DT 28036 – Big Dave's Crossword Blog
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DT 28036

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28036

A full review by crypticsue

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +

BD Rating – Difficulty * Enjoyment **

This puzzle was published on Saturday, 13th February 2016

A fairly typical Saturday puzzle that didn’t take long to sort out.

I must say, however, that if one of the “crèche” had sent me a crossword to test with nine clues requiring something (a letter, word or abbreviation), to be put inside into something else, I might have suggested that this was probably too many for one puzzle!


Please leave a comment telling us what you thought.  You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five best!


4a           Some bits of cricket, fiery, went too far (8)
OVERSHOT – OVERS (bits of a cricket match) HOT (fiery)

8a           Wish for river to engulf schoolmaster (6)
DESIRE –   The river DEE ‘engulfs’ SIR (schoolmaster)

9a           Person managing test no longer an underground worker (8)
EXAMINER – Split 2, 1, 5 and this person would be EX A MINER (no longer an underground worker)

10a         A liberal college head entertains jolly local dignitary (8)
ALDERMAN –   A (from the clue) L (liberal) DEAN (college head) entertaining RM (a Royal Marine is informally known as a ‘jolly’).

11a         One’s checked sailor’s effect of sun (6)
TARTAN –   TAR (sailor) TAN (effect of sun)

12a         Runs into Greek character with gun to bring into church (8)
CHRISTEN –   R (runs in cricket scores) inserted into CHI (Greek character) and followed by STEN (gun)

13a         Enjoyed touring North, then fell in farmyard tip (8)
DUNGHILL –   The fourth insertion – DUG (enjoyed) ‘touring’ N (north) and then HILL (fell)

16a         Pick out assorted thin cuts (8)
UNSTITCH –   An anagram (assorted) of THIN CUTS

19a         Sportsman unlikely to win grounded in disarray (8)
UNDERDOG –   An anagram (in disarray) of GROUNDED.

21a         Make mistake about every other letter of answer? You need this (6)
ERASER –  ERR (make mistake) goes about  every other letter of AnSwEr.

23a         Ready for business (4,4)
CASH FLOW –   A cryptic definition

24a         Cleese character, one around church (8)
BASILICA –   BASIL (possibly the best known of the characters portrayed by John Cleese) I (one) and CA (circa, around).

25a         Assistance from match official about position of ball (6)
RELIEF –   By now you probably won’t be surprised to learn that REF (match official) goes ‘about’ LIE (position of a [golf] ball).

26a         Standard equipment for jousting in a manner of speaking (8)
PARLANCE –   PAR (standard) LANCE (equipment for jousting)


1d           The yawl in storm is rolling (7)
WEALTHY –   An anagram (in storm) of THE YAWL – rolling here being a slang term meaning extremely rich.

2d           Running away, restraining anger, gives a warm glow (9)
FIRELIGHT –   ‘restraining’ tells us IRE (anger) is to be kept inside FLIGHT (running away)

3d           What to do with hair? Pass (6)
PERMIT –   Split the solution 4, 2 and you see what to do with your hair.

4d           It’s clear-cut what to do at start and finish of packing (4-3-4,4)
OPEN-AND-SHUT CASE –   Simple, easy, obvious, or what you do before going on holiday.

5d           Difficult old partner on stage (8)
EXACTING –   EX (old partner) ACTING (on stage)

6d           Winter sportsman  shot upwards (5)
SKIER – A description of our blogger, Dutch, on his half-term holidays,  or an alternative spelling for a cricket ball hit high into the air.

7d           Queen entering cricket ground left protective cover (7)
OVERALL –   ER (the cipher of our current Queen) enters OVAL (cricket ground) and the result is finished with L (left.

14d         Outrageously flatter the man at the top — being sincere? (9)
HEARTFELT – HE (the man) goes before (at the top of) an anagram (outrageously) of FLATTER

15d         Flamboyant Grant’s is Aquarius (4,4)
STAR SIGN –   An anagram (flamboyant) of GRANTS IS.

17d         Cooked Navarin — sheer bliss (7)
NIRVANA –   An anagram (cooked) of NAVARIN.

18d         One investigates the method of passing oxygen in tight spot (7)
CORONER –   O (oxygen) inserted into CORNER (tight spot).

20d         Leave  desolate place (6)
DESERT –   Double definition, one a verb, the other a noun

22d         Work following South Pacific (5)
STILL – Misleading capital times – pacific here meaning peaceful, tranquil.   S (south) TILL (work the land)
