Toughie No 2136 by Musaeus
Hints and tips by Kitty
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
Hi everyone. I hope life is treating you well. The new week of Toughies kicks off with a Musaeus puzzle, his fourth in this series. For the most part, things went along in a manner typical of a puzzle at the gentler end of (although on) the Toughie spectrum, but I had a real tussle with a few. After dithering over the ratings, I split the difference. Similarly for enjoyment: I found this inventive and a bit different and was really enjoying it, but while staring at the last answers with unhelpful checking letters, my inner grump may have voiced a few things which I won’t publish here! I’ll concede enough to Miss Grumpitty to mention that four five-letter answers had only two checked letters, and those were all vowels.