ST 3006 (Hints) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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ST 3006 (Hints)

Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 3006 (Hints)

Hints and tips by Senf

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg, where, on Thursday, the mercury reached 30.2 degrees (that’s 86.4 degrees to those in the non-metric USA); unfortunately, such temperatures are only increasing the risk of wild fires which are already occurring (some criminally set).

More benevolence from Dada today, with his almost standard 7 anagrams, one reverse lurker, and one homophone.  There is one answer, perhaps two, (neither hinted) that could invite political comments – I would recommend that such action should be avoided.

Candidates for favourite – 11a, 12a, 6d, and 17d.

Don’t forget to follow BD’s instructions in red at the bottom of the hints!

As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, a number of the more difficult clues have been selected and hints provided for them.

Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.

A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.

Some hints follow:


1a Food store enticed sales all over the shop (12)
A straightforward anagram (all over the shop) to start of ENTICED SALES.

9a Sweet dancer (7)
A double definition – the second is the illustrated Russian dancer.

12a Herb consumed by personage, routinely passed to the left (7)
The reverse lurker (consumed by . . . passed to the left) in words contained by the indicators.

14a Scenting nothing evidently, one kept quiet (9)
A single word that can indicate that something does not have a scent containing (kept) the single letter used for one.

19a Rusty saw (5)
Another double definition – the second relates to seeing someone on a regular basis.

21a Uncoil convoluted thread initially to produce design on floor material (7)
An anagram (convoluted) of UNCOIL followed by the first letter (initially) of Thread.

25a Spear papers in river (7)
The abbreviation for papers used to prove who you are inserted into (in) the third-longest river in the United Kingdom.

26a Fairly insignificant about king appearing too cute (6-6)
A synonym of fairly followed by a synonym of insignificant containing (about) one of the single letters used for king.


1d Choice in flower for supporter (7)
The choice indicated by an ‘X’ contained by (in) one of a cruciverbalist’s favourite rivers.

3d Refuse unit of column in flier(9)
A type of refuse (produced on a farm) and a unit (of measure) often used in conjunction with column.

6d Hold me aloft and prepare for crash landing! (7)
ME from the clue reversed (aloft) and the call that can/will be made by a flight attendant in certain circumstances.

7d Scary part of book, relaxing (5-8)
Part of a book (seen when shelved) followed by an informal synonym of relaxing.

17d Last of clues penned by better user of wordplay (7)
The last (letter) of clueS inserted into (penned by) a type of better (often on the gee-gees).

18d Story a nobleman recited (7)
The homophone (recited) of ‘a nobleman’.

20d Attempt to grasp old play such as Othello (7)
A synonym of attempt containing (to grasp) a synonym of old.

22d Advice, say, to ignore a drunk (5)
A synonym of advice followed by SAY from the clue with the A deleted (to ignore).

Could new readers please read the Welcome post and the FAQ before posting comments or asking questions about the site.

As this is a Prize crossword, please don’t put any ANSWERS, whether WHOLE, PARTIAL or INCORRECT, or any ALTERNATIVE CLUES in your comment.

Please read these instructions carefully – they are not subject to debate or discussion. Offending comments may be redacted or, in extreme cases, deleted. In all cases the administrator’s decision is final.

After reaching a peak with last Sunday’s video, the only way is down! Three weeks into a five week run at number one in 1981:


30 comments on “ST 3006 (Hints)

  1. A pretty straightforward and enjoyable solve this morning. I really liked the rekrul, as ever, but my favourite was 19d. Just right for a Sunday morning.

    Many thanks to Dada and Senf.

  2. Yes, very pleasant Sunday morning fare indeed. My inner chemist liked 15d. I suspect 19d might be an oldie but still a goody which raised a smile but my favourite today was 13a.
    Thank you as always to all involved

    1. 19d hasn’t appeared in the Telegraph or the Guardian this century, so it’s most likely original.

  3. Really enjoyable , clever and vey amusing. Hard to pick a COTD as so many to choose from but will single out 24A ( wishful thinking ) .
    Thanks to everyone , well done Liverpool but awful game to watch .

  4. Just the ticket for a Sunday morning, especially after the ‘drinks & nibbles’ party held by my neighbours yesterday!

    The ‘political’ clues made me smile but my top two were 6&22d.

    Thanks to Dada and to Senf for the blog. Adam and the Ants were definitely odd contributors to the hit parade – wonder who bought all those records?

    Many happy returns to Kath – hope it’s your turn to get looked after today!

  5. Really enjoyed that. The only one i struggled with was 13a, could see the belief but the rest took ages to parse so was last in.
    Don’t remember coming across 5d for lover before but BRB confirms.
    17d was a clumsy word but fitted the wordplay perfectly.
    11a and 26a were my favourites.
    Thx to all
    Our house is in mourning after last night, dreadful game.

  6. Thank you for the hints. I managed about a quarter before I needed them, but couldn’t have finished without them. Esp.3d. I liked 11a.

  7. Puzzle of two halves here. East complete before west started. Took a hint to get going again (16a and 17d)
    The rest proceeded smoothly. Thanks to Dada and Senf. I am of an age where I confess to knowing Adam and the Ants but do not admit to painting my nose with emulsion unless you find the photographic evidence!

  8. A straightforward puzzle, completed in 1/2* time and quite enjoyable(3*). Thanks to Dada. Thank you to Senf for the hints. Favourite clues were 26a, 3d and 9d.

  9. Nothing to scare the horses in this crossword! A pleasant solve with some nice clues. 6d was my favourite.
    Thanks to Dada, and to Senf for the hints.
    Happy Birthday Kath!

  10. Nice relaxing Sunday puzzle (thank you Dada) – completed without hints (although thanks anyway Senf – I’m still learning so it’s good to have confirmation). Still having parsing problems with 13a – and I did scupper my attempts at 2d by putting in the Latin version of 13a to start with.
    Lots to smile about, but a special mention for 6d and 15d.
    Happy Sunday, everyone.

    1. Thank you Stan and Miffypops – now I get it!
      Best wishes from Me, a name I call myself

  11. A very enjoyable canter round the grid with East flying in, followed steadily by West. Nothing over much to cause trouble, but a lot to give entertainment.
    2*/4* too many favs to name.
    Thanks to Dada & Senf for review.

  12. Nothing to write home about but pleasant enough to cope with whilst simultaneously watching the tennis from Paris – well done Konta. I suppose scenting nothing in 14a exists. No Fav. Thank you Dada and Senf.

  13. Well that was a nice surprise, a Sunday puzzle I could finish by myself. 19d, followed closely by 11a, were favourite clues, with 2d being last in. Purely because I was chasing the wrong definition. Lots to enjoy. Thanks to setter and Senf.

  14. **/****. Very enjoyable solve with some very clever misdirection (13a which I knew the answer before the penny dropped to parse it). I also liked 11a, 7&17d. Thanks to Dada and Senf.

  15. A very enjoyable solve. Highlights for me included 13a, 19a, 2d, 17d and 19d. Thanks to Dada and Senf.

    Kath, I hope that you have a great birthday.

  16. I didn’t find this as benevolent as most, I needed to get a hint to start going again in the NW corner.
    Fave was 11a. I needed the hint to know why 19a was what it was.
    Thanks to Dada, and to Senf for getting on the mark again.
    Many happy returns, Kath, enjoy your day!

  17. Another good Sunday crossword…probably my favourite crossword day of the week at the moment. Thanks Dada.

  18. Just finished this puzzle as an avoidance strategy: Mrs S is watching BGT, ugh. Thanks to Dada and Senf.

    6 X Champions League winners can’t go without a mention. I cried at the end of the semi final but the final was anticlimactic.

  19. Just about right for a Sunday solve. Had to think hard for a number of clues, but got there in the end.

    Thanks to Dada and Senf.


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