DT 29066 (Hints) – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 29066 (Hints)

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29066 (Hints)

The Saturday Crossword Club

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.

Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.

A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.

Some hints follow.


1a    Come together on part of ship for a game (8,6)
A verb meaning to come together or agree followed by the part of a ship where the captain can usually be found

9a    Fault-finding like one in an armchair perhaps (8)
Like a person who expresses, from an armchair, views on a subject of which they have little knowledge or practical experience

12a    Drag from anteroom as stated (4)
Sounds like (as stated) an anteroom

15a    Paled, having lost blood with inner pain (8)
A four-letter verb meaning lost blood around (with inner) a pain

18a    Gritty? It is not clear (6)
An adjective applied to un unclear photograph

23a    Fellow with endless fish getting behind tug for carriage (7,3)
A fellow and most of (endless) a four-letter fish preceded by (getting behind) a verb meaning to tug

26a    99th record? It stands to reason (5)
Split as (3,2) this could be record 99 in Roman numerals

28a    Understand article I have written for game (6-2-6)
A six-letter verb meaning to understand followed by an article I could have written as editor of a newspaper


2d    Upbringing of awkward runt on river (7)
An anagram (awkward) of RUNT followed by the name of a river

4d    Bird observed at an angle (8)
A male bird followed by a verb meaning observed or seen

6d    It could bring one up to scratch (10)
A cryptic definition of something that can cause a need to scratch

8d    Suffer a hoax; it’s an order (5,2,4)
A five-letter verb meaning to suffer or bear followed by the A from the clue and a hoax

14d    Saving claim one prepared about small company (10)
An anagram (prepared) of CLAIM ONE around the abbreviation (small) for CO(mpany)

17d    Supporter fills in test for part of the army (8)
A supporter of a team between IN from the clue and a test or attempt

19d    Scored briskly? (7)
… scored here means wrote music

21d    Moved camera round left as intended (7)
A verb meaning moved a camera about an axis around L(eft)

25d    What’s worn part of brake? (4)
Two definitions – something worn on the foot and part of an old-fashioned brake on a car

The Crossword Club is now open.

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If you don’t understand, or don’t wish to comply with, the conventions for commenting on weekend prize puzzles then save yourself (and me) a lot of trouble and don’t leave a comment.

The Quick Crossword pun: Cher+lock+homes=Sherlock Holmes

45 comments on “DT 29066 (Hints)

  1. Light and quickly completed, in 1* star time, this puzzle was a complete contrast to last Saturday’s but very enjoyable (4 *). Thanks to the compiler. My favourites were 23a, 26a and 8d. Thanks to BD for the hints. Off to enjoy the garden now on this lovely sunny day.

  2. Over quickly so either comparatively easy or I was on form , probably the former .
    Very enjoyable with 20A giving the most amusement .
    Thanks to everyone .

    1. That’s true, but the question mark is there to indicate/suggest a 2-letter contrivance.

      1. PS. Has anydody else got the same advert (above) as me – 50% OFF OUTDOOR HIKING SANDALS. Does anyone do ruddy indoor hiking! Grrrrr…

        1. I’m sorry to tell you that adverts are heavily influenced by your search history, although I’ve never seen indoor hiking!

          1. Thanks for that BD, but I’ve never searched for or owned a pair of sandals, hiking or otherwise, in my life. I wouldn’t be seen dead in a pair of them. This morning, I have 2 ads from FLORYDAY, a website selling women’s casual clothes! I suspect the ads I get on here are completely random, as I only use public computers in libraries and therefore most of my “searches” will be anonymous and unable to be e-noted (to use crypticsue’s term). I’m not complaining, of couse, just reporting.

    2. I’ve done a bit of comment editing because by the end of this thread, the actual letters required were given away.

      Stan may wish to note that Jane’s friend Mr Google agrees with the setter about the Roman numerals for 99.

      And Jose – no I haven’t – I would imagine you must have looked at some hiking sandals somewhere and so your interest in them has been e-noted

      1. Sorry about that. It’s all rather confusing. I found the same as Stan, both on Google and in the table of Numerals in Kennedy’s Latin Primer. However, the entry for 98 in the latter may explain why there could be confusion. Better not say any more or there won’t be any biscuits left in the naughty corner.

      2. My correct version of 99 seems to have become an incorrect version of 40. Going out for an ice cream … hope it’s extra large … XL.

  3. Much easier than last Saturday. I loved the misdirection in 3d. Spent too long on the wrong sort of cycle. Thank you to the setter for the fun and thank you too BD for the Saturday Club. Oh dear, I think I need to clean the BBQ. Yuk.

  4. A pretty straightforward puzzle with no major problems in the solve. Thank you BD for my Birthday banner and those of you who have wished me well for the commencement of my 62nd year on the planet – much appreciated :smile:

    1. ‘much appreciated…’ – the 62nd year or the congrats?!
      Nice to hear from you SL. Best Wishes from me too.

  5. Light and enjoyable start to the weekend – just right to set me up for the Radler battle ahead!

    Lots of ticks on my sheet with 1a plus 4&8d taking the top three places.

    Thanks to our setter and to BD for the club.

  6. So much more enjoyable than last week’s struggle, one of my favourite grids too! Thank you setter & BD.

  7. Lovely puzzle, very enjoyable and I’m delighted not to have looked at the hints. Managed to misdirect myself though, looking at 19d while watching the cricket! (Not that anyone is scoring briskly at the moment…)
    Thanks all round.

  8. I enjoyed this puzzle. Stormed through the top half and then slowed up a bit but there were lots of smiles along the way. Thanks to BD, the setter for the entertainment and my wife for the delicious brunch which accompanied the puzzle! 2*/4*

  9. A slow start with a 19d finish – **/***.

    Candidates for favourite 26a, 28a, and 5d – and the winner is 26a.

    Thanks to the setter and BD.

  10. **/****. Right up my street. The only slight holdup was the SE quadrant. 8d was my favourite. Thanks to the setter and BD.

  11. Not on the wave length today, had trouble getting started. Resorted to looking at the hints which was then followed by groans,slapping of head and doh moments. Perhaps the beer the night before could be to blame. Many thanks to BD and the setter.

  12. Plain-sailing in the North but a bit more challenging in the South. Fav was 8d with 15a and 19d joint runners-up. We do seem to be seeing a lot of the 10a marsupial. Thank you Mysteron and BD. Pangram in the Quickie.

  13. Nice & easy does it,,, well not every time but definitely this one.
    1.5*/3 with quite a few nice clues to get you thinking & pleasurable to solve,
    Thanks to setter & BD for review.

  14. Lovely puzzle for a late Saturday afternoon. Like Senf I was slow to get going but once I did I finished with a fair wind.
    24a plus 4 and 8d occupy podium places with 8d taking top spot.
    Many thanks to the setter of this excellent puzzle and to BD for the review.

  15. Woohoo, loved this one, only needed help with two clues. This beginner is happy today.

  16. Better than last Saturday, but still needed some electronic help to finish. Probably because I am making my usual large pot of bolognese sauce at the same time, so concentration is off. Thanks to setter and Big Dave for hints.

  17. I think 26a is a poor clue. It should give some indication that the 99 is how some people might incorrectly render it, since of course the correct version has four characters.

    Didn’t like 6d either. It was my last one in and I came to this blog to check it because I was thinking “surely not”. It’s not exactly a cryptic definition.

    But did enjoy the rest.

  18. Well , we seem to have been given a Saturday off , so to speak . I couldn’t finish last weeks one .
    Thanks to setter and BD .

  19. The first DT Cryptic crossword I have completed in a while- usually have to seek help from this blog, for which I am very grateful. Very enjoyable, easy puzzle- 90% completed yesterday, the rest today and all without recourse to BD hints this time. Always like to see what everyone else thinks of the puzzle. Favourites for me were 5D,16A, 20A and 26A.

  20. Only got round to doing this very pleasant and quickly-solved puzzle on Sunday morning. Well worth the wait despite the speed of completion which did not detract from the enjoyment. Thanks to our Saturday setter and BD.

  21. Even I finished yesterday without a hint!! First time for ages..lt took me a while to get going as I was assuming it was as hard as last week’s and then the penny dropped.Very comforting. With family staying I couldn’t be rude, and enjoyed the success. Some excellent clues this time.

  22. That’s better… back on form after last week. 8d one of my favourites.

    Thanks setter and BD


  23. Late entry – just found this one in lying around theatres. Easier than most but mistake with 25 down slowed me up. Probably due to cricket…….!?

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