Sunday Telegraph Cryptic No 2835
A full review by gnomethang
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***
This puzzle was published on Sunday 14th February 2016
Afternoon All! Apologies for the delay – I had PC problems late last night and my work laptop was on site. This was a typical Virgilius puzzle and very enjoyable.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!
1a Someone waiting for person to start court action (6)
SERVER – The first is the straight definition – one who serves at table, a waiter. The second is the tennis player who serves to start a match (action) in court.
4a I admit grasping zero, being this? (8)
IGNORANT – I GRANT (I admit) including (grasping) NO for zero.
10a Old cheat spoiled new Olympic event (9)
DECATHLON – An anagram (spoiled) of OLD CHEAT followed by N(ew).
11a Piece from Verdi scored for musical entertainment (5)
DISCO – A hidden clue (a piece from) inside verDI SCOred.
12a Bring back spiritual teaching with part of Bible (7)
REVERSE – Place R.E. (religious education or spiritual teaching) in front of a VERSE from the Bible.
13a Like work of most poets, but not Keats and Yeats (7)
RHYMING – The cryptic part of this requires you to realise that KEATS and YEATS dor not rhyme (approximately KEETS and YATES).
14a A hearing not reaching conclusion in Roman courts (5)
ATRIA – A TRIA(l) or court hearing without its concluding letter.
15a Select a revised time for programme to be seen (8)
TELECAST – An anagram (revised) of SELECT A followed by T for Time.
18a After brief period, releases North American force (8)
MOUNTIES – Start with a MO (Moment or short time) and then add UNTIES or releases.
20a One of the Romans occupying seat in European capital (5)
SOFIA – I, the Roman numeral for one, inside a SOFA or seat.
23a House in reconstructed base (7)
HEINOUS – An anagram (reconstructed) of IN HOUSE.
25a He deserts the cause in act of betrayal (7)
TREASON – Remove HE from T(he) REASON (or cause).
26a Have some fast food in famous coffeehouse (5)
SCOFF – Another hidden word, this time it is IN famouS COFFeehouse.
27a Financial expert giving author clear forecast? (9)
ECONOMIST – The author Umberto ECO followed by NO MIST (a clear weather forecast).
28a Relax call to fix fiddle or racket (8)
RESTRING – A charade of REST (relax) and RING (call). One RESTRINGS a violin or a tennis racket.
29a This is where you’ll find the ultimate in unorthodoxy? (6)
HERESY – Another way to say HERE’S Y (this is where you’ll find Y , the ultimate or last letter in orthodoxy. Lovely clue!
1d Like stars in team, given genuine support (8)
SIDEREAL – A charade of SIDE (team) with REAL (genuine) underneath or giving support in a down clue.
2d Pick up and put on new jacket for work (7)
RECOVER – Two definitions – to get better (pick up) and to put a new cover/jacket on a book or work of fiction.
3d Host needs to get into coach right away (9)
ENTERTAIN – Start with ENTER (get into) and then add T(r)AIN or coach with the R for right taken away.
5d A line is included by peer group in comprehensive statement (14)
GENERALISATION – Place A L(ine) and IS inside GENERATION or peer group (i.e. My generation).
6d In strange way, sordid play is so lacking in characters (5)
ODDLY – Remove the ODD letters (i.e. ODDLY lacking) from sOrDiD pLaY.
7d Victorians, for example, as divided by bizarre issue (7)
AUSSIES – Place an anagram (bizarre) of ISSUE inside AS from the clue.
8d Temperature affected by storm and low pressure area (6)
TROUGH – T for Temperature and ROUGH – affected by a storm.
9d Famed scientist eccentrically enters lab in tie (6,8)
ALBERT EINSTEIN – an anagram (eccentrically) of ENTERS LAB IN TIE.
16d Meat dish, in part, inferior to second in container (9)
CASSEROLE – Place ROLE (part) underneath, or inferior to, a CASE/container with S for second inside.
17d Protected by soldier, I don’t leave chief supporter (8)
MAINSTAY – I is inside (protected by) a MAN/soldier and then STAY (don’t leave) follows.
19d Forbidding nothing, and negative about nothing (7)
OMINOUS – O for nothing and then MINUS (negative) around/about O for nothing again.
21d Celebratory showing of test, live, after openers dismissed (7)
FESTIVE – Remove the first letters (openers are dismissed) from (o)F (t)EST (l)IVE.
22d Tea served up to a point, and different drink to follow (6)
CHASER – Start with CHA for tea and then add half (up to a point) of SERved.
24d Secure chest, having no upper limit for bid (5)
OFFER – Remove the start (having no upper limit) of (c)OFFER or secure chest.