DT 28102 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 28102

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28102

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty ***Enjoyment ***

This puzzle was published on Saturday, 30th April 2016

I’d say this slightly trickier than usual  Saturday puzzle was a Mysteron production .   There appeared to be quite a bit of two of the same clue type in a row and a mistake in 17d.



1a           Frivolous chatter, at first it’s illuminating (8)
GASLIGHT   –   GAS (chatter) precedes (at first) LIGHT )frivolous)

9a           Early military calling (8)
REVEILLE –   A cryptic definition of a military wake up call.

10a         Dangerous act — endless shock (4)
STUN –    Endless tells you to remove the T at the end of a STUNT (dangerous act)

11a         Person that runs after ball one gets to fly many a mile (12)
GLOBETROTTER –    Here a TROTTER (person who runs) goes after a GLOBE (ball).

13a         Dull hair? Sleep on it (8)
MATTRESS –   MAT (dull – and yes you can spell it with one T) TRESS (hair)

15a         Visual showing humour? Don’t start that! (6)
OCUAR –  JOCULAR (showing humour) without its ‘start’

16a         Soldiers must surround a base (4)
MEAN  – MEN (soldiers) surround A (from the clue)

17a         Get smashed in interval (5)
BREAK –   Double definition

18a         Get rid of   hovel (4)
 DUMP –   And another

20a         Israel adapted TV show (6)
SERIAL –   An anagram (adapted) of ISRAEL

21a         Father has an allowance — that’s sweet (8)
FRAGRANT –   FR (father) A GRANT (an allowance)

23a         Border constituency? Not necessarily (8,4)
MARGINAL SEAT –  a Parliamentary set held with a small majority, which may or not be on the border of, say,  England and Wales.

26a         Trickle from said river (4)
OOZE –   A homophone (said) of the River OUSE

27a         Ten parts for reassembling somewhere in church (8)
TRANSEPT –   An anagram (for reassembling) of TEN PARTS

28a         Kind of chutney in cheese sent back (4-4)
HOME-MADE –   HOME (in) and a reversal (sent back) of EDAM cheese.


2d           Fourth part of play — at end of scene set off (8)
ACTIVATE –   ACT IV (fourth part of play) AT (from the clue) E (the end of scene)

3d           Established like the one at the front of the queue? (4-8)
LONG-STANDING –    I suppose really it depends how long the queue was when the ‘one’ joined it.

4d           Convict turned up with raw material in abundance (6)
GALORE –   A reversal (turned up in a Down clue) of LAG (convict) plus ORE (raw material)

5d           Accurate yet partly misconstrued (4)
TRUE –   Lurking (partly) in misconsTRUEd

6d           Fail to notice maiden perhaps going to butcher’s (8)
OVERLOOK –   OVER (a maiden, perhaps, in cricket) LOOK (Cockney rhyming slang – butcher’s hook = look)

7d           Mug containing most of material (4)
CLOT –   Most of CLOTh (material).

8d           Evidence of a cry of roaming predator (4,4)
TEAR DROP –   An anagram (roaming) of PREDATOR

12d         Modern truths about violent weather (12)
THUNDERSTORM –   An anagram (about) of MODERN TRUTHS

14d         Was he after some of that bundle? (5)
SHEAF –   Another lurker, this time in waS HE AFter

16d         Food from Eton — tucked in after male fellow diner (8)
MESSMATE –   MESS (Eton Mess being a pudding of whipped cream,  pieces of meringue and strawberries all mixed up together) and ATE (tucked in) the latter going after M (male).

17d         Original Clue:  Objective: a rider’s weapon to be used in plot (8)  Revised Clue: Objective: a weapon sawn off at the end to be used in plot (8)
BALANCED –   Our setter  originally wanted us to put A LANCE (a rider’s weapon) in a BED (plot) but he didn’t tell us what to do with the second E.  The clue was subsequently revised to explain where the E went,  and can be parsed as   A LANCe (almost all of a rider’s weapon) used in  a BED (plot)  An apology was given in Monday’s newspaper.

19d         Large, exotic maidens venturing into unknown? On the contrary (3-5)
MAN-SIZED –   Instead of putting an anagram (exotic) of MAIDENS into a mathematical unknown  Z – we have to do the opposite (on the contrary).

22d         Replaced images, showing discrimination (6)
AGEISM –    Another anagram – replaced telling us to rearrange IMAGES.

24d         Horse galloped round ring (4)
ROAN   –   RAN (galloped) goes round O (the letter that is ring-shaped)

25d         Strip of wood from machine, unfinished (4)
LATH –   An unfinished LATHE.


6 comments on “DT 28102

  1. Thank you Sue, as promised I kept my notes and find I struggled with man-sized because I had the wrong Ouse and smiled at ocular and gaslight. Too many favourites to risk a choice.

  2. In 18c how does SHED fit into THUNDERSTORM (12d)?. I had DUMP as the answer as it fits in with the D of 12d and M of 19d which SHED doesn’t.

    1. Thanks David

      I could say that’s my deliberate mistake I left in just to make sure someone commented but….

      I blame bashing out the review after I’d come back from a long hot but very enjoyable walk round Sandwich.

      I’ll correct the review now.

      1. CS. 17d. I was wondering – the revised clue seems a little cumbersome/amateurish for an experienced, professional setter with it’s “sawn off at the end”. Sounds like someone at the DT has come up with that? Wouldn’t the setter have used brevity with: Objective: Rider’s sawn-off weapon to be used in plot. Just a thought…..

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