Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3011 (Hints)
Hints and Tips by Senf
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A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg, where we have experienced the driest (and it’s nothing to do with beer consumption) first half of the year since records began in 1873 with rainfall around 40% of ‘normal.’
Dada as benevolent as ever, but a little quirky, with six anagrams (two partials), one lurker (not hinted, it’s so obvious), and one homophone.
Candidates for favourite – 10a, 17a, and 15d.
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow.
1a Ray is so suspicious (5)
A double definition to start – the first is an adjectival description of what a ray can be a type of.
10a Sad sort of crossword clue thrown out (8)
There are two sorts (lists) of crossword clues, choose one and follow it with a single word for thrown out.
13a Bogus debtor’s note held by London players (8)
A three letter term for a debtor’s note inserted into (held by) a team of players of the round ball game based in London.
14a Bargain by the sound of it? I’m off! (7)
The homophone (by the sound of it) of a (4,3) term for a bargain.
19a Sugarcoat introduction to song, little number (7)
The first letter (introduction to) of Song, a synonym of little, and a cardinal number.
21a Summit entertained by serenade at the lectern? (8)
A synonym of summit inserted into (entertained by) a synonym of serenade.
25a Promise bit of corn from Cornwall? (5)
The regional designation that includes Cornwall and a single word for a ‘bit’ of corn.
26a Silly idiots, ninnies and nincompoops: empty heads (5)
The initial letters (heads) of five words in the clue.
2d Housework decreasing, apparently? (7)
A type of housework that ‘de-creases.’
6d Lucky swimmer, showing strength on the outside (9)
A particular type of water dwelling cold blooded vertebrate contained by (showing . . . on the outside) a synonym of strength.
8d New suit I own in a state — dilemma? (2-3,9)
An anagram (new) of SUIT I OWN contained by (in) a synonym of a state
9d One of five children from the south-east? Sparkly little thing (6)
The abbreviated form of South-East and the abbreviated form of a term for one of five children from a multiple pregnancy.
15d Curved feature in tail of hound, dog bites (3,6)
A childish synonym of dog contains (bites) IN from the clue and the last letter (tail) of hound.
20d Warning will be in the present at that time (3,4)
Single words for in the present and at that time.
22d Sheep drops on mongrel (4)
Hmm – an obsolete or jocular (straight out of the BRB) synonym of sheep which includes ON which has to be removed (drops) to get the answer.
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