Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28042
A full review by gnomethang
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***
This puzzle was published on Saturday, 20th February 2016
Morning All! I found the last few clues in this quite tricky, with the dance and the dowry requiring electronic help. All in all there was some fun to be had in solving though.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!
1a Running commercial vehicles on initially tight allowance (14)
ADMINISTRATION – A charade od AD (commercial/advertisement, MINIS (vehicles), the initial letter of T(ight) and then RATION for allowance.
9a Comic strip duck in tub (7)
CARTOON – O for Duck/zero inside CARTON for tub.
10a Prohibits importing German sausages (7)
BANGERS – I like this one!. Place GER for German inside BANS or prohibits.
11a Earnest opera singer making a comeback (4)
AVID – A reversal (making a comeback) of an opera DIVA.
12a Nevertheless halt sale, silly me! (3,3,4)
ALL THE SAME – A silly anagram of HALT SALE followed by ME from the clue.
14a Very great number heading off after start of migration (6)
MIGHTY – Place (e)IGHTY – a large number with its heading letter off after The starting letter of M(igration).
15a Recalled top of fancy flower (8)
DAFFODIL – Another nice clue. Reverse (recalled) LID OF FAD for top of fancy/whim.
17a Pedlar is upset, sees what you’re saying (3-5)
LIP-READS – An anagram (upset) of PEDLAR IS.
18a Again docked across the dam (6)
MOTHER – Place MOR(e)/again around/across THE from the clue.
21a Dance waving pretty sash (10)
STRATHSPEY – I had to resort to electronic help for this as the dance is unknown to me. In any case it is an anagram (waving) of PRETTY SASH. All in all a good clue.
22a Enthusiasts returned in shock (4)
STUN – Reverse (returned) NUTS or enthusiasts/fans.
24a Building equations, at first provided in numbered cubes (7)
EDIFICE – The first letter of E(quations) and then IF/provided inside DICE or numbered cubes – E D IF ICE.
25a Ring French friend about fake Japanese art (7)
ORIGAMI – Place an O ring and AMI, a French friend, around (about) RIG or fake as a verb.
26a A somewhat restrained comment below formal declaration (14)
UNDERSTATEMENT – A charade of UNDER (below) and STATEMENT (formal declaration).
1d Praise a Conservative allegation (7)
ACCLAIM – A from the clue then C for Conservative followed by a CLAIM or allegation.
2d What bridegroom may get me at rip-roaring resorts bordering Oman’s capital (8-7)
MARRIAGE-PORTION – I was not aware of this word for a dowry either. Make an anagram (may get) of ME AT RIP-ROARING around (bordering) O – the capital letter in Oman.
3d One dubious name for inert gas (4)
NEON – A dubious anagram of ONE followed by N for Name.
4d Individual in sleeveless vest, taking time off (6)
SINGLE – Remove the T for time from a SINGLET or sleeveless vest.
5d True about victim being in denial (8)
REBUTTAL – Place REAL/true around the BUTT of the jokes or victim.
6d Rookie in bid to join infantry (10)
TENDERFOOT – A charade of TENDER (bid/offer) and the FOOT or infantry in an army.
7d Canteen had soups requiring stirring –- a matter easily resolved (4-3-4,4)
OPEN-AND-SHUT CASE – An anagram (requiring stirring) of CANTEEN HAD SOUPS
8d A grand on top (2,4)
AS WELL – A from the clue and then SWELL for grand/great.
13d Shrewd setter is, we suspect (10)
STREETWISE – An anagram, indicated by suspect, of SETTER IS WE.
16d Mythological king you almost sussed out (8)
ODYSSEUS – An anagram (out) of YO(u) – almost all of it – and SUSSED
17d Added to register, the Queen’s surgeon (6)
LISTER – Joseph LISTER who worked to improve cleanliness in surgery. Add ER for Elizabeth Regina, our queen, onto a LIST or register.
19d Direct punk trio to go on the rampage (3,4)
RUN RIOT – RUN for direct then an anagram (punk) of TRIO.
20d Lynn, perhaps, banking on Italian city (6)
VERONA – Dame VERA Lynn is surrounding (banking) ON from the clue.
23d Cover skin (4)
HIDE – A simple double definition to finish.
I’ll see you all next Friday. Thanks to the setter.
21a and 2d were both new to me and needed to be looked up, otherwise a nice straight-forward puzzlle. Thanks to setter and Gnomethang for the review.
My choir sang a Scotch 21a and Reel by Percy Grainger many years ago, so I was merely unsure how to spell it. From my brief Googling of 2d it seems to be paid to the bride rather than the bridegroom.