Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2843
A full review by gnomethang
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BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ****
This puzzle was published on Sunday, 10th April 2016
Morning All! I didn’t find this one too tricky and the standout clue for me was the triple hidden word. Plenty of other hidden words as well!
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Form of communication, usually kept short, that could be remote, clinical (10,4)
ELECTRONIC MAIL – A nice definition including the fact that the answer is usually shortened. An anagram (that could be) of REMOTE CLINICAL.
9a Box outside ring? It’s funny when you see it (7)
CARTOON – The CARTON or box goes around O for ring/zero/nothing as depicted.
10a Confused mixture put right in distant past (7)
FARRAGO – The R for Right (L and R) goes inside FAR (distant) and AGO (past).
11a Choose to back, seizing power (3)
OPT – Nice and simple – reverse TO (back) and insert (it is seizing) P for Power.
12a Reinforcing lock held by awfully big nut (11)
BUTTRESSING – Place a TRESS or lock of hair inside an awful anagram of BIG NUT.
14a Top or formerly highly-rated player, we hear (6)
EXCEED – A homophone here (we hear!). The answer sounds like EX SEED (a former top 16 tennis player at Wimbledon, for example).
15a Most unorthodox partnership that is securing runs (8)
WEIRDEST – Start with the W-E or West-East partnership in Bridge and then insert R for Runs inside ID EST (that is) – WE IE (R) D EST
17a After vacation, place is not this busy (8)
OCCUPIED – Once one leaves a building it is not OCCUPIED. The second definition is simple ‘busy’.
19a Having a lot of talent, granted (6)
GIFTED – Two definitions, the second meaning is granted as a freebie/given.
22a Neatly fitting small decorative features around old volume (11)
DOVETAILING – Place DETAILING (decorative features) round O and V (old volume).
23a Vessel that reappears in our next return journey (3)
URN – A hidden word THREE timesthat reappears) inside (in) oUR Next retURN joURNey.
24a Across in Italy — that’s where this composer could be found (7)
ROSSINI – Another hidden word – the composer may be found inside ;acROSS IN Italy. An all-in-one or &Lit I believe.
26a Classical quartet in audition of minor importance (7)
TRIVIAL – Place IV for 4 in Roman Numerals (a classical quartet) inside a TRIAL or audition.
27a In earnest way, holding ‘er hand, off and on (14)
INTERMITTENTLY – INTENTLY (In an earnest way) including ‘ER from the clue and a MITT or hand.
1d For some monastic groups, what leader of mission opens? (8,6)
ENCLOSED ORDERS – The first is the straight definition, the second refers to the secret mission (ORDERS) ENCLOSED in a sealed envelope to be opened only by the Captain.
2d Wandering sailor capsized, taken on board by Viking explorer (7)
ERRATIC – Reverse a TAR (sailor/ Jolly Jack TAR being capsized) and place him inside ERIC the Viking.
3d Youngster carrying foreign currency, parking in dangerous place (7,4)
TROUBLE SPOT – A TOT or youngster including (carrying) ROUBLES/foreign currency and P for Parking.
4d Baroque art one reproduced (6)
ORNATE – An anagram (reproduced) of ART ONE. Nice an succinct.
5d Grass planted among grain for merchant (8)
INFORMER – Another hidden word – this time indicated by ‘planted among’ and included in graIN FOR MERchant.
6d Injure in attack with bow raised (3)
MAR – Reverse (raised) RAM or attack with the bow of a ship.
7d Assume the speaker opposes ending of debate (7)
IMAGINE – A charade of I’M AGIN (I, the speaker, is AGIN/against) and the end letter of (debat)E.
8d How points on the line are distinguished (14)
LONGITUDINALLY – Any line crossing the equator is described/distinguished thus.
13d Period during which bar is open inside (7,4)
SERVING TIME – When the pub/bar is open and also ‘inside’ a prison at Her Majesty’s pleasure.
16d If men reformed, then is male for this? (8)
FEMINISM – An anagram (reformed) of IF MEN followed by IS from the clue and M for Male.
18d A vice’s corrupted man — ultimately yields under pressure (5,2)
CAVES IN – Make a corrupted anagram of A VICE’S and ass the ultimate letter in (ma)N.
20d Traveller I spotted entering French city on time (7)
TOURIST – I from the clue is seen (spotted) in TOURS for a French city. All of this is on T for Time.
21d Youngster turned up shoddy stuff in arbitrary order (6)
DIKTAT – Reverse (turned up) a KID and then add TAT for shoddy stuff.
25d In other words, compressing carbon to produce diamonds (3)
ICE – I.E. or Id Est/in other words contains (compressed) C for Carbon.
THanks to Mr Greer – I will be back tomorrow for review of last Saturday’s Prize Puzzle.