Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29234
A full review by gnomethang
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This puzzle was published on 14th December 2019
BD Rating – Difficulty * – Enjoyment ***
Morning All! A very straightforward puzzle this week..
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.
1a Blocked motorway going west — pretty normal (10)
IMPASSABLE – Reverse (going West in an across clue) MI for the M1 motorway and then add PASSABLE for pretty normal/OK.
6a Cotton on branch (4)
TWIG – Two definitions, possibly from the chestnut tree.
9a State I had removed plants (5)
FLORA – the I had/ID leads one to look for IDAHO but in fact you need to remove the I’D fro the state of FLORidA.
10a Person responsible for moving scenes? (9)
STAGEHAND – A cryptic definition in the Moving Pictures idiom.
12a English female with high fever facing fuss about cold fizz (13)
EFFERVESCENCE – E(nglish) and F(emale) then an anagram (high) of FEVER and finally a SCENE or fuss about C for Cold. Phew!.
14a Mother, tense, rests somehow — on this? (8)
MATTRESS – Ma for Mother, T for Tense and an anagram (somehow) of RESTS.
15a Diamonds, maybe gold, for lover (6)
SUITOR – A SUIT of diamonds in cards followed by OR, the Heraldic (and French) term for the colour gold.
17a Charge copper in criminal case (6)
ACCUSE – CU, the chemical symbol for copper inside a criminal anagram of CASE.
19a ‘Time’ ultimately granted uniform allowance (8)
DURATION – Start with the last/ultimate letter in (grante)D, add U(niversity) and then a RATION or allowance.
21a Terribly full, dines with chap that’s dissolute (4-9)
SELF-INDULGENT – An anagram (terribly) of FULL DINES and followed by a GENT/chap.
24a Disapprove of damaged carpet being dumped in river (9)
DEPRECATE – An anagram (damaged ) of CARPET inside (being dumped in) the river DEE.
25a Provide joke online? (5)
EQUIP – An online joke might cryptically be referred to as an E(lectronic)-QUIP.
26a Disturbance in carriage when tea’s spilt (4)
RIOT – Remove CHA/tea (it is spilt) from a chaRIOT or carriage.
27a Dressed like priest, one might attract interest (10)
INVESTMENT – The second is the straight def, the first would be a priest who is IN a VESTMENT.
1d Bar opponent reportedly supplying dope (4)
INFO – Two homophones (reportedly) – IN for INN/bar, and FO for FOE/enemy.
2d Throw stick out (7)
PROJET – Two definitions – to PROJECT one’s voice and to PROJECT (e.g. a rock overhang) from a cliff face.
3d Doctor heads first for part of the Midlands (13)
STAFFORDSHIRE – Make an anagram (doctor) HEADS FIRST FOR. What a nice surface reading.
4d Mysterious religious figure right to stop exploitation (8)
ABSTRUSE – ST for Saint/religious figure and R(ight) stopping inside ABUSE/exploitation.
5d Set out casserole a vegetarian eats (5)
LEAVE – A hidden word is inside/eaten by cassero LE A VE getarian.
7d Somewhere to put bric-a-brac and other things (7)
WHATNOT – Two definitions – The noun of a Victorian self-standing shelving unit where you put these things and a WHATNOT/thingummy.
8d I fared badly wearing medal attending church? (3-7)
GOD-FEARING – A GONG or medal outside of/wearing an anagram (badly) of I FARED.
11d Support teen struggling with ‘gram’ and ‘ounce’ (13)
ENCOURAGEMENT – A struggling anagram of TEEN GRAM and OUNCE.
13d In capitals, he could be a diplomat (10)
AMBASSADOR – In Capitals H.E. is an abbreviation for His Excellency, a title applied to AMBASSADORs.
16d Sweet centre (5-3)
BULLS-EYE – A straightforward double definition. Darts is on for Christmas!
18d Cellist initially plays moving love song (7)
CALYPSO – The Initial in C(ellist) an anagram (moving) of PLAYS and O for Love.
20d Get in the way? I’m not regularly impolite (7)
INTRUDE – The odd/regular letters in Im NoT and then RUDE for Impolite.
22d Daughter perhaps showers in ditch (5)
DRAIN – D for Daughter and then RAIN (possibly showers).
23d Polish might be seen with this issue? (4)
SPIT – SPIT and Polish being a phrase in which both words can be seen together.
Thank you for explaining 26a, Gnomethang, which I’d bunged in without understanding it.
For 1d I somehow managed to think of an ‘Inn Foe’ being somebody who practices at the Bar from a rival Inn of Court — completely failing to notice that both words also mean drinking establishments. Ooops.
PS: A university seems to’ve sneaked into your explanation of 19a!
You are quite righr! That’ll be he NATO Uniform! Less haste and more speed!
Interestingly the two that you mentioned I had to parse today as I threw them in myself!