DT 28096 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 28096

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28096

A full review by gnomethang

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty *Enjoyment ***

This puzzle was published on Saturday, 23rd April 2016

Morning All! Quite s straightforward solve but with some fun clues.

Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.


1a           Plant that could give beast of burden trouble on the way back (8)
CAMELLIA – A Camel (beast of burden) followed by a reversal (on the way back) of AIL (trouble).

5a           A governing body on ship (6)
ABOARD – A from the clue and then a BOARD or governing body.

9a           Someone making excuses for record I delivered in a job (9)
APOLOGIST – A LOG/record and I from the clue inside a POST/job.

11a         Manage with spades to cut through woodland (5)
COPSE – Place S for spades inside (to cut through) COPE or manage.

12a         Meanly abused amateurs (6)
LAYMEN – An anagram (abused) of MEANLY.

13a         Way to get round unsatisfactory service in game (8)
ROULETTE – Place a LET/ unsatisfactory service inside a ROUTE or way.

15a         Manufacturer in Germany and America meeting employee on approval (13)
INDUSTRIALIST  – A charade of IN from the clue, D for Germany, the US for America and then a TRIALIST or employee on approval.

18a         Charge a boy touring Cornish resort in holiday time (7,6)
FESTIVE SEASON – Place a FEE/charge and A SON or a boy around the outside of ST IVES, a Cornish resort.

22a         Song about Uncle Sam getting drunk (8)
CAROUSAL – Place a CAROL or song around/about the USA or Uncle Sam

23a         Soak up sun in autumn month — it’s 45 degrees (6)
OCTANT – I remembered the word but the wordplay is clear – Place TAN (soak up sun) inside OCT(ober) or an autumn month.

26a         Make corrections to pieces penned by editor (5)
EMEND – MEN or pieces on a chessboard inside ED for Edtior.

27a         Conductor’s chosen baton to lead first part of Eroica (9)
ELECTRODE – ELECT or chosen then a ROD/baton followed by the first letter/part of E(roica).

28a         Official disallowed rugby score ace secured (6)
NOTARY – NO TRY or a disallowed rugby score in which A for Ace is added/secured.

29a         Unproductive performers to be removed from musical stage? (4,4)
DEAD WOOD – The second cryptic definition of DEADWOOD is a famous musical .


1d           Clergyman takes tea with nothing added (8)
CHAPLAIN – A charade of CHA (tea) and PLAIN (with nothing added).

2d           Dreamy doctor appearing in Casualty finally (5)
MOONY – A charade of MO (Medical Officer/doctor) who is ON (appearing in) and the final letter of (casualt)Y.

3d           Cat — punishment that’s held over son (7)
LIONESS – Take LINES (schoolboy punishment) holding O for over and then finally S for Son.

4d           Flag of European country trimmed (4)
IRIS – Cur the last letter of IRIS(h) or ‘of Ireland’.

6d           Graduate with cold, under the weather — one could get germs (7)
BACILLI – A charade of BA or graduate and then C for Cold, ILL/under the weather and finally I for One.

7d           Small female in health resort rejected desires (9)
APPETITES – PETITE or small female inside a reversal /rejected of SPA.

8d           German person eating less (6)
DIETER – A German name and also one who diets.

10d         Roman poet’s following opening of treasure chests (8)
THORACES – The opening of T(reasure) and then HORACE’S (or of the Roman Poet_.

14d         Get girl in elaborate rite (8)
IRRITATE – RITA (a girl) inside an elaborate anagram of RITE.

16d         To reduce agitation apparently is putting off (9)
DEFERMENT – To reduce agitation might be said to DE-FERMENT.

17d         Kew noted straggly unwanted plant (8)
KNOTWEED – An anagram (straggly) of KEW NOTED.

19d         Depth measuring device in better condition (7)
SOUNDER – Two straightforward definitions.

20d         Animated Conservative infiltrating left (7)
EXCITED – Place C for Conservative inside EXITED or left.

21d         Television vet (6)
SCREEN – Another double definition.

24d         Eager to get support of old in large numbers (1,4)
A GOGO – AGOG (eager) with O for nothing underneath (supporting in a down clue).

25d         Present from the relations (4)
HERE – A hidden word (from) in tHE RElations.


Enjoy the Bank Holiday everyone!

5 comments on “DT 28096

  1. Thanks gnomey, I remember being highly amused by the festive season and struggling a bit with moony which did not feel like a real word but as I have lost my notes that it about all I can recall.

  2. Difficulty 1* !!!!
    That’s not what the hints commenters thought thank goodness or I’d be seriously doubting my aptitude ;)

  3. Thanks for your help. Struggled with this more than usual. DEADWOOD refers to the Deadwood stage from Calamity Jane rather than being a musical itself I think.

  4. Welcome to the blog, Ian. You are quite right (Them’s not really my cup of tea!)

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