Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28156 (Hints)
Big Dave’s Saturday Crossword Club
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
As is usual for the weekend prize crosswords, an assortment of clues, including some of the more difficult ones, have been selected and hints provided for them.
Don’t forget that you can give your assessment of the puzzle. Five stars if you thought it was great, one if you hated it, four, three or two if it was somewhere in between.
Most of the terms used in these hints are explained in the Glossary and examples are available by clicking on the entry under “See also”. Where the hint describes a construct as “usual” this means that more help can be found in The Usual Suspects, which gives a number of the elements commonly used in the wordplay. Another useful page is Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, which features words with meanings that are not always immediately obvious.
A full review of this puzzle will be published after the closing date for submissions.
Some hints follow.
1a Rugby team needing a drink missing second score for Murray perhaps (6-7)
The number of players in a rugby team preceded by an adjective meaning needing a drink without (missing) the S(econd) gives a score that [Andy] Murray might achieve
9a Rascal finishing in store (9)
A three-letter rascal or scamp followed by a word meaning finishing – note that “in” is part of the definition
12a What you might have in a pub that’s just opened (4)
Split as (1,3) this is what you might have in a pub
17a Saw dog restrained by lead (7)
This saw or adage is derived by putting a name often given to a dog inside the chemical symbol for lead
20a Thief takes bullock round a pound (7)
Put another word for a bullock around the A from the clue and the Latin abbreviation for a pound sterling
21a Man with a mother? Yes and no (4)
The A from the clue followed by a mother, usually one in the animal kingdom – as a biblical character this man had no mother, but all others with the same name do have one
23a Decorative material — gold — found in well-known London restaurant (5)
The heraldic term for gold inside the name of a well-known London restaurant, usually preceded by “The”
28a Hoteliers lost straying cat (13)
An anagram (straying) of HOTELIERS LOST
1d Try Danish novel about public transport vehicles, or this book (8,6)
An anagram (novel) of TRY DANISH around some public transport vehicles of the kind that are currently making a comeback
4d Naval vessel needing fortune to fix inside (7)
Put fortune or destiny around a verb meaning to fix or manipulate
5d Light music genre of the 1970s adopted by showy dresser (3,4)
A carefully concealed definition – a music genre of the 1970s, which featured outrageous clothes, makeup, and hairstyles, particularly platform-soled boots and glitter, inside (adopted by) a showy dresser
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
6d Frank Spencer’s wife loses head for artist (4)
The name of Frank Spencer’s wife in the TV series Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em without her initial letter (loses head)
8d Sweet kid after unwanted company (10,4)
A verb meaning to kid preceded by (after) an unwanted third person in the company of a couple
14d Being good-looking appears to secure actor’s part (10)
A verb meaning appears or arrives around (to secure) a word used to describe a part or role played by an actor
20d Vice exploits parts of the body (7)
A vice or evil followed by a verb meaning takes advantage of or exploits
25d Prison riot (4)
Two definitions – a colloquial word for prison and a riot or commotion
The Crossword Club is now open.
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The Quick Crossword pun: hype+Otto+news=hypotenuse
1*/3*. That was light but fun. There were one or two old chestnuts but lots to like, particularly: 1a; the cleverly disguised definition for 5d; and, my favourite, 12a.
Many thanks to Mr Ron and to BD.
Quite enjoyable, the novel in 1d was new to me but able to be worked out, and I too liked 5d. Have a good weekend all.
I may have seen something like 17a before, but it works so beautifully. Also took me a while to see the def in 5d, very nice.
I missed the double GK in 6d
I’m impressed BD was able to find a pic for 1a
Many thanks setter and BD
I took a picture from Google images and “doctored” it.
Really enjoyed this one and would give it 2*/4*.
Got stuck on a few and had completely the wrong answer to 20d ! (Thought it must be wrong!)
Liked 5d, 17a and 12a.
New words for me, 7d, 16d and part of 5d.
Thanks to setter and BD
1.5*/***, fairly gentle but with one or two posers. Last in was 23a, I obviously don’t eat out often enough!, once I had 14d, which held me up for a while. 5a was my favourite too.
Yes, I enjoyed this puzzle too although the answer to 16d had me reaching for Chambers because it’s a word with which I’m not familiar. I just loved 17a – that has to be today’s favourite for me – but 1a ran it close because it was topical and ingenious.
The answer to 16d was a new word for me too, but as it was an obvious anagram I decided not to provide a hint.
I think I found that a bit trickier than most of the rest of you.
My last few answers took longer than the rest of the crossword – 23 and 28a and 1 and 14d and, dare I say it, 24d.
I didn’t know 16d and although I did know the 7d word I also know that I can’t spell it so looked it up.
I’ve never heard of the 6d artist and had to ask Mr Google for the name of Frank Spencer’s wife.
Has anyone ever known a dog called the middle bit of 17a? I never have.
I liked 1 and 28a and 8 and 19d. My favourite was 5d.
With thanks to Mr Ron and to BD.
Stuff to do then NTSPP and MPP – spoilt for choice but could do without the stuff to do.
My first thought on 6d was that Frank Spencer’s wife was called *****!
2.5*/3.5* for this enjoyable and diverting Mr Ron puzzle. Lots to enjoy and very little with which to take issue. I really liked 12 across but my favourite is 1 across because it made me smile.
Many thanks Mr Ron for cheering up part of a dull morning, and to BD.
My favourite crossword for a while. It took me back…I had to read 1d on my degree course too many years ago to mention. This compiler and I are clearly on the same wavelength. Very enjoyable indeed
Unusually for a Saturday there was enough to exercise the old grey matter but provide fun along the way. 5d and 16d new to me but obvious as was 6d although I have never watched that Frank Spencer programme. Fav giggle 8d. Thanks Mysteron and BD. ***/***.
Right on my 1/2* dividing line as regards difficulty, and 3* for enjoyment. Despite the emotional tug of 28a – in memory of Cider, now resting under the apple tree in the side garden – my choice for top clue lies between 5d and 17a. Thanks to Mr Ron and BD.
A good Saturday challenge I feel. Got off to a storming start by spotting 1a almost immediately but then progress slowed. The BRB was necessary to help confirm the new word for me in 16d and I’ve learned a new artist from 6d. 17a annoyed me because as a chemist I hate it when I’m slow to spot a chemical symbol.
No rugby to distract today, just a dog walk with a justifiably exultant Welshman. Looking forward to Wales v Iceland in the final 😂😂😂
Love the blog and all the banter, very helpful to a slightly slower on the uptake lass! Can someone explain 26a I can see the d daughter bit but don’t understand the Tenor? Thanks
Welcome – I wouldn’t call you …. but what I would say is look up Tenor in the dictionary and make sure you read all the way through the list of definitions until you go ‘Aha’
Welcome to the site. Please keep signing in. It’s a merry bunch of folk.
Welcome from me too. :smile:
There are lots of really good things about this blog. One of the best is that no-one ever makes anyone else feel dim, even if they are being – trust me – I know!
It’s fun – keep commenting.
Thanks to Mr Ron and to Big Dave for the hints. A very enjoyable puzzle, but quite a mixture of clues. 17&21a were real old 🌰🌰. I thought 23a was very good, but my favourite was 1a. Last in was 5d. Was 3*/3* for me. ☀ seems to be prevailing in Central London.
I found this more difficult than many. Strangely I have come across 16d before but to be honest this is a really obscure word and must have been a filler for the setter, to whom much thanks.. The last ones in for me were 12&21a which needed a bit of mental searching of the alphabet and then a penny drop moment. My favourite was 1a. Thanks to BD for the hints.
I really enjoyed this but found it decidedly tricky, I don’t know why as the only word I didn’t know was 16d. My heart sank when the first word I read was “rugby” but I just ignored it!
I liked it all, but 1a, 1d, 5d and 8d stood out for me.
Thanks to setter and to BD for the hints.
I enjoyed this and after a sprint out of the blocks I stalled a tad last in being 5d which I thought was rather clever. Entertaining distraction from lots of jobs but now watching the cricket. Thanks BD.
I must commit 25d to memory as I have seen it a couple of times lately, and it still hasn’t sunk in. Maybe it’s an age thing . I am a year older today. Didn’t see any lurkers today. Oops, yes there is one. Thank you setter and BD. Off to a celebration dinner.
Happy Birthday :rose:
Thank you CS😀
Happy, Happy Birthday. Enjoy the celebration.
Thank you Merusa.😀
Happy birthday.
Thank you Hanni.😀
Happy Birthday from me too – have a really lovely evening. :rose: Now you need someone to give you a vase for your flowers.
Thank you Kath. Just returned from a delicious meal at Stoke Park. I have a feeling it might not be to-oooooo far away from you. 😀
Need help with 1 down please
Welcome to the blog Nicky
I have put as much into the above hint as I can – try reading it again.
A fairly light, enjoyable puzzle that I made heavy weather of, as is my wont on a Saturday. 1d was new to me as well, but the anagram was fairly generous, and there aren’t that many public transport vehicles to pick from. 14d would have fallen sooner if I hadn’t been so adamant that ROLE had to play a part somewhere. Doh. All three cats I’ve had have been 28ac’s, so tell me why it took me so long to spot?
Bit of a struggle today, not on the right wavelength so was very grateful for the hints.
Thanks to BD and today’s setter.
Good stuff today.
Needed a couple of hints.
Thanks BD for the hints and the setter
Still struggling with 1d even though I have all the available letters, xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx?. Thought it was a toughie this Saturday.
Welcome. BD’s hint should help you find the answer – I’ve crossed out your guess because you’ve given an incorrect answer and that is something we ask people not to do at the weekends.
If you don’t know the book then, short of giving the answer, there’s not much more that can be done.
thought this was a Friday, as the Quickie is a pangram
prize puzzle very enjoyable-2*/4* for me
Late as usual. I’ve been doing some puzzles lately but never on the day the paper comes out – just too tired after a night’s work to think. Did this one today on my birthday while waiting for Iceland to beat France (may be a long wait) and really enjoyed it. 5dand 18a vying for favourite status. Ta to BD and setter. Must try to get back in synch with everyone. I miss you. 1*/4*
Happy Birthday, TS!
Happy Birthday TS. We need you back to full strength so keep working at it.
Happy Birthday to you, TS. Would you like a little flower? Well, you’re going to get one whether you like it or not! The only flower on offer here is a :rose: I can’t help feeling that you might be more of a Sweet Pea man – I, finally, have lots in the garden so I’m sending some to you.
At last! Welcome back, TS – hope you had a lovely birthday.
At last – v difficult for me, had to resort to Chambers and this site to complete the bottom left hand area – and 5d. Thanks for help!
Congratulations to all those with birthdays!
I thought that this was an excellent puzzle- with lots of clues containing common words with unusual other meanings, and the old adage -never assume adjoining words are connected!
I too had never heard of 1d -clearly not well read, but Internet comes in handy. Didn’t need hints today but thanks to BD and the setter.
The thing I look forward to the most when coming over to the U.K. is a visit to my favourite restaurant in 23a.
Still as good as ever after the refurb.
Thought 1a was a strange answer.
Had to google 6d as I didn’t remember his wife’s name but now I can hear him pronouncing it in my head.
Favourite is the kitty clue in 28a.
Thanks to the setter and to BD for the blog.
Mmm… Why can’t I figure out 21a? Must be the excitement of getting to a Euro S/F. Very enjoyable but stuck on the last one, just can’t seem to justify any answers, completely missing the point here, many thanks to the setter an BD.
Welcome to the blog Taffwellian
Try rereading the hint – it’s actually quite easy
Argh…Didn’t see the hint Dave, many thanks for pointing out the bleeding obvious! Very enjoyable crossword, 5d & 8d for me, respects to the setter.
I’ve never heard 20ac used as a synonym for “thief”, and the surname Murray does not automatically make me think of a tennis player, so I was baffled by my answer to 1ac.