had never heard of 13a..
As usual I’m late on scene two many things going on at this time of year, even in a mild winter in my part of the country. Glad to see BD back in action and optimism from Tilsit – well done all
I found this week’s puzzle much tougher than usual but got there eventually. 15d was what almost foxed me totally but was a beautiful clue in fact. Thanks for the hints and tips herein. Recently reconnected with a running pal the legendary Pete Biddlecombe, former Times Crossword Championship winner and now TT crossword editor (he also was a good runner). We shared our favourite clues which included a few of the above plus:
Of of of of of of of of of of (10)
He represents one, and I another (8)
In which three couples get together for sex (5)
The solutions are all on google I believe. Have a good week!
Took a couple of days sitting next to a pool in Bergerac to work this one out. Wonderful puzzle. Guessed a few and only made sense after a had read your blog. Last one done was 15d / very clever