Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29087
Hints and tips by 2Kiwis
BD Rating – Difficulty **– Enjoyment ****
Kia ora from Aotearoa.
We always know we have had a good frost when even the sand on the beach is a crispy white. That was how it was on our walk this morning. Our run of calm, clear, winter weather continues.
We had a slight hesitation when we started solving in the NW but after that it all flowed smoothly for us. All the usual Jay fun of course.
Please leave a comment telling us how you got on.
1a Regular visitors may be a little taken in by colours (8)
HABITUES : A word for colours or shades surrounds ‘A’ from the clue and little or small portion.
5a Admonish a pessimist accommodating models (6)
SHAPES : A lurker hiding in the clue.
9a Indefinitely postpones the two shopping centres having switched leaders (9)
MOTHBALLS : A word for ‘the two’ and a word for shopping centres have their initial letters exchanged.
11a Taste of Burma regularly confronting French pal? (5)
UMAMI : The second and fourth letters of Burma and the French word for friend.
12a Prestige attraction around borders of Somerset (6)
LUSTRE : The first and last letters of Somerset are inside an attraction or enticement.
13a Charm of eccentric A-list chap? (8)
TALISMAN : An anagram (eccentric) of A LIST plus a synonym for chap.
15a Funny team breaking up (4-9)
SIDE-SPLITTING : A sports team and then breaking up or cleaving.
18a Popular country house on film must be target area (8,5)
SHOOTING RANGE : In the order they appear in the answer we have a verb meaning to film, then the two letter word for popular and a country house.
22a Crazy editor going after nameless Londoner (8)
COCKEYED : Somebody from London’s East End loses the abbreviation for name and finally, the abbreviation for editor.
23a Tried hard, putting roast initially in cooker (6)
STROVE : The first letter of roast is within a cooking appliance.
26 Durrell? A major keeper of this animal (5)
LLAMA : A lurker, hiding in the clue.
27a Remuneration will come after the last of my wishes (9)
YEARNINGS : Start with the last letter of ‘my’ and then remuneration or income.
28a A poser‘s catch? (6)
SITTER : A double definition.
29a Change relating to the whole (8)
INTEGRAL : An anagram (change) of RELATING.
1d Most self-effacing and happy supporting topless pal (8)
HUMBLEST : Remove the first letter from a pal or close friend and then happy or fortunate.
2d Objects of ridicule only on test, oddly (5)
BUTTS : A synonym for only plus the first and third letters of ‘test’.
3d Tunics may be key when crossing road (7)
TABARDS : A computer key usually found on the left of the keyboard, then a synonym for when surrounds the abbreviation for road.
4d View across lake — rising fish (4)
EELS : Reverse (rising in a down clue) view or observe and insert L(ake).
6d Entertainer who’d broadcast at home on one (7)
HOUDINI : A homophone (broadcast) of ‘who’d’, then the short ‘at home’ word and the Roman numeral one.
7d Tramping around nursing a grouse (9)
PTARMIGAN : An anagram (around) of TRAMPING contains ‘A’ from the clue.
8d Tight-fitting fleece with natty fringes (6)
SKINNY : Fleece or remove the outside layer, then the first and last letters of natty.
10d Old Greeks showing expertise in bridges (8)
SPARTANS : A verb meaning bridges contains expertise or skill.
14d Praise cook drinking coffee (8)
FLATTERY : Cook using oil or fat in a pan contains a milky coffee drink.
16d Dryer found in freak accidents (9)
DESICCANT : An anagram (freak) of ACCIDENTS.
17d Change in fortune may be true about most of poetry (8)
REVERSAL : A synonym for poetry minus its last letter is inside true or genuine.
19d Make a speech about exercise and work (7)
OPERATE : Physical exercise is inside a word for make a speech.
20d Regret importing European metal train (7)
RETINUE : The abbreviation for European and the metal with the chemical symbol Sn are inside a word for regret.
21d Dresses down, as result of viral infection on board (6)
SCOLDS : The letters for a steamship surround a viral infection common in the winter time.
24d Title holder‘s now upset Her Majesty (5)
OWNER : An anagram (upset) of NOW and then the Queen’s regnal cypher.
25d Block put on new farm building (4)
BARN : Block or prohibition plus N(ew).
We had a short list of 1a, 9a, 22a and 3d on our preferred list for favourite this week, but couldn’t pick among them.
Quickie pun seize + hence = see sense
No real hold-ups for me on this one and I enjoyed it in general.
I liked the two long ones across the middle, but I didn’t like the second synonym in 28a.
Many thanks to all the birds. We’re off now to Hampshire as we’re doing the Bombay Sapphire Distillery tour tomorrow! Not sure how much of the crossword I’ll be able to do after that.
It’s a cricketing term meaning an easy catch,much the same as a Dolly
Thanks Dave. Unless you’re a crickety person, I’m not sure how you’d know that and I couldn’t see it in the BRB. I only know I got it right when I’d finished the crossword and got the all correct message
So now we add “dolly” to our list of obscure cricketing terms do we? I hope I remember it!
I couldn’t get 28a so I’m glad I’m not the only one and thanks to Dave for the explanation.
I got it from the “poser” but had no idea of the crickety word.
Mostly steady progress but NW presented a couple of hitches. 11a new to me however guessed it then double-checked word exists before putting in. 21a only just works for me. Podium places in no particular order go to 9a, 22a and 6d. Thank you Jay and 2Kiwis.
Third ‘Monday’ of the week, but that will probably change tomorrow even though it won’t be a Ray T as Beam is on Toughie duty, very enjoyably completed at a fast gallop – **/****.
Candidates for favourite – 9a, 22a, and 20d – and the winner is 22a.
thanks to Jay and the 2Ks.
A nice friendly Jay which suited my tired “back from a busy but lovely holiday with the family/dreadful journey home from Stansted ” brain
Thanks to all the birds concerned
Also found this relatively straightforward but very enjoyable.We are still in Porto and the weather is not good but I can download the Telegraph onto my Kindle Fire and still enjoy the crosswords. I can also put in what I consider an iffy answer and ask it if its correct. There were 3 of these today and all three were right but they were guesses till I read the hints so thanks to all.
A tale of four corners for me today. SW NE SE and finally NW. As for 28a I thought you’d be more likely to miss one than catch one. Ta to all.
Thanks 2Ks and setter.
Didn’t know Butts were ridiculed…you learn something new every day….
9 & 22a the pick of the bunch for me.
I think they mean ‘butts’ as in the butts of jokes.
Apologies if I have misunderstood your comment.
Another thoroughly enjoyable puzzle from Jay (**for difficulty, **** for enjoyment). There were a lot of good clues but my favourites were 9a and 22a. Thank you to the 2 Ks. I’ve never walked a frosty beach but often walked the frosty Iron Age road, The Ridgeway, which is easier without the deep ruts now the off-road vehicles have been banned!
Hadn’t heard that the off-road vehicles had been banned from the Ridgeway. that’s excellent news. Every such ancient road should be protected from these ignorant, uncaring, antisocial twits.
Another cracking Wednesday offering from Jay full of humour and great clues. So many to choose from for a favourite but I will go for 3d,
Thanks to all three avians.
I didn’t think this was quite up to the usual Jay standard but still quite enjoyable. I needed a couple of hints in the decidedly tricky (for me) NW to get home. I didn’t like the archaic synonym for happy and wasn’t too keen on the surface for 9a. Other than that lots to like, I ticked 15 and 18a plus 14d for podium places.
Many thanks to the three birds for the entertainment.
My biggest difficulty today was picking a favourite but will choose 9A just ahead of 22A .
Many thanks to the birds .
What a lovely crossword! Lots of entertaining clues of which for me, 9a was tops.
Thanks to Jay, and to the 2K’s for their review.
I enjoyed this just as much as I always enjoy Wednesday crosswords.
For some reason that I now can’t see I was pretty slow with quite a few answers and never did get 28a.
I had trouble making 12a = prestige and 1d took ages and was my last answer.
I particularly liked 9, 15 and 26a (even thought I normally miss lurkers!) and 8d. My favourite was 22a.
With thanks to Jay and to the 2K’s.
I had a great deal of trouble in SE corner, particularly as I had considered (for 23a) every kitchen appliance known to man except the correct one. Otherwise it all fell into place quite happily. Favourite 9a.
Thanks all round.
All pretty straightforward. Hard to pick a favourite from a bunch of good clues.
I have trouble equating lustre with prestige; still, I expect the Setter knows best.
Hurrah 3rd solveable crossword in a row😃 **/**** Favourites 22a, 7 & 21d 👍 Had not met 11a before 😟 Thanks Jay and the 2xKs
The usual enjoyable Jay, pretty friendly until I got to the NW corner.
I never did get 22a, but I spelt 16d incorrectly with two “s” instead of two “c”; very careless considering it’s an anagram so all you had to do was tick off the letters – beyond sloppy.
I can’t choose a fave, much too many choices.
Thanks to Jay and the 2Kiwis for the fun. Off to the pool before the “monsoon”.
Ditto. Very careless of me too.
Never mind the rest of this puzzle, i am truly impressed that you all seem to know what 11a means. New to me.
As for the rest, too wordy for my taste.
Thx for the hints.
It’s a relatively new culinary word, I think related to MSG. They call it the fifth taste.
Come on Brian – we don’t/didn’t all know what 11a meant. We followed the instructions in the clue, as per the K’s hint, and then – what did we do? What would CS tell you to d? Yes, we looked it up and BINGO there it is.
Sorry – all that sounds patronising and it’s really not meant to so :smile: to you for keeping on keeping going!
Well said. I worked it out and googled it as did the majority, but not apparently the minority
11a – an anchovy, or Marmite clue… :grin:
A most enjoyable Wednesday offering where I was stymied after a fast start by the NW corner . Once 9ac went in it came together nicely.
Grateful thanks to 2KWs for review & Jay for another cracker.
Morning all.
It’s not yet daybreak here but the temperature indicates that everything will be very white again this morning and then gradually thaw to another clear, crisp day.
Interesting to see that so many people enjoyed 9a as we also did. Wonder what the reaction would have been if the word Spooner had been mentioned in the clue or the hint.
That’s a very good question. I liked 9a but am generally not a fan of Spoonerisms.
Excellent Jay offering and a comfortable solve.
28a would be tricky for any non-cricket fans.
A couple of new words for me, all gettable from the wordplay.
Thanks all.
Indeed. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only person who only knows cricketing terms from crossword puzzles.
Now off I go to cheer for my baseball team. Baseball, by the way, uses tons of abbreviations and terms that would be just perfect for cryptic crosswords. Unfortunately, I’ve never seen them used.
Fun puzzle. I particularly liked 9a.
I might need a little more help understanding the wordplay in 21d. Is “board” synonymous with boat, and “on” indicates that it should contain the viral infection? Or is the container unindicated, and “on board” is supposed to make me think of a boat? Or am I missing something bigger?
SS is the usual abbreviation for a steamship.
On board tells us the Cold is inside this ship.
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks. So, is “steamship” implied, and “on board” the indicator? Like, “…viral infection on board [steamship]?”
Difficult to explain but just keep in mind for the future SS (a ship’s title) often at each end of the answer as here or at the end. The viral infection (the common one) is on board (inside). To my mind “on board” makes you think in nautical terms so is doubly useful
Thanks, Weekend Wanda! I was apprehensive at first, but now I think it’s kinda clever to have a phrase like “on board” that can simultaneously serve as an indicator and an element of the answer.
11a a new word for me.
Who was it that said “A day without learning is a day wasted”? Oh, yes, it was me!
Thanks to 2Kiwis and the setter for an enjoyable solve.
Was icy here in Christchurch this morning as well.
Splendid challenge. Thanks Jay and 3Ks for the parsing of 28a. Held up in NE largely because I had bunged in the wrong answer for 2d. Last one in therefore 9a. I have five favourites in each direction so shall go with the majority.
liked 7D (tramping around nursing a grouse).