Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29407 (Hints)
The Saturday Crossword Club
Hosted by Tilsit
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
Greetings to what has been termed Super Saturday. Not in this part of Warrington for me. No trip to the pub, no trips to the hairdressers, etc. etc. Pretty much stay at home and manage as usual.
I’ve been dealing with suggestions that we reopen the bridge club that I’m Secretary of. Again, absolutely no chance. The English Bridge Union issued a risk assessment and after studying it, our committee decided it wasn’t possible or feasible. I’ve organised an online bridge club with over 200 players and that seems to be working well. Details are here, www.bridgewebs.com/stretford. If you miss bridge and would like to join us from anywhere in the world, contact me!
Today we had a fairly enjoyable puzzle which contained all the hallmarks of our long-standing Saturday setter, notably short concise clues. It’s also a pangram although two clues took a while to tease out and needed a long check through the Big Red Book! A couple of the definitions are slightly more obscure today as well.
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow.
1a Race tyres can burst (8)
We start with an anagram (burst) of TYRES CAN to give a word associated with race, as in genealogy.
10a Leave footprints and hurry (4,6)
Two definitions that mean the same thing.
11a Greek sailor’s dry wit (5,4)
This needed a look in the Big Red Book. An expression for dry wit is revealed by taking a word for someone from a Greek region and a slang word for a sailor.
14a Might sculptor be found sitting in it? (6)
A slang word for a sculptor, think what they do, is also a design of antique chair. Another one that needed a look in the BRB.
24a Piece of text soldier attached to chart (9)
The name for a section of text is found by taking the name for a soldier and adding a type of chart.
27a Charlie’s one part of frontier? (10)
The name for part of most land borders or frontiers. The most famous of these separated East and West Berlin.
28a Idiot left with bottles (4)
A word for an idiot is hidden (bottles) in the clue.
30a Second nuclear weapon is very loud (8)
After the abbreviation for second goes the name of a nuclear missile to give a word meaning loud.
2d Tiny changes to adopt church’s point (6)
A word for a point or detail in an argument is an anagram of TINY with the abbreviation for the Church (of England) inside.
4d Sort of negativism characterised by speed and efficiency (4-6)
Something that suggests speed and efficiency is an anagram of NEGATIVISM.
8d Dance with seal round a garden? (8)
The name for a type of dance is revealed by taking A and the name of a famous garden and wrapping around that a word meaning to seal something (more usually seen with a ‘u’ in it).
15d Inscription from scripture (3)
No doubt we’ll have a debate about whether this should have been (1,1,1,). It’s one of those abbreviations that has almost become a word and it’s hidden in SCRIPTURE (as well as in the definition!).
21d Choice of beverage when papa’s promoted (6)
Something meaning a choice is found by taking a word meaning a drink and moving the first letter up a little, although as it’s a down clue it should strictly be ‘dropped’ I suppose.
26d Stone work on nearly everything (4)
Take a small word for work and add something that means everything, minus its last letter to give the name of a precious stone.
Today’s music is another to make you relax and just marvel at the human voice.
The Crossword Club is now open.
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The Quick Crossword pun: aim+maze+zing=amazing
This was about as different to yesterday’s puzzle (5*/1*) as it could possible be. It was pretty straightforward (1*/4*), with a few little challenges to keep you on your toes and rather enjoyable. My favourite clue was 11a, which I recognised, having been caught out by it in a previous puzzle. I was delighted that it was a pangram and that, for once, I spotted it. Thanks to Tilsit for the hints. I hope you are fully recovered from C-19 and it is fading to a distant memory. Thanks also to the setter. Good health to all those lucky enough to be visiting their local hostelry today – we who are ‘shielding’ will have to wait a bit longer unfortunately.
Greetings from the rather damp Meon Valley.A very enjoyable Saturday puzzle,spotted it was a pangram and finished it in 2*time.4* enjoyment,
LOI was 11a,which I had not heard of before,but worked it out from the clue.
Thanks to Tilsit for the hints and glad to hear that you are fully recovered.
1.5*/3*. Thankfully this pangram was reasonably straightforward (apart from the answer to 11a which I needed to look up) and reasonably enjoyable. My paper was delivered late so when it did arrive I stopped working on Phibs’ MPP challenge (which is going to take several more cups of coffee to sort out) and was able to finish this one quite quickly. I found a couple of the cryptic definitions unconvincing, and 16a was my favourite.
I was delighted to read in the newspaper that I may have some hope of actually getting to play some sort of cricket soon. :-)
Many thanks to the setter and to Tilsit.
I had a very similar experience here. 11a was deduced from checkers and then the BRB was consulted. I also had to consult other dictionaries to find out what happened to the U I was expecting in 8d. SE corner last in because of doubts over 21d, but still managed in 1 brew. First look at MPP indicates a slightly trickier 20a.
“Slightly”?! You are a master of understatement, John.
Just a first look. A second look shows that it is a bit of a stinker (I have only got 1 definite so far)
And I forgot to thank tilsit for the hints and his improving health and the setter for the test.
Very enjoyable pangram today. Got off to a laboured start but then it was a steady solve up to the first 5 letter word of 11a. Here matters weren’t helped by the fact that I’d carelessly put the wrong vowel in as letter 5 in the 3d checker. Once I’d twigged that error the penny dropped but it still required confirmation from Mr G as new to me & most I suspect. No particular standout favourites today though I did like the surface of 17d. Many thanks to the setter & Tilsit.
Very enjoyable puzzle today with lots of anagrams to get one started. My favs were 11a and 14a.
Sorry for going AWOL yesterday, had the builders in fixing the kitchen floor following a flood resulting from a washing machine hose deciding to part company with the machine! For any who may be interested(!) I thought yesterdays puzzle was excellent.
Thx to all
Well, blow me down … really, Brian?
Well I’ll eat my hat!
Someone has definitely hacked Brian’s account.
Sympathies Brian. Had similar when dishwasher decided to empty into the kitchen, ruining a large section of flooring, three weeks before we were due to close on the sale….
A thoroughly enjoyable and lighthearted pangram which was a pleasant way to kick off the weekend of Independence with slightly relaxed rules – not that much is in fact likely to change for me outside my bubble. 11a a new one on me so thanks to MrG who explained. 27a was my Fav from amongst several contenders. Quickie had a bit of pizzazz too. Thank you Mysteron and Tilsit.
Like JohnB I had to consult the dictionary about the missing u in 8 down. A second learning curve came with 11a again a new word to me. First run through produced very little but a cup of ginger, honey and lemon tea obviously stirred the brain cells to complete an enjoyable puzzle. Thanks to the setter and Tilsit. I too, am missing bridge but have no inclination to play on line.
Aha. A fellow lemon, ginger and honey drinker – I have it every morning. Do you grate the ginger root? It’s all a bit of a faff but part of my morning ritual.
Lovely pangram today, rich with some original wordplay and fun to do. I especially enjoyed the economy of the clues and the laconic surface-reads (to enrich the solution to 11a and prove its merit?). Podium stars: 16, 29, 11a / 9d (a tie). Thanks to Tilsit, who I hope is doing well and whose bridge-playing efforts I am most interested in [I’ll be in touch] and a jolly good show to the setter. 1.5* / 4*
C-19 cases have reached a critical mass in S Carolina with a record-high # yesterday. DoDo in DC last night blamed “far-left fascists” for his bad ratings…a pitiful attempt at an oxymoron from The Moron.
I forgot to thank Tilsit for that stirring video of Enya doing ‘Marble Halls’. And I wonder if anyone else remembers Maria in James Joyce’s short story ‘Clay’ forgetting the words and singing the first verse twice?
Thank you, Robert, I’d completely forgotten to comment on the Enya video. She has a truly mellifluous singing voice.
He was at Mt. Rushmore last night, no mask, just being stupider than ever. Watch for him in DC tonight. Who’s paying for all this?
***/**** for us, SO much easier than yesterday’s horror, and thoroughly enjoyable. We admired the cleverness of 8d and felt a right pair when we finally twigged 28a as our last one in. We spent ages trying to remember the appropriate second word for 10a: 11 a was new to us, but guessable. We weren’t very keen on 29 a. Thanks very much to setter and Tilsit ( and best wishes for continued recovery).
That was a bit of light relief after yesterday, and very enjoyable. After spotting a couple of distinctive letters, I thought “ wonder if this is a pangram, I must check at the end.” Then I forgot. Looking at the comments, I see that it was, so no need for me to run through it. 11a was new to me. I liked 13d, although I think it might be an old chestnut. Thanks to the setter and to Tilsit.
I’d have to give this 2*/3* only because 11a was a complete guess and the last one in which held me up. I also had to consult mr. G afterwards to check. Apart from that which is news to me, nothing too taxing here and I even noticed it was a pangram. Favourite 13d. Thanks to all. Many of you have been kind enough to wish me and my husband well during our battles with covid so I will just say that he is finally coming home from hospital today, complete with a full beard!
Excellent news Greta – so pleased for you both.
Glad to hear the good news, Greta!
Brilliant news
Congratulations Greta and best wishes to the bearded one.
Thank goodness, Greta, you’ll doubtless be very relieved to get him back home.
Enjoyable today albeit the crossword kept losing connection which was a tad frustrating. 11a also new for me. 26d is one of the most common answers. Thank you to the Setter and for the excellent review.
Haircut tomorrow; three points for West Bromwich Albion tomorrow; eldest son back working at local restaurant; and Test side announced. With recreational cricket finally back as well, so things looking up.
Time to get the economy out of intensive care.
Your message reminded me of reading the Telegraph obituary this week of the late great West Indies batsman, Everton Weekes, who died a few days ago aged 95. He was given his name because his father was an Everton fan, and, when the West Indies played England in the 1950s, Jim Laker said to him, “it’s a good job your father wasn’t a West Bromwich Albion fan”.
Sledging has definitely gone downhill since those days.
That is funny!
Ha! Excellent!
Great news – Is the beard welcome, or will you be coming home via the barbers?
Fantastic news, Greta. Pleased for you both.
That’s good to hear, Greta. Best wishes to you both.
Good news Greta. Take care both of you.
So pleased for you both Greta. All the best for a continued recovery.
Very good news for both of you – a pity about the beard but . . .
Excellent news. So pleased for you both.
Belated congratulations from me too. Nice to hear some positive news for once.
That, indeed, is excellent news, I’m so glad!
A gentle and pleasant stroll through a fairly normal Saturday puzzle. The only one I needed to check was 11a which I had never heard of.
Another attempt to win that, elusive electronic book!
Going for a **/*** today, an entertaining puzzle, 11a rang a distant bell and was confirmed by my Chambers.
Last in was 28a ,I do need new glasses-specsavers here I come.
I liked 4a when the penny dropped and also 17d.
27a took me back to the Berlin Wall days and 14a brought back Lorna Doone.
As usual, I didn’t register that this was a pangram but fortunately had no need of its assistance. 11a was new to me but I don’t think 14a specifically refers to an antique – the new dining suite I purchased some 10 years ago was advertised as including two of these pieces.
Surprised to see the element of ‘hurry’ attributed to 10a, I don’t think it necessarily carries that meaning today.
Thanks to our setter and to Tilsit for the hints. Now then, do I head for the MPP or tackle Jaffa’s NTSPP first!
To me this was a very obvious answer once I had one checker. We have one at each end of the dining table.
Thankfully not a slog like yesterday. Finished in good time although held up by 11a, 14a and 8d. No special favourites but thanks to all Absolutely livid with something called the Huffington Post. They apparently listed a whole load of secret out of the way beaches and my little village of Cley got a mention. As the majority of the villagers are over 60 we now dread hoards of irresponsible people flocking here and leaving their disgusting litter not to mention spreading infection. Sorry, rant over!
Littering should be made a capital offence.
It should be. I do not understand the mentality of these people who think it’s perfectly OK to drop/dump their rubbish in the street/beach/park etc. Unfortunately, I live close to a KFC outlet and I have lost count of the number of people who park up, eat this disgusting stuff and then calmly lob the remains out of the car window and drive off. Or if I’m really lucky, they dump it in my recycling bin. There is an appropriate receptacle within yards. Too lazy to walk that far so residents clear up after them. My children and grandchildren are well aware that such behaviour is a hanging offence to me!
In a London park close to my daughter merrymakers have been having Deliveroo takeaways delivered to a house next to the park gates late at night or in the early hours. Local councillors have been out at 7 a.m. collecting all the filth. What possesses people?
Indeed it should. On our walk yesterday, part of the route across the marshes had at least eight of those blue plastic gloves people have taken to wearing while out shopping. (a) we are a good ten minutes away from the nearest shop and (b) why drive out into the country and then go for a ten minute walk before dumping your rubbish – we are used to cans, crisp bags etc, but I thought the gloves were the giddy limit
Can anyone enlighten me why some dog walkers pick up their dog’s mess, put it in a bag and then either lob it into undergrowth or hang it from a tree. I’m dying to see someone do this so I can confront them.
Are these people mad, stupid or both?
I understand that it’s a protest at the local authority’s failure to provide collection bins for said mess hence forcing dog walkers to carry it home with them. It doesn’t happen where bins are provided. Truly irresponsible people don’t pick it up at all.
An on the spot fine and a litter warden would do much to solve the litter problem in towns and cities. With all the pubs, clubs and entertainment venues closed, the rowdy element seem to be taking their booze, music and take- aways to rural beauty spots and coastal areas and leaving their rubbish there. One of our local estates is threatening to clse a permissive path at Speen Moor because of it. So we’ll all suffer the loss.
It’s beer cans here. The grass outside the cottage is regularly strewn with them thrown from passing cars. We also get crisp packets, sandwich wrappers and various other detritus.
Discarding litter for others to clear up is moronic.
We live in a town and our house is surrounded by a (fairly) high stone wall, so you would think we would be safe….but no. As we also live just about kebab eating time up the road from the local pubs etc, we have had countless plastic boxes and kebab remains chucked over our wall. There has been a blessed relief during lockdown, but no doubt it will resume now.
Why do people think it is OK to chuck their detritus into my garden? I bet they wouldn’t chuck it into their own. Maybe it’s because they cannot see it once they have it over the wall…..it is quite high at some spots so it must have taken quite a determined throw.
Bring back the stocks and ducking stools.
I’m with you all on the subject of litter. On the outskirts of Oxford there is a large area of common land (Port Meadow) which has the river running through it. Local people have grazing rights. On one of the hot days a couple of weeks ago numerous horses and cows needed treatment for injuries sustained by broken bottles.
I agree, Kath. I’ve always thought the Brits were so good at keeping their litter where it belongs, it seems a shame they’re now stooping to the level of the lesser litterers instead of teaching the rest of us the rules of keeping a pristine countryside.
We love Cley and have had many holidays there within sight of the windmill. Amazing light; bird life; fine local ales; the steam railway not far away; the excellent pub, smokery, deli and bookshop; and of course the walk to the beach past the birds. People don’t seem to realise that everything (except I suppose nappies) that could become litter is lighter to take away than it was to bring with them.
Enjoyable pangram today – just needed the Mrs to remind me of 8d, but like many here 11a eluded us. Knowing the answer, I’ve not heard it used in context of dry wit.
Thanks to setter and to Tilsit (also for Enya)
My concentration was broken too often during the solving of this puzzle by builders hammering and sawing outside the window. Therefore it took far too long to complete given its relative straightforwardness. That apart, it was fun to do with 16a my favourite, although I will give a nod to my local river in 19a and the clever 4d.
Thanks to our Saturday setter and Tilsit. We are braving our local pub tonight, purely in the interests of solidarity and its continued existence of course.
Something of a Curate’s Egg for me and, of course, the pangram passed me by completely – completed at a gallop **/***.
The Greek in 11a was new to me and I agree with Jane that 10a is not ‘confined’ to hurrying.
Candidates for favourite – 19a, 24a, and 7d – and the winner is 7d.
Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
P.S. One of the ‘benefits’ of the pandemic is that one of Canadian TV sports networks with 5 channels, and nothing going on in North America, is broadcasting Southern Hemisphere Super Rugby on a Saturday morning. So, I am enjoying Highlanders vs. Crusaders, to be followed by Brumbies vs. Rebels, this morning.
It took a while for me to break into today’s offering but, once I did, it fell into place steadily and was thoroughly enjoyable. Like others, I had to look up 11a because I have never heard the expression. Favourites today are 14a and 7d but 27a is my COTD.
Grateful thanks to the Setter. Thank you, Tilsit for the hints and Enya.
Stay safe everyone if you are taking advantage of “Super Saturday”. Remember the rules – we don’t want to undo the good work. Where our daughter and son-in-law live (Melbourne) they have had to lock down certain areas again because of a rise in cases.
Second time as I lost my message on trying to activate it. A first for me at this time because of family visitors. Last one in was 21d and missed the word on my pocket decoder..Nearly put in Roman Road instead. Thanks Tilsit! Glad to learn you and Greta have recovered!
Had the same as others on 11a but something in the back of the brain sparked.
Tell me when the Greenland Winds stop and some real summer weather appears!
Little chance of sunshine now cricket on the horizon……..😩
Ohhhh… I did struggle with 19a……………….
Thank you for all the kind comments.
Thanks for popping in it is good to hear from setters. I think you pitched this just right.
Yes, thanks very much for popping in and for a very enjoyable puzzle today.
Thank you for dropping in. I got a great deal of satisfaction from today’s crossword.
Thank you, Cephas, for 11a, especially. It had been some time since I’d heard the term, and I suspect your Classical training (am I right?) is at the root of that delightful expression. Oh, the Greeks knew a thing or two, didn’t they?
Hello all
Just popping in to say that if you take the print edition of the paper, our new “50-50 Crossword” series starts today, in which half of the clues are cryptic, half quick. Hopefully it’s a good way for those new to cryptic crosswords to get a start.
There is also an expanded puzzles section in the print edition in tomorrow’s Sunday Telegraph, with four pages of puzzles rather than two. These include a 50-50 crossword and a Cryptic Connections puzzle (with which puzzles newsletter readers will be familiar). Away from cryptic challenges, there’s also an anagram crossword (and many more puzzles).
Glad you’re enjoying the rugby from the Southern Hemisphere Senf. I know both codes of rugby are being well received in North America. Good to see small crowds are now allowed in too🦇
Better than watching English football with no spectators and ‘fake’ crowd noise. The games in Oz are, I think, limited to 1,500 spectators ‘sprinkled’ around the stadium while in NZ there appears to be no limit, presumably because of Ms Ardern’s excellent leadership.
And the fact that outside the few main cities, there is no population density of note of course. Especially in South Island.
10K now in QLD (where I am) and NSW. The Australian Football (AFL) has gone backwards with an outbreak in Vic.
Mr CS and I shared the 50 50. I did the cryptic and he did the quick!
Any chance some of these might find their way into the iPad Edition Chris?
Can we hope to see it online in future, sounds like fun for both of us?
Huge thanks to you for all the extra puzzle pages in the printed DT. It’s become so important to me to have these challenges on these very long nights and days. I’ve attempted most of them and really look forward to them, especially as the answers are available if needed.
Please see my comment lower down. I must have clicked wrong reply box.
I enjoyed christening 50/50 #001 by only solving the acrosses
Even relatively simple clues can throw you when there are no checkers
Thanks Chris
ps shame about the chess column
Great news Greta, that could be an anagram… welcome home to your hirsute husband. Hope he continues to keep well.
Greta wagers ten messy beard doesn’t last the week
Just the right crossword to restore confidence after yesterday’s failure. 11a reminded me of the Morecambe & Wise sketch – I put in all the right letters but had no idea of the meaning.
I liked 6a, 16a and 28a (when I eventually saw it!)
Thanks to the setter and to Tilsit, too. Good to hear that you’re better and that Greta’s husband is well enough to come home. So many good reasons to give thanks for the NHS tomorrow.
Enjoyable puzzle. Like several others 11a was new to me. I couldn’t figure it out without some help via Google.
I have no idea how Lola got in the house this morning (we have no cat flap) but there she was, at the bedroom door, meowing at 7am. Consequently we spent the morning dozing on the sofa. As she continued to snooze, I completed the crossword indoors – something of a novelty.
On my epitaph it will probably read, “He liked nothing better than snoozing and dozing; sometimes napping and slumbering.”
Excellent news. So pleased for you both.
I think it is the reason Lola adopted me. We are both enormous fans of snoozing.
That’s what afternoons are for in our house. An afternoon cuppa, feet up on the couch with a good book, and away we go ….😴
Is she able to get inside in winter?
Yes she stays in whenever she likes but during the summer she chooses to go out late at night.
In addition I built her an insulated outside shelter so she always has that if the weather turns during the night.
She’s such a lucky girl!
Solved all but 28a for which I needed the hint…….should have remembered that if all else fails look for…..etc etc.
Missed the pangram , though goodness knows I shouldn’t have.
Like many others, figured out 11a from the checkers but had to look it up to be certain.
Altogether a very enjoyable puzzle.
Thanks to the setter and to Tilsit who I hope is also continuing to recover well.
I got that one without spotting the lurker & I’d be far too embarrassed to say how I parsed it…..
Wonder if anyone else thought likewise.
A pleasant Saturday offering, especially as some of us are still recovering from yesterday’s mental workout. **/*** for me. My COTD 6d. Thanks to the Setter and Tilsit🦇
11 a still beyond my control of Mr.G but all else was a pleasure to solve after yesterday and brain fade.Several bought a smile to my lips with 20a appealing to me most.Excellent news from Chris L and for those now returning home.Thanks to all.
The excellent news remark goes to Greta and her husband of course although I am also happy for you Terence doing this lovely pangrammic Crossword indoors without having to use multiple paperweights. It is still blowing several gales here in Cambridge. We have a Greek neighbour so the subject of 11a has been discussed before, several clues to bring a smile so thankyou to everyone and please take care. This beastly thing is not going to go away any time soon and I dread to think what the figures will be in two or three weeks time. Having come this far, I am staying put.
We are staying put too. As Mrs Terence and I mused upon looking at the rules and regulations if one is to set foot in a pub or restaurant – apart from the risk – where’s the joy?
A very nice bit of light relief after yesterday – my battered confidence is now fully restored.
Like almost everyone else I’d never ‘met’ 11a but it was easy enough to guess and look up.
I missed the pangram – I always do.
A pedantic observation rather than a criticism but the nursing qualification used in 19a only has the second two letters now.
No major problems really although I did spend too long hunting for a lurker in 24a and then missed the real lurker.
I liked 16 and 27a and 6 and 8d. My favourite was 22a.
With thanks to Cephas and to Tilsit.
No visit to a pub planned but off to have a drink in the garden with friends this evening.
**/****. What a pleasant puzzle. Concise clues and a good mix of anagrams, homophones and misdirection. 11a was my favourite as it went straight in having immediately remembered seeing this in a DT puzzle (I think) over twenty years ago. Thanks to the setter and Tilsit.
I made tough work of a good and enjoyable crossword, 11 across was new to me otherwise everything was great.
Stay safe everyone
Had to check the wit and the chair too.
Nice to see a reference to Tilsit in 13d. Even if he only gives a few hints, I am sure he knows all the answers.
Thanks to Cephas for the fun.
Good news about Greta and her husband.
Keep safe.
Loved today’s offering. I have the paper version and as it’s no longer delivered I have to wait for Mr Sarah to bring it in with the shopping. Like so many of the above we are staying in. I teach keyworkers’ children in the week so prefer to be as safe as possible otherwise. Loved Enya but it reminds me how much I miss my singing. Keep safe all and thanks to all the usual suspects
Steady progress until 14a – needed the hint for confirmation.
Having seriously bruised my brain yesterday and achieved practically nothing, I can’t begin to explain how much I enjoyed this offering. Cephas, you’re a star.
Like others, I’d never heard of 11a or 14a, but so well clued I got the answers and googled to confirm.
The SE corner held me up, but suddenly realising it was a pangram I got the final laggards. I bunged in 28a, missed the lurker.
Fave was 11a as I learnt something new, with 19a runner up as that’s my Mum’s territory.
Thank you, Cephas, for the fun and Tilsit for unravelling a couple.
Late on parade so all has been said. Knew 14a but not 11a.
Completely confused now as to what we can & can’t do up here. The Fishwife says London’s approach shambolic. From next Friday masks in shops compulsory up here, why not now?
Meanwhile caravans’ & campervans’ invasion started in earnest. At 2m the queue for Co-op (our “supermarket”) will probably stretch all round the square!
Interesting to see if it affects our infection rate.
Thanks Cephas for an enjoyable solve & Tilsit for the hints
I don’t understand 21d, and the hint does not help. The answer was what it had to be but always frustrating not to parse every answer.
Thanks all.
In your answer if you promoted (moved up) the letter that Papa stands for in the Nato Phonetic Alphabet you’d get a sort of drink.
Got it now, thanks Gazza, explains it perfectly.
Really enjoy these pangrams and some great concise clues today. My favourite is 6d – short simple and amusing. Thank you setter and of course the excellent Tilsit
Have just accompanied my sun(?)downer with a fun run through the new 50-50 crossword.
I also seem to be doing these latter in the day as our business picks up. I found yesterday’s hard but today’s a pleasant evening puzzle. 11a was my COTD.
Thanks to setter and Tilsit, what a relief after yesterday. Did the puzzle in two halves, with 11a the only real holdup. Never heard that term before for wit. Plus never seen the sealant in 8d spelt without the u.
Thanks to Tilsit for the much needed hints and to Cephas for an enjoyable crossword workout. I recently listened to a David Sidaris interview and was upset that he has to regularly clear up so much litter every day from outside his house and the country road that he lives in. Who are these people who just throw their litter out of car windows? Rant over – just saying – apologies!
Very good thank you Cephas. Like the majority I did not know 11a although the second word was obvious. Got it by a process of elimination and found I was correct. Favourite was 13d which was straight in. Other favourites 12 27 and 29a and 15d. I was surprised by those who did not know what you sit in at 14a. The nurse at 19a is very useful in crossword clues but I really think it is time she retired. She must be so old that she is a risk to health and safety. Embarrassed to say I missed the lurker. Thought of the word but could not insert as impossible to parse otherwise! Another clue which appears to have trouble only me was 6a. I cannot be explicit as this is a prize puzzle but I confidently inserted an answer (the wrong one) as my first one in. So good it was I ringed it as a favourite. My mistake only came to light when I spotted 7d the answer to which could be only what it was. If I remember I will say what my wrong answer was when Cryptic Sue’s review is published. Thanks too to Tilsit.
I’m a long term member of this great group.This is my first ever post though 🙂
That was one of the best crosswords I’ve tackled for a while. Does anyone know who the setter is ?
My favourite clues – 3D and 20A
Keep safe, guys.
Welcome to the blog David
Your question was answered in comment #22!
Thank you, Big Dave! I shall look at the previous comments 👍
Welcome, David. Now you have ceased to “lurk” I look forward to more posts from you. 👍
Cheers Steve 👍
A very satisfying crossword to solve, especially after being stuck (unsurprisingly it would seem, reading the above comments) on 11a. Also I felt such a 28a for not getting that clue until second last! I must say I always feel like I’ve had a better ‘workout’ on the pangrammatic puzzles too! Thanks to the setter and all the above!