ST 3061 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 3061

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3061

A full review by gnomethang

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

This puzzle was published on 21st June 2020

BD Rating – Difficulty ***Enjoyment ***

Morning All! When I came to review this I realised I hadn’t quite finished it with a cuppa before an early Sunday morning round of golf which makes it at least a *** for difficulty and a fair degree of emjoyment for me..


1a           Jolly clever: fresh too (6,3,6)
BRIGHT AND BREEZY – BRIGHT for Clever and (too) BREEZY for fresh.

9a           Trough into which goes a head (7)
MANAGER – Place A from the clue in a MANGER or trough.

10a        Article on every novel, capital (7)
YEREVAN – AN, (indefinite article) aftr (on in an Across clue) a NOVEL anagram of EVERY.

11a        Typical male fleeing from emu, camouflaged in trees (9)
EUCALYPTI – An anagram (camouflaged) of TYPCAL E(m)U from which M for Male is removed (is fleeing).

12a        Man perhaps in silver, oddly (4)
ISLE – The Odd letters from I n S I L v E r.

13a        Mean — and waspish? (6)
STINGY – The second is the cryptic def, as in a wasp stings so like a wasp (waspish) is STINGY.

15a        25 per cent off wine in items for sale — big deal! (3,5)
WHO CARES – Remove the fourth letter (35% off) from a HOC(k) wine and place inside WARES or items for sale in a shop.

18a        Framework rested upon change of date by county (8)
BEDSTEAD – An anagram (change) of DATE next to the county of BEDS (Bedfordshire).

19a        Game over for purchase (4,2)
SNAP UP – The card game SNAP and UP for over.

22a        Area I found after two sharp bends? (4)
ZONE – ONE for I after the letter Z which contains two sharp bends (I suppose you could clue NONE in a similar fashion!)

23a        At risk, support melting away? (2,4,3)
ON THIN ICE – A simple cryptic definition for being in trouble/at risk.

26a        Don’t open post: deliver note (7)
OBSERVE – Remove the starting letter (it doesn’t open) of (j)OB or post and then add SERVE for deliver (food).

27a        Passion behind prayer, nothing special (7)
AVERAGE – RAGE or passion behind an AVE Maria as an example of a prayer.

28a        Clean up the seafront, seen in a mess (7,4,4)
FEATHER ONES NEST – An anagram (in a mess) of THE SEAFRONT SEEN and a very apposite clue, currently (scumbags!!).


1d           Sweet Rottweilers knocking stuffing out, those in a 5 Down raid perhaps? (7)
BOMBERS – A BOMBE or sweet/desserts followed by R(ottweiler)S where the inside letters or stuffing has been removed/knocked out).

2d           Old Greek charged (5)
IONIC – A compound or radical that is charged contains ions so could be described as IONIC.

3d           Sun, possibly most interesting part (9)
HIGHLIGHT – The Sun might cryptically be described as a HIGH LIGHT.

4d           Short bar put another way round (6)
ABRUPT – An anagram (another way round) of BAR PUT.

5d           Daughter always fair for broad stretch of time? (8)
DAYLIGHT – D for Daughter then AY for ever followed by LIGHT for fair.

6d           Happening once in a blue moon, red! (4)
RARE – Two definitions – Uncommon and ‘bloody’ in a steak.

7d           Bug spread over cut, unfortunately (9)
EAVESDROP – An unfortunate anagram of SPREAD OVE ( r) which has been cut.

8d           Americans always standing, then bending knees (7)
YANKEES – We have AY for always/ever again – this time reversed (standing up in a Down clue) and then an anagram (bending) of KNEES.

14d        Individuals invading country, island nation (9)
INDONESIA – ONES for individuals inside/invading the country of INDIA.

16d        Caution taken with money, might figures start to spiral? (9)
CANNINESS – CAN/might, NINES for figures/numbers and then the starting letter in S(piral).

17d        Subversive regrets boxing to a degree, when knocked over (8)
SABOTEUR – RUES or regrets contains/is boxing TO from the clue and B.A. or a degree (Batchelor of Arts) and then the whole thing is reversed (knocked over).

18d        Go — as might workers? (4,3)
BUZZ OFF – If the workers are bees then they would BUZZ OFF when going.

20d        Something given here (7)
PRESENT – A simple double definition.

21d        Sound of Music, major effort (6)
STRAIN – Two definitions – a STRAIN or air of music and a large effort on the body.

24d        Einstein an egghead, not entirely silly (5)
INANE – A hidden word is found in some of the letters (not entirely) of Einste IN AN E gghead.

25d        Chief knowing structure of bridge, say (4)
ARCH – A triple  def. – ARCH for main as in arch rival, it also means sly or knowing and finally the spanny bit in a bridge.



3 comments on “ST 3061

  1. I thought it was tricky crossword, which would have made a perfect Dada Toughie – it was definitely a ‘start with the Downs’ and, even allowing for a few ‘old friends’ still took a good while to solve. There was also a bleep from the repetition radar.

    Thanks for the review (It’s definitely Thursday today ;) )

    1. That’s encouraging if you thought it was Dada Toughie level, CS. Easier than Paul in the Guardian whose clues I find unintelligible, sometimes even after the explanations on 225.

      1. It was considerably trickier than the usual Dada Toughie offerings which really aren’t that tough

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