DT 29141 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 29141

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29141

Hints and tips by 2Kiwis

BD Rating – Difficulty **Enjoyment ****

Kia ora from Aotearoa.

We’ve given weather reports quite often lately so will change the pattern this week and report on our finds on our beach walk this morning. Quite sad really. Firstly the remains of an albatross. It was in an advanced state of decay but from what we could see of the wings it would have had a span of at least two metres, a magnificent bird. Next was the dead body of a young seal pup. It was only about 60cm long and as there are no breeding colonies close by it must have been a long way from home. We arrived home feeling quite down. A good thing we had a Jay puzzle to cheer us up again.

Please leave a comment telling us how you got on.


1a    The most loyal members may see a record broken by hotel (4-4)
HARD-CORE : Start with the letter represented by hotel in the phonetic alphabet and then an anagram (broken) of A RECORD.

5a     Sharpness of workers after a short reduction (6)
ACUMEN : Workers or male employees follow ‘A’ from the clue and a synonym for reduction minus its last letter.

9a     Dashed inside when after neat and tidy vessels (9)
TRIMARANS : A word meaning neat and tidy and then a synonym for ‘when’ surrounds dashed or moved quickly.

11a     Academician before reversing fixed charges (5)
RATES : An arts academician precedes the reversal of fixed or placed.

12a     Experienced discrimination with the end of apartheid (6)
TASTED : Discrimination or refinement and then the final letter of apartheid.

13a     Contribution from people on fiddle (8)
DONATION : A short word for fiddle or hoodwink and then people making up a country.

15a     Visionary person who counts on luck (7-6)
FORTUNE-TELLER : Another word for luck and then the person who counts could be a bank employee.

18a     Identified as outstanding (13)
DISTINGUISHED : A double definition.

22a     Cheap, yet somehow giving cover for viewer (8)
EYEPATCH : An anagram (somehow) of CHEAP YET.

23a     Piece oddly missing written on class of ants (6)
FORMIC : A school class is followed by the second and fourth letters of ‘piece’.

26a     Regularly try out poor part of engine mechanism (5)
ROTOR : String together alternate letters found in three words of the clue.

27a     Is curate upset about the beginning of Holy Sacrament? (9)
EUCHARIST : An anagram (upset) of IN CURATE contains the first letter of Holy.

28a     Lots may be so drawn to drink with these (6)
STRAWS : An all-in-one clue which includes two ways to use the answer.

29a     At home, reportedly felt angry (8)
INCENSED : The two letter ‘at home’ and then a homophone of felt or experienced.


1d     Get on well with international posh type supporting strike (3,2,3)
HIT IT OFF : Start with strike or bash, then the abbreviation for international precedes an informal word for a posh type.

2d     Protests suffer in the case of Royals (5)
RAILS : The first and last letters (case) of Royals enclose a synonym for suffer.

3d     Informal talk on Vichy water and vineyard estate (7)
CHATEAU : Informal talk or chinwag plus the French word for water.

4d     Paper run needing energy in the morning (4)
REAM : R(un) then e(nergy) and the two letters for before noon.

6d     Two dogs will be limit (7)
CURTAIL : The first dog could be a mongrel and the second is a verb meaning to follow.

7d     Hearing mostly held in third month for head of family (9)
MATRIARCH : A hearing in a court of law loses its last letter and this is enclosed by the third month of the year.

8d     Sniffing and moving slowly out (6)
NOSING : A double definition. The second meaning could be used for a car cautiously entering a stream of traffic.

10d     Person found in theatre that’s from earliest times (5-3)
STONE-AGE : The part of a theatre where actors perform surrounds a formal word for a single person.

14d     Very ordinary sort of crime done namelessly (8)
MEDIOCRE : An anagram (sort of) of CRIME DOnE once the abbreviation for name has been removed.

16d     Sun must support leftie, being man’s best friend (3,6)
RED SETTER : The sun, exemplified by what it does in the evening, follows the colour associated with a leftie.

17d     Taught cadet, due to be transferred (8)
EDUCATED : An anagram (to be transferred) of CADET DUE.

19d     Box file for a flier (7)
SPARROW : Box in a pugilistic way and then a file or line.

20d     Set apart from one’s love, in arrears (7)
ISOLATE : The Roman numeral one plus ‘S, the tennis score love, and then in arrears or overdue.

21d     Rubbish left by abandoned brides (6)
DEBRIS : An anagram (abandoned) of BRIDES.

24d     Shopping centres must have one for first of learner posts (5)
MAILS : Substitute the Roman numeral one for the first time the abbreviation for learner appears in a name for shopping centres.

25d     Have a look in work’s canteen (4)
SCAN : And finally today’s only lurker, hiding in the clue.

The two dogs in 6d made this our favourite today.

Quickie pun    writers    +    reign    =      right as rain

53 comments on “DT 29141

  1. Lots to enjoy as per usual on a Wednesday – thanks to Jay and the 2Ks

    Double treat day in the DT today – the Petitjean toughie is great too

  2. A smooth passage from top to bottom resulted in a ** solve time.

    Given the construct of the second half of 3d, I would have thought we could have fitted a cat into the start of the clue?

    I don’t know why, but 23a made me smile and is my COTD.

    Many thanks to Jay and the 2Ks.

  3. 1.5*/4*. I’ll just echo what CS has said both about this puzzle and the Petitjean Toughie. I will only add that 6d was my favourite.
    Many thanks to our usual three Wednesday birds.

  4. Enjoyable, as always, but very straightforward within my 1* time. Top spot to 6d. Now to try my luck with Mr Petitjean.

  5. Getting the 2 long clues opened things up and managed to finish quite smoothly but held up at the end by the 23A & 24D combo.

    Biggest smile was 16D but , once realising 23A it became my COTD .

    Yesterday’s comments on the survey make interesting reading . I first did the DT crossword regularly/slowly during lunch breaks in the 1960s in combination with colleagues . The experience gained over the years now helps greatly and newcomers to cryptic crosswords will improve/learn with time . We are all at different stages of our crossword lifetime .

    Many thanks to the birds . Yes , an albatross is a thing of wonder and makes a seagull look small.

  6. For some reason I had anagram dyslexia this morning, so plenty of penny dropping. 6d favourite. Ta to all.

  7. Another thoroughly enjoyable Jay puzzle and I agree with the 2 Kiwis’ rating of **/****. Favourites were 1a, 5a, 27a and 7d. Thanks to all three birds, what a shame about the albatross which is a magnificent bird.

  8. Nothing to send the horses fleeing to the hills here, nevertheless plenty to enjoy. The SE corner was the last to cough up the answers with 24d being the last one in. I like what you get from a Jay puzzle – succinct cluing and nailed on definitions. No stand out favourite, just good fun.

    Thanks to Jay for the puzzle and to the 2K’s for their review.

  9. Mr Consistent has us smiling again today but I think I’ll go against the trend and put 13a on the top of my pile with 15a edging into second place.

    Thanks to Jay for the Wednesday entertainment and to our 2Ks for the blog. What a sorrowful tale of your beach finds – I just hope that the albatross died of natural causes rather than because it was full of ingested plastic and that the seal pup died long before it was swept out to sea. Nature can be as cruel as she is beautiful – hopefully your next walk will turn up one of her little gems to make you smile again.

  10. Oh dear, I now feel somewhat restricted in my observations in view of recent comments following MrK’s survey and the recommendation to avoid critical remarks or references to the degree of challenge in the interest of not intimidating freshers (are star ratings acceptable I wonder?). Nevertheless in the spirit of Jane’s sensible Comment 20 for Cryptic No. 29140 I will merely venture to say that a puzzle doesn’t have to be too taxing to be enjoyable and today is a perfect instance of that theory. I really enjoyed it. My Fav was 6d. Thank you Jay and the 2Kiwis (sad to read of your findings on the beach this morning).

    1. Thanks Angellov that’s save me from typing more than ditto. But as 6d has support already, I’ll pick 7d as favourite.

      Agree with CS, today’s toughie is a joy from start to finish, and coincidentally 7d is favourite there too!

      Thanks to all.

      1. God to hear from you, Wahoo. Merusa was wondering only yesterday how you are faring, given that Dorian is hovering over your location. She’ll be pleased to know that you’re OK.

        1. How kind. I’m actually spending this summer in England for the first time for years. It’s certainly different from the Caribbean – the weather and politics came as a bit of a shock but the food and beverage is better.

          Storm Dorian doesn’t seem to have been much but I’m keeping an eye on how this hurricane season develops.


          1. Spoke too soon. Dorian is developing as he unexpectedly turned more NW. Could be a Cat 3 near Florida in a few days.

            1. So glad to know you’re fine, seems I was concerned needlessly! I’m watching it carefully, but I can’t say too much – I want to try to avoid what we call “putting my goat mouth on it” or a “goozoo”, Jamaican speak!

              1. Remember the essentials, gas, cash and pet food 😊. Keeping an eye on the development. Stay safe.

                1. Worse scenario. Landfall just north of West Palm Beach. Hopefully not. Stay safe.

                  All of those safety items BL, plus booze.

                  In England you may not know what we’re talking about and I apologise to you, and to BD, for mentioning it.

  11. A very straightforward and very enjoyable Wednesday challenge completed at a fast gallop – 1.5*/4*.
    Candidates for favourite – 15a, 6d, and 7d – and the winner is 7d.
    Thanks to Jay and the 2Ks.

  12. I solved this with very little recourse to any outside help so I’m either extra sharp this morning or it was Jay in benevolent mood. I strongly suspect the latter. However no compromise on quality (is there ever with Jay), he doesn’t do 14d.
    Concise beautifully constructed clues like 12a always appeal to me so I’ll give it top spot in a very strong field. Agree with our reviewers ratings so thanks to them and to Jay for their excellent works.

  13. Sad about the albatross . I “sponsored” one last year on its journey from Tasmsnia. Lost it in the Indian Ocean. Long line trawlers apparently.

  14. Thank you jay and 2Ks (only wish you’d seen that albatross alive!) . Lots of good clues my favourites were 22a and 6d

  15. I echo those thoughts from earlier commenters who found this very straightforward but excellent fun. 6d just about rose to the top of the pile as my favourite, but, as usual on a Wednesday, all the clues were beautifully crafted.

    Shame about the albatross but thanks and well done to the other three birds.

  16. 1d my fave today did all but NW over toast and crumpets. Then drove past Peterlee! (See yesterdays puzzle) and completed over coffee and a scone in Newbiggin by the Sea. I will have a go at the petitjean when we get to tonights destination Warkworth via the kipper shop at Craster.
    Thanks to Jay and Kiwis.

      1. I don’t think we will have time to dine at The Jolly Fisherman tomorrow but will definitely bring a few kippers home from Robson’s

  17. I thoroughly enjoyed today’s puzzle. Lovely clear and concise clues. Complete missed the anagram at 21d until very late in the day. 23a last in, couldn’t for the life of me parse it so thank you to the 2 Kiwis for assistance ( so obvious once you know how. Duh!). Favourites 3D and 20D. Many thanks to all.

  18. Stuck indoors on a wet day, car in for bodywork repairs . . . . . . . . . but two lovely Telegraph puzzles to brighten my mood. Thanks Jay – a delight as always and thanks to the 2Ks also.

  19. I’ll add my agreement to most other comments, straightforward but enjoyable. No particular favourite and nothing I didn’t like.

    I’m always glad when we’re spared the cricket clues, which feels like a rare event these days.

  20. All went well until 23a and 24d. Never did manage 24a – new word to me. I expect insect experts all got it immediately. Liked 19d. Thanks kiwis and Jay.

  21. Last one in was 23A. I knew the answer (of ants) but it took me a while to decipher the clue. A very enjoyable puzzle.

  22. Straightforward but entertaining puzzle. I’m adding my vote to 6d for today’s favourite.
    To those more experienced solvers, is 15a an example of a “&lit” clue? Asking as a learner.
    Thank you to Jay and to 2Ks, especially for the puppy picture.

  23. Did I ever tell you chaps how much I like Jay puzzles? Well, good news, nothing has changed. His clueing is always fair and concise.
    Impossible to choose just one fave from this lot, so I’ll pick 16d for the Kiwi’s choice of pic, but I agree that 6d was a smiler.
    Thanks to Jay for the fun and 2Kiwis for the entertaining review. How sad about the albatross and baby seal.

  24. Jay in a gentle mood for sure! Still great fun to do with 23a being my top clue.
    Thanks to Jay, and to the 2K’s for their review.

  25. I like Jay in a gentle mood, todays was fun without being too taxing. My fav was 23a but I did have to Google to find out what a 27a was.
    Thx to all

  26. Morning all.
    We’re out of bed now and just getting into our Thursday morning routine. Looks like a ‘changeable but mainly fine’ day in store for us.
    Pleased that everyone liked Jay’s puzzle once again.

  27. A puzzle that was easier to solve than parse in places, with several put in with a – well that must be it – and only parsed on completion, in particular 23ac and 9ac. * for time, top marks for entertainment value.

  28. Perfect puzzle from Jay today, thanks very much, and to 2Kiwis, I just couldn’t get 2d until I read the hint. Very enjoyable and just what I needed to take my mind of Mr Dorian heading our way. Oh dear. Sorry to hear about the pup and the albatross, a sad find indeed. We had a visit last evening from a Florida Brown Snake, alive not dead, but thankfully in the driveway, not in the house.

  29. Many thanks to Jay and the 2Ks. A lot of smilers today, particularly 6d. It’s been a busy day today as the family prepare for a surprise visit from Canadian cousins.

  30. Referring to yesterday’s wide-ranging discussion….I am a lurker not by preference but by the tyranny of time difference. I live in the time zone of the 2Kiwis (in fact only an hour or so down State Highway 1 from them). I think of crosswords as a breakfast pursuit. So I download and print after middayish our time, and don’t start it till the following morning by which time most of you are only a few hours away from bedtime.

    So a few brief comments. I don’t mind the GK (now that I know what that means), even the bits peculiar to the UK, but I do feel they should range over the eras to encourage young solvers. For instance, I’ve never seen a clue about Beyoncé or Snoop Dogg or their ilk.(if Navy had the time she would be ideal to set this ball rolling).And I don’t mind skiting as long as it’s original – the “fast canter” or “at a gallop” are just boring. And while I’m at it please no more pennies dropping or doh moments. Surprise us.

    You are an amazing community of like-minded people, wonderfully well served by BD and his merry band of bloggers. I am with you every day – lurking in cyber space.

    1. Hello, Grizz. Thanks for that. I’d like to point out that there are many of us in other time zones who will be awake to enjoy your comments whenever you post them. I take your point about modern GK, but, sadly, there seem to be very few young solvers of the Telegraph crosswords.

      And for the benefit of the non-Kiwis here: skite (NZ) = boast or brag (UK/US).

      1. You’re quite right Mr K, but most people post early and I like the cut and thrust.As, for example, when Brian throws his toys out of the cot and is gently ribbed for it. Also Mr K I do appreciate your surveys, general info about the blog and your genial voice.

    2. Hi Grizz, thanks for your comments. Are you as far south as Wellington or are you somewhere on the Kapiti coast?

  31. Some people in England keep strange hours, I’m one, although I usually try to comment before midnight. I’ve managed to catch up with the crosswords by doing yesterday’s and today’s this evening. I agree with all the comments above. Thanks to all involved.

  32. Er…you have used a picture of a catamaran to illustrate a trimaran – otherwise I am in awe of this site!

    1. Welcome to the blog Martin.
      Yes looks like we did slip up there.
      We were so determined to get a New Zealand moment of triumph into the blog that we lost focus when selecting.

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