Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28103
Hints and tips by Myopic Miffypops and Harmonious Hanni
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
A delightful little puzzle full of fun and mischief compiled by our resident Monday Maestro Rufus. Due to the demands of The Long Itchington Beer Festival Miffypops has enlisted help from Hanni who has provided the hints and tips for the down clues. Thank you Hanni.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
Across hints and tips from Miffypops
1a Douglas’s pet? (4,3)
MANX CAT: Douglas is the capital of The Isle Of Man which I have seen many times from The Lake district but have never visited. The pet is from the Isle of Man and is tailless. I had one once that tried to climb up our chimney. Oh how I laughed at the state of the living room after he fell out. The Isle of Man was the home of the most fascinating man George Daniels . Have a read.
5a Bit of rough treatment for unseasoned wood (3,4)
RAW DEAL: A double definition the second being new fir or pine wood.
9a Heading west, nothing holds up one coming from the border? (5)
LUPIN: A three lettered word meaning nothing is reversed as indicated by the term heading west. This is then wrapped around the word UP lifted directly from the clue and indicated by the word holds. We have these flowers in our border and I am always pleased to see the sunshine reflecting off the dew that collects in the middle of the leaves and looks like diamonds.
10a Course — leading clubs perhaps put it on for training? (9)
TRACKSUIT: This garment used for sports training is gained from a word meaning course, as in a racecourse and a word that describes hearts clubs diamonds or spades
11a Doing without strong drink –- it’s discouraged (10)
SPIRITLESS: The strong drink could be a whisky or a gin. The whole is a double definition.
12a State of a hut that needs putting in order (4)
UTAH: Anagram (needs putting in order) of A HUT
14a Back heavyweight individual? That’s best (6,2,4)
SECOND TO NONE: Split 6,3,3. We have a backer (who actually might back a heavyweight boxer in his corner) a heavy weight (twenty stones) and the word ONE (individual) from the clue.
18a Means being out of employment? (6,6)
EARNED INCOME: One’s wages.
21a Get to travel free by horse, at last (4)
RIDE: A clue that should have been passed to Hannah who does this with thoroughbred horses. Place a verb meaning to relieve somebody of something as The Pied Piper did with the rats of Hamelin and add the final letter of the word (hors)e.
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
22a Fresh sand, please, to make seaside features (10)
ESPLANADES: Anagram (fresh) of SAND PLEASE
25a Writer takes exam without company in Whitsuntide (9)
PENTECOST: Put a word meaning an exam around our usual suspect or abbreviation of the word co(mpany) after an implement used for writing (not a pencil)
26a Banish in former French island (5)
EXILE: Our usual suspect for former as in girlfriends, boyfriends, wives or husbands before the French word for island.
27a Unnecessary loss of a point irritates (7)
NEEDLES: Take the final letter which is one of the points of the compass away from a word which means unnecessary.
28a Church item with red centre and unusual rose edging (7)
REREDOS: An old chestnut makes a welcome return. Place an anagram (unusual) of the word ROSE around the word RED directly from the clue.
Down hints and tips from Hanni
Hello from the N. York Moors where yesterday we saw the fantastic Tour de Yorkshire pass by. The bunting was out along with what seemed like half the county to watch. It was cold, it was wet, I didn’t understand the rules of it all but it was good fun, so long as you weren’t on a bike.
1d Interfere with doctor in case (6)
MOLEST: Start with a 2 letter abbreviation for doctor and follow that with a 4 letter word for in case.
2d A good bet one suggests relatives should follow as some protection (6)
NAPKIN: Start with a 3 letter word for a racing tip that professes to be a certainty and follow that with a another three letter word for relatives.
3d Thought one could also have respected another’s feelings (10)
CONSIDERED: A rather nice double definition.
4d Drink nearly everything? No, the whole lot (5)
TOTAL: Begin with a 3 letter word for a small drink and follow that with a word meaning ‘everything’ with its last letter removed (nearly).
5d Card shop I went round for something lyrical or romantic (9)
RHAPSODIC: Pencils at the ready…An anagram (went round) of CARD SHOP I. What a lovely word you are left with.
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
6d Come to some backwater (4)
WAKE: Double definition, the first being to come round from slumber.
7d Unusual quote in a line in a maths book? (8)
EQUATION: Gosh…I do like anagrams and here is another, (unusual ) of QUOTE IN A . This will leave you with something often found in a maths book. Much like Marmite you either love or hate the things.
8d Unfortunately, they lack an opener (8)
LATCHKEY: Golly…another anagram. This time is it is of THEY LACK (unfortunately), to leave you with something quite useful for opening a door. I lose mine on an alarmingly regular basis.
13d English naval officer is about to impress (10)
COMMANDEER: Start with the single letter abbreviation for E(nglish) and insert this (about) into a naval officer.
15d Some things have been left out — ring the visiting diplomats (9)
OMISSIONS: Here we begin with our usual single letter for ring and follow that with a 7 letter word for what diplomats go on.
16d Water creature is quiet when inland (8)
TERRAPIN: Start with a 7 letter word for ground or territory (inland) and insert a single letter abbreviation for quiet. Some people keep these as pets, although goodness knows why, you can’t exactly stroke them.
17d Nominally, she’s discretion itself (8)
PRUDENCE: This girls name is a synonym of the word discretion. She went on the pill in a long forgotten film from 1968
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
19d Went against the current trend? (6)
EDDIED: A cryptic definition of to go against the current.
20d They put you in your place! (6)
USHERS: A nice all in one to describe people who show you to your seat at venues. The mischievous side of me enjoys confusing the ones at weddings.
23d Some congratulate rivals after the event (5)
24d Laze around, wanting enthusiasm? (4)
ZEAL: And finally another anagram. I used my pencil to solve this. Here the anagram indictor is ‘around’ and the fodder is LAZE.
< Acrosses solved to the lovely voice and saxophone playing of Sir Van Morrison.>
The Quick Crossword pun: penny+tense=penitence
2*/4* for this excellent Rufus offering. Nothing terribly taxing, but good fair and enjoyable clueing. 27 and 28 across crop up from time to time, and I particularly liked 20 down, which made me smile.
Thanks to our intrepid duo for the review, and of course to Rufus for this terrific opener to the week.
I’m getting further and further away from Rufus’s wavelength. Added to that, I was a teensy bit fuzzy after cocktails last night, so was a bit on the slow side. Being a bank holiday, that didn’t matter and I could take my time to get there at a leisurely relaxed pace, enjoying the scenery.
So today (unlike yesterday) I am 11a but enjoyed the 21a. Smiled too at 6d, but there are lots of clues I could single out for praise. I love 7ds and have no problem with identifying the problem with the one illustrated. I thought this was one of the best Monday crosswords for ages.
Thanks to Rufus for the puzzle, to MP for the across hints and to Hanni for the downs – well done!
P.S. One point of confusion: why would anyone want to stoke a pet? :wacko:
Because I can’t spell stroke.
Naw, I think you can spell perfickly well – in your head. Truble is, you’re fingers aren’t that well edukated :mail:
Rubbish as spelling…excel at the piano. I don’t spell sat at the piano BTW. That would just be weird.
Love it….just checked in and the adverts are for an ‘Instant Grammar Checker’. Pity they can’t proof read too. Although I still don’t get why I am getting ads for German cruises, in German?
As long as you don’t go stroking any fires …
A lovely antidote to a typically grey Bank Holiday morning (although the sun in London is now trying to pierce the clouds).
Initially I thought a pangram might be in evidence, but it wasn’t even a pangra as things turned out! Lots of clues to like, but I’ll opt for 10a, 14a and 1d as my personal pick of an excellent crop.
Many thanks to the new double act of Miffypops and Hanni, and of course to Mr. Squires.
Yes, I was looking for a pangram as well. It seems to be quite the thing at the moment for the setters to put in Q, X, Z in the relatively simple clues. I normally have the alphabet written down and I check off the letters as they appear. I was left with B,F,G (J&V), now wouldn’t that have been really clever if the grid had used the ‘J&V’ somewhere and the theme was on Roald Dahl.
That would be very ‘Elgar’.
So was I!
2*/4*. Typical fun from Rufus to brighten a dull bank holiday Monday. I found this fairly straightforward except for 16d and the first word of 18a, which were my last two in. As so often happens it turns out to be intersecting answers which cause the delays. 18a is my favourite because the true meaning is so well disguised.
I was due to play my first game of cricket of the season this afternoon but the opposition cried off two hours ago. It’s bad manners to leave it so late; and, even worse, Mrs RD is now starting to find things for me to do.
Many thanks to Rufus and to the Hanni/MP combo.
Not as tricky as recent Monday puzzles, but this took longer to complete than the Virgilius on Sunday, and was low on enjoyment for me. However, completed before lights out last night so **/**.
28a may be an old chestnut but certainly a new one for me but easy enough to determine from the clue with confirmation from the Chambers Crossword dictionary and then a Google search to find out what it actually is.
Most liked 1a, 14a, and 18a with 14a earning the favourite accolade.
Not sure that I should admit this, but I think I will have to root for Chelsea later on today.
Thanks to Rufus and the MP/Hanni duo.
Not sure that I should admit this but why should we be rooting for Chelsea one way or the other? Is the FA cup today?
Good guess, Hanni, but incorrect I’m afraid. The FA Cup final is on Sunday 15th May.
My assumption is that Senf is a Leicester supporter, and if Chelsea beat Tottenham this evening, Leicester will win the Premiership today without kicking a ball as Tottenham need to win all three of their remaining games to catch them.
Quiet impressed I was close with it. I think I understand the rest of that. Thank you. So is Leicester winning a good thing?
Most neutrals I’m sure will think so. For years the Premiership has been dominated by the disgustingly rich big 4: Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City & Manchester United; and, at the start of this season, Leicester were 5000-1 outsiders to win. BD as a Tottenham supporter will doubtless have a different view.
I am more of a neutral than a Leicester City supporter but I would like to see them win the title. My favourite London team is (don’t laugh) Fulham, hence my reluctance to root for Chelsea, and they are (almost as usual) languishing at the bottom of the Championship performing their Houdini escape from relegation.
As a West Ham supporter I would rather any team other than Tottenham win the Premiership – having said that Leicester came to Upton Park last August and gave us a right tonking. The overwhelming impression was that Jamie Vardy was ‘the proverbial of a shovel’ and they are definitely the best team I’ve seen this year!
The bookmakers at the start of the season were offering lower odds on either Bono becoming Pope or on Elvis being found alive! Definitely puts Leicester’s incredible achievement into perspective.
I think Leicester have kicked a ball this season RD
Hi RD,
It’s unlike you to get your dates wrong! The final round of Premier League fixtures actually takes place on Sunday 15 May, the F.A. Cup Final is the following Saturday.
As for tonight, it’ss probably written in the stars that Spurs will fail to beat Chelsea (where they haven’t won in their last 29 visits) and therefore give Leicester the title just about the same time as Mark Selby (from Leicester) clinches the World Snooker Championship. Let’s see!
Indeed. I got confused. The Cup Final is going to be when I am away on holiday (again!) but I picked the wrong weekend!
Hi RD – I posted a comment a few days ago to see if anyone fancied the idea of having a ‘day at the cricket’ during England’s forthcoming Summer Test series. Think anyone would be interested?
In principle, that’s a great idea. There are only a few things that I’d rather do than be watching a Test Match involving England. Count me in, but finding a convenient date won’t be easy as I seem to be as busy as ever even though I am nominally retired and only working part time.
I’ll drop you an email via BD if that’s OK – would it have to be London or would Edgbaston / Headingley be an option?
I did see your earlier post, SL, I’ve managed to obtain tickets for the Second Day at the Tests at Lord’s (v. Sri Lanka) and The Oval (v. Pakistan). I think it’s a tad easier to obtain seats at the more northerly venues, no?
Yes Silvanus – you’re spot on there. I’ve been to the Oval and Lord’s a couple of times but they don’t come close to the atmosphere generated at Edgbaston – in particular in the Eric Hollies stand.
Yes that’s fine, SL. Let’s make contact via e-mail.
Silvanus is right getting tickets for The Oval & Lord’s is not that easy, but we can try. I’m going to the ODI v. Sri Lanka at The Oval in June and, believe it or not, to day 2 of The Oval Test v. Pakistan. Not only do Silvanus and I agree about crosswords, we seem to do the same things too!
In principle Edgbaston & Headingley would be OK for me, but not this year. We’re away for the Headingley game and have got friends staying when the Edgbaston match is on.
We’ll definitely have to make contact at The Oval in August then, and possibly have a photo taken just to prove we are not the same person!!
I wouldn’t go quite as far as 3* difficulty – more like 1* + a bit and 3* or 4* for enjoyment – not trying to be difficult, just accurate.
I spent ages trying to make 18a something to do with dole i.e. money which you get when you’re not employed which was really dim – oh dear.
If I knew the 1d racing tip I’ve forgotten it so that one took a little while.
Having seen the ‘W’ and the ‘K’ in the clue for 6d I hunted for a lurker – there isn’t one – dim, again.
I started off really liking 1a but it rather lost something in the time it took me to explain it to younger Lamb – oh dear, on her behalf.
I liked 9a (really love them but so do the slugs, snails and Muntjacs) and 22a and 3 and 16d. My favourite is one of them but I can’t make up my mind which one.
With thanks to Rufus and to MP – thanks and well done to Hanni too.
Kath – I started in the same direction as you on 18a. So, I would consider it falling for the (intended) misdirection rather than being dim.
Hmm – I hope you don’t mind me saying so but I call that dim – at least I have some company in my dimness. :unsure:
Undemanding but pleasant enough as follow-on to yesterday’s brain-twister. Liked 1a and 18a. **/***. Thanks Rufus and the MP/Hanni merger.
Yes, with the X,Y & Z, I was trying to find a Q somewhere – no luck. Lovely offering from Rufus today, elegantly reviewed by Miffypops and Hanni – well done Hanni on your first blog, hope to see you more often.
loved the CD at 20d; the one at 18a took me a bit longer to get my head around.
many thanks setter and bloggers
It’s not Hanni’s first blog. She did a whole one last time, but it was unfortunately delayed because of the site problems.
Oops – and I had commented so I should remember – still, would be great to see you more often Hanni
Argh – now my spell heck is trying to force Hannibal – this isn’t going as intended
Wouldn’t worry about it…Hannibal is fine :yes: You should hear the names my boss calls me when in a bad mood.
What could be worse than Hannibal?
Nothing that I could put on the blog :yes:
Spell heck is a fitting name for it.
Now, there’s a surprise – yet another blogging partnership to see the light of day. Well done to Hanni for helping out good old Miffypops in his hour of need – and well done to Miffypops for managing to produce half a blog at a time when I think you’ll be rather busy.
Pretty much standard fare from my neighbour with nothing too difficult to linger on. No real stand out favourite today but I did like 9a.
Thanks to Rufus for the puzzle and to the new blogging partnership for their review. :good:
There used to be quite a few blogging partnerships
I didn’t help myself at all by having dispirited for 11a. Among other mistakes this produced “Tutti” for 4d ( Rufus doesn’t usually go in for foreign words ) and so on.
I also found 10a very obscure and only got it from the checkers.
I liked 14a and 26a.
It was lovely to see that mathematical conundrum again , at 7d, after 40 years.We were shown the flaw then , but I have forgotten what it is. I’ll have to ask one of the Math department teachers tomorrow.
Thanks Rufus and Hanni and Rufus.
Hi Una,
Like the example I gave here (22a) the problem occurs when dividing by zero – which leads to infinities.
Thanks, I am sure there is some specific term …something fallacy ?
Yep – step 3
I will still go over it with one of my colleges tomorrow.
Like Kitty, I thought that Rufus has today given us the best Monday crossword in weeks. Many more smiles raised than is usual for the start of the week. No real issues, although I did go astray for a bit in the SW after bunging surplus in 27a so 16d could be platypus. Ticks today for 9a, 11a, 14a, 1d, 4d, of which I liked 1d best. I rate it **/***. Thx to all.
For once I did this early (bank holiday) and then waited to check whether I was right. I spent a lot of time of the NW having got 1a straightaway. I began to wonder if 1a which I loved was right. Eventually got 11a 1d and 9a which was the very last. Loved 26a and 18a as well as 1a.
I thought this was a little trickier than usual for a Monday; I put it down to it being a Bank Holiday therefore worthy of a bit more cogitation.
Took me ages to get my final one in, which was 9a, so that is my favourite. 3/3* overall.
Thanks to Rufus and the intrepid duo for the review.
Not my favourite Rufus puzzle – seemed rather more workmanlike than usual and lacking in humour.
Like Kath, I was looking for some indication of unemployment in 18a until getting 16d pointed me in the right direction.
Thought 1d was rather clever and liked 14a which took me ages to arrive at for some unknown reason.
Thanks to Rufus and to the blogging duo. Hanni – I do hope that MP appreciated your willingness to step in to help out as a result of his suffering from ‘myopia’? I wonder whether myopia is actually listed as a side-effect of over-consumption of real ale!
MP was very kind. Although very busy with beer festival!
Did you know it is illegal to manufacture spirits in the UK without a licence? I think you could be safe :wink:
But as an experiment…..
I have looked online and found a few few ‘stills’ for sale and step by step guides as to how to make stuff…vodka, brandy etc. Jane likes the occasional brandy so I thought why not?
For some reason she doesn’t seem keen on the idea. It’s almost like she’s seen pics of all my other experiments.
Whenever there is any uncertainty, you have to do the experiment
There is absolutely no uncertainty as to the outcome, Dutch. None whatsoever………..
You have no faith in my experiments. Did the toffee vodka experiment work? Yes. OK some of the others have had mixed results but ‘still’….
I have informed those lovely people at HMRC of your possible ‘flaunting’ of their Licencing Laws. I’m sure that they may be giving you a call in the near future. I know some good lawyers :cool:
Oh!…. didn’t you read law?
what’s all this about experiments having to “work”? not working is still working since you have learned something
Exactly Dutch..you learn for the next time. I’m not always sure what I learn but I write notes, take pics, which certain people who shall remain anonymous called Jane, seem to find ‘amusing’? I test the final products on people. I could so be a scientist.
As for HMRC…nah….and yes I read law. :cool:
Where have everyone’s avatars gone?
Thanks to Rufus and to Miffypops & Hanni for the review and hints. I enjoyed this one, typical Rufus fun. Thought it might have been a pangram, but no. Favourite was 8d. Last in was 1d. Was 2*/3* for me.
I am dead on Rufus’s wavelength and only had a problem with 1d, 2d and 9a, but they soon fell.
I also misread 18a, but as the downs went in easily, I soon got it.
Fave was 17d as I once had a cat named that.
Thanks to Rufus and to M’pops and Hanni for the duet.
Merusa…I misread you comment and thought you had a cat called 16d :grin:
16d would be a good name for a tortoiseshell.
I too got 1a early on and thought most of the puzzle straightforward but became really bogged down in NW corner 😢 So ***/*** I can no longer use the hints because they are always uncovered 😩 Nonetheless it does not stop me enjoying the blog 😉 Big thank you to MP, Hanni & Rufus. Favourites 9a & 5d, also thanks for explaining 21a
Jaylegs – can you try making sure that the web address starts with http:// (rather than https://)? Does that work? I think it’s a problem with having a mix of secure and non-secure content when using the latter.
Thanks very much Kitty, that certainly works 😊 I will just have to work out which address I go to when I type in DT and the number. Thanks again
That’s great, Jaylegs. So now we know what the problem is and have a workaround. As to how to actually fix it, I have no idea… :unsure:
Great work Miffypops and Hanni. Let myself down by thinking that the first word in the 1a clue was an anagram, so I was looking for some sort of dog. 12a brought back fond memories of digging for fossils with my then small children at a tiny place called Dinosaur near Vernal, many years ago. Just done a search on the place and it appears to have turned into a massive Dinosaurland. Think I could do with a trip back. Thank you Rufus for today’s puzzle. My favourite was 17d. 2*/3*
“Give us yer lupins, yer lupins or yer life”
First look and I thought it was going to be very straight forward but found it tricky, and was slow to get started. Got going, then got stuck in SW corner but completed with no hints and tips again.
Really enjoyed this today, Rufus I think is my favourite setter, good fun and very entertaing with some great clues. Lots I liked such as: 1a / 10a / 14a etc. However 13d is my favourite. Rating 3* / 4.5*.
Thanks to MPOPS and Hanni for their combined effort, well done. A big thanks to Rufus also for another entertaining puzzle.
Nice straight-forward puzzle with some nice anagrams and other very good clues, very good fun!
I recognise the picture clue in 9a is from ‘the Diary of a Nobody’ where the upwardly-mobile son of the Pooters is named Lupin!
***Note to BD***
I tried to edit my previous entry to add something, when I attempted to save it the entry came back with ‘undefined’ in the name field and the amended text was not saved.
When I closed the session and went in again my original message, with my proper name is saved, the amende text is not present. My immediate impression is that the ‘name’ and ’email’ fields are not being recognised but thst is only my opinion.
***Further note to BD***
It seems that the editor doesn’t mind you deleting things or amending existing letters but it doesn’t like you adding text – again only an opinion!
Point noted. It’s difficult as it works ok for me.
Well spotted Michael. It is a very indirect link
The picture is by Weedon Grossmith who, with his brother George, wrote ‘the Diary of a Nobody’.
PS – the picture comes up if you do a Google Search for ‘the Diary of a Nobody’ – it’s easy when you let your fingers do the walking!
PPS – fancy calling your son ‘Weedon’ – eh!
The first I have completed without assistance so my enjoyment is a given. Just enjoying a small glass to celebrate.
I struggled with 14a and 18a due to an attack of dimness (if I may borrow Kath’s descriptor).
Thanks to Rufus and to Miffypops for the hints.
Many congratulations. Isn’t it a great feeling?
Well done Nic! Think you deserve a large glass of something.
Well done to you.
As for borrowing my dimness – well, if I could pass it on to someone else you’d be very welcome to keep it for good.
Congratulations, Nic. To the first solo completion of many! :good:
Last in 1d and 9a
Why are the last to get always together?
Funny that.
Enjoyable work-out.
Many thanks Rufus who never disappoints and MM and H H.
When you can’t solve the anagram in 12a, even when given the hint, you know you are in trouble.
Dinner Party until 0300 this morning did not help.
This will have to be a training exercise!!
17d hint, Siouxsie and the Banshees did a great version too…
Thanks to MP, Hanni and the setter
Enjoyed it more than usual and my last ones were the same as Merusa’s.
Thanks to Rufus and to MP and Hanni for the review.
Have to go back to work. Will look at the clips later.
Struggled needlessly in the NW, with 1d, 9a and 11a my last ones in. Enjoyed it a lot, as I found it more if challenge than many Rufus offerings. No standout favourites. 2*/3* Thanks to Rufus and Hannipops
Hi TS – in case you pop in again today. Nothing back from you over my queries re: the shoulder problem. Quick recap – what is it, why is it and – most importantly – are you recovering?
A found this a little easier than I usually do for Rufus, which is still to say that it took me into *** time, but only just. **** for entertainment value. No matter how many times 28ac comes up, I can still never spell it.
***/***. Took a while to get going but it yielded eventually. Thanks to the setter and our tandem reviewers.
Well done Hanni. It’s not easy is it, but your hints are very good. Look forward to seeing you in the chair again – or are you going full time?
Tour de Yorkshire was great apart from the lack of TV coverage on Saturday for the ladies’ race.
The puzzle was pretty standard Rufus stuff, if a little on the benign side, so I’ll go for */***.
Thanks to Rufus, MP and especially Hanni for sticking her head above the parapet.
Cheers Pommers :-) Not full time no!
I was disappointed with the coverage of the ladies race too. The whole event gets a lot of support here.
Hope you and Pommette are well. Still shorts weather over there?
Good evening everybody.
Found this exceedingly tricky. Got there eventually but it was a bit of a slog. Didn’t understand 11a despite working out the solution.
A pleasant romp of a puzzle to start the week. I score this 1*/3.5*, and – as a sailor – enjoyed the element of misdirection in 6d. Thanks to Rufus, and the Miffypops/Hanni combo.
Well done Leicester, amazing achievement.
Oh have they done it? Mr Annthe Art is watching the match at his gym as we don’t have Sky. He will be over the moon!
Phew, this was testing for me from start to finish and had to resort to many hints along the way. It strikes me that this was a quintessential cruciverbalist’s puzzle. So that clues such as 9a (heading west…coming from the border…) were leaving me totally befuddled because I was reading them literally while the seasoned solver would have seen through the words immediately. I think I need to do some revision of the help section, usual suspects etc. Still can’t imagine how I would ever get such as 16d (water creature…) without some help, but so many of you seem to have found that easy…Oh well, onwards and upwards! Thank you MP and Hanni for helping me with the hints without which I would have gone quietly bonkers. Thanks also to the setter…I think??
Quite enjoyable today, but I still don’t understand why “wake” is a backwater.
Once again, the site is showing the answers not covered up. Is this the site or my phone?
Have a great day!
Hi Ros,
Wake as in the water seen at the back of a boat as it travels. It appears to be a problem with the site on some devices and platforms. No one is sure why yet but BD is trying to fix it.
Hi there, Ros. Try this suggestion here. Does that work?