Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28037
Hints and tips by Miffypops
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ****
Miffy pops is not worthy. I hang my head in shame and admit to using the crossword solver at 23ac. I failed to notice the word doctor as an anagram indicator. I had all three checkers in and even asked Saint Sharon for help. Well done England and blooming heck Wasps.
Today’s hints and tips have been created with love and care by Miffypops, a handsome caring fellow. Together with the underlined definitions they should lead you to the answers you may be struggling with. If you are completely bamboozled befuddled and bewildered click on the greyed out box to reveal the answer.
Please leave a comment telling us what you thought. You can also add your assessment by selecting from one to five stars at the bottom of the post.
1a Correspondence made by accident? (11)
COINCIDENCE: A cryptic definition of a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
9a Will it shoot itself? (9)
AUTOMATIC: And another cryptic definition. This time of a type of gun
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
10a Make jet return excursions (5)
TRIPS: Reverse (return) and old fashioned spelling of a word meaning to gush out in a sudden and forceful stream.
11a Plate showing church beside Holy Father’s home (6)
CHROME: Place the city where the pope lives after our usual abbreviation for church to find this decorative or protective finish.
12a A sweet dog Bill Sikes had (5-3)
BULLS-EYE: The name of Bill Sykes dog is also a type of sweet
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
13a He is taken in by a girl — who fluttered them? (6)
LASHES: Place HE from the clue into a noun meaning a girl or young woman.
This young lady has fluttered hers rather too much.
15a Doing nothing on the front line? (8)
INACTION: A double definition the wordplay for On The Front Line needs to be split 2,6 to make sense.
18a Flowers required by company for shipping (8)
COASTERS: These ships can be found by placing the genus of flower that includes the Michaelmas Daisy after the usual shortened form of Company
19a Current classmates (6)
STREAM: A double definition of a small narrow river and a verb meaning to group schoolchildren according to age, ability or smell.
21a Tenacious advocate (8)
ADHERENT: A tough double definition. My second to last one in.
23a Blood making clot doctor assist (6)
STASIS: Anagram (doctor) of ASSIST. See my opening comment.
26a Licensed carrier (5)
LORRY: A juggernaut or heavy goods vehicle.
27a Not so busy types told to go — a busy type’s coming round (9)
ABSENTEES: begin with the A from the clue and then place a word meaning to be told to go inside those busy types who make honey. I am not sure about this one. I spent most of my senior schooldays absent from school but golly I kept myself busy.
28a One is admitted after this transport charge (8,3)
ENTRANCE FEE: a cryptic definition of the amount one pays for admission to an event
1d Opportunity to get money for part of the church (7)
CHANCEL: Place a noun meaning the possibility of something happening before the latin term for pound as in pounds shillings and pence.
2d Bury, in the meantime, I’m leaving (5)
INTER: Take the last two letters (I’M) from a word meaning meantime.
3d One in the club has whip-round for cheese (9)
CAMEMBERT: place a three letter word meaning whip around a noun meaning one who has joined an organisation such as a golf club
4d A little upset when given the facts (4)
DATA: reverse (upset) the letter A from the clue and a word meaning a small amount of somethimg
5d Turn once set to music (8)
NOCTURNE: Anagram with an unusual indicator (set) of ONCE TURN
ARVE Error: need id and provider |
6d Once article for sale comes up, applaud (5)
EXTOL: Take a word meaning once or former (think relationships) and add an auction item reversed (comes up)
7d We back a cowboy film (7)
WESTERN: Take WE straight from the clue and add a word meaning the back of something, usually a ship.
8d If given a rise, live somewhere warm (8)
FIRESIDE: Reverse (given a lift) the word IF and add a verb meaning to live somewhere
14d Beach shoes are adjusted for it (8)
SEASHORE: Anagram (adjusted) of SHOES ARE
16d Tom perhaps needs a pick-me-up, as in a coma (9)
CATATONIC: Tom here refers to a feline animal. The pick me up goes well with a gin
17d Can start out to do business (8)
TRANSACT: An anagram with the most often used indicator (out) of CAN START
18d Wine cash bill is incorrect — fifty short (7)
CHABLIS: Anagram (is incorrect) of CASH BILL with the Roman Numeral for fifty removed.
20d Meets us in transit for an essential event (4-3)
MUST-SEE: Anagram (in transit) of MEETS US
22d It does, with time (5)
RHYME: An all in one cryptic definition of the correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
may i feel said he
(i’ll squeal said she
just once said he)
it’s fun said she
(may i touch said he
how much said she
a lot said he)
why not said she
(let’s go said he
not too far said she
what’s too far said he
where you are said she)
may i stay said he
(which way said she
like this said he
if you kiss said she
may i move said he
is it love said she)
if you’re willing said he
(but you’re killing said she
but it’s life said he
but your wife said she
now said he)
ow said she
(tiptop said he
don’t stop said she
oh no said he)
go slow said she
(cccome? said he
ummm said she)
you’re divine! said he
(you are Mine said she)
24d Works are held up by it — one in 25, for instance, is continental (5)
SHELF: Works such as books may be placed upon one of these. The area of seabed around a large land mass (25d) where the sea is relatively shallow compared with the open ocean.
25d Somewhere in atlas, I assume it’s included (4)
ASIA:. An included word. The words It’s included tell you so
Tricky again today.
The Quick Crossword pun: elect+tree+cute=electrocute
2*/4*. Wonderful entertainment again from Rufus. The man is indefatigable. Like MP, I’m not sure about the definition for 27a.
Miffypops, I’m not surprised that you didn’t notice the doctor in 22a.
Many thanks to Rufus and to MP.
Aha! MP, I’ll spare your blushes by not mentioning that “22a” in the opening remarks has mysteriously changed to “23a”. My comment now looks a bit odd to say the least, but I’ll keep quiet about it.
I was held almost it seemed forever, by 22d. Silly me . I also thought 26a was a very weak clue.
Otherwise , I really have to admire the very smooth surface reading of so many of the clues.
Thanks Miffypops and Rufus.
A perfect start to the week from Rufus, my pencil has been recovered and it has finally stopped snowing, for now. What more could a girl want?
I spent rather a long time justifying 10a as I didn’t spot the reverse bit and a similarly long time with 27a wondering what the busy types were, bit embarrassed about that to be honest. Never mind. The rest of the puzzle slotted in nicely and made me smile with plenty of anagrams.
Loved the music at 5d, a favourite to play, and the poem…
Many thanks to Rufus and to the handsome, caring and unegotistical Miffypops for a great blog, pleasure to read as always.
My head is a little the worse for wear after a weekend of rugby. Well done England, the less said about Ireland the better. No more wine, toffee vodka or damson gin for awhile.
Three star difficulty for me, with 22d and 26a the last to fall. The former became my favourite when penny dropped, with special mention for 9a also.
Get half-way then hit the wall, so frustrating!!
I must be thick…
What’s the answer to 1a got to do with correspondence??
It is not about writing to somebody.
I shall live in blissful ignorance about this one then as having checked the on-line Thesaurus, I still don’t see how the word correspondence = the answer.
I appreciate the attempt to help me!!
Hoofit (if I may call you that for short!), by way of an example:
The interests of men and women may not always coincide/correspond.
1a was bugging me.
Thanks RD – you’re a toff.
Thanks RD for bringing light to where once was dark!!
Much appreciated!!
Nice one from Rufus – good start to Monday.
Had to check on the name of Bill Sykes’ dog and wasn’t overly convinced by 26a, but otherwise all OK (which is more than I can say for MP’s spelling of 27a!).
No particular favourite, although I loved the music at 5d.
Thanks to Rufus and the resident publican – revolting rhymes, ‘poem’ et al!
Just draw an extra square onto the side of your puzzle. My answer fits perfectly then
It’s the Santorini situation again..which incidentally was mentioned in the S.Times travel section yesterday. And very pretty it is too.
I went to Santorini in 1978. On a boat.
A big boat or a little boat?
I’ve been reading about it. It had a volcano, there is no natural water but there is wine and it may be linked to the Altantis myth. Magical stuff.
A ferry sized boat. A donkey took me up the cliff path to the top. We stayed one night only.
You rode a donkey up a cliff on a Greek Island? Once again….etc.
Donkey’s are little. I’d be OK to ride one, not a fully grown man.
You really should know better by now Hanni. Just type the two words Santorini and Donkey into Google. People still get from the quayside to the top by riding donkeys although the practice is discouraged now.
Oh gosh…yup I really should know better by now! Dammit! I should have known better. :yes:
SL, I’ve never tried Retsina, strong I take it? Then again I did sample some grape based drinks this weekend. I shall not be drinking for awhile (Friday)!
Personally, I think it’s the worst tasting wine – ever. But don’t just take my word for it – buy a bottle or ask around. Good luck :negative:
Given that your other wine selections are bang on I think I shall avoid it.
Hanni, although I have never tried drinking paint stripper I would imagine it is very similar to retsina. My advice is to leave well alone…
Ye Gods… How bad is the stuff?
that should put some people off the poor beasties!
There is no wine – they’ve got Retsina – drink it at your peril.
I think I’d rather drink nail polish remover.
Got drunk on that once. Deservedly woke up the following morning with the mother of all hangovers. Fully deserved.
Evil stuff.
‘Worst tasting’, ‘paint stripper’, ‘nail polish remover’ ‘like real ale’ and evil. I’ll take the blogs advice and stick to a nice Sauv Blanc. :yes:
Apart from the retsina which should be avoided at all costs, Santorini actually produces some top class wines!
Nice straightforward puzzle, plenty of anagrams – incidentally 23a is an anagram of ‘assist’ which has not been included in the blog.
I promise no more feeble attempts at humour or the use of colloquialisms, they’re obviously not appreciated!
Sorry Jane (and MP), the pedant in me can’t resist pointing out that Dickens spelt Bill’s surname “Sikes”. It stayed that way for around 150 years until an American called Walt Disney decided to change it to “Sykes”. Something else to thank our American cousins for …
No problem, RD. I still didn’t know the name of his dog, no matter how he spelt his name!
I wonder if the dog’s name is correctly apostrophised in the Disney version?!
Pedantism at its finest RD.
It reminds of the story about the little boy who asked what his dogs name was,
“Dunno, but we call him Rex”.
Implying that the dog has his own idea about what his name is.
I still don’t understand why Disney changed it?
Isn’t it bizarre that there are three almost identical words which can be used to describe the behaviour of a pedant: pedantry, pedantism and pedanticism?
Did I use the correct one?
My personal preference is for pedantry but they are all correct (i.e. in the BRB). You probably used the least common one.
I shall endeavour to use that in the future. :smile:
I’m not sure we can blame Walt Disney himself for this change seeing that he had been dead for over twenty years before the film was made, but the corporation he founded should definitely hold their heads in shame!
I spelled it as in Eric
26A – don’t understand why! and 22D is a tad arcane ….
26a an obvious answer but not sure how it fits the clue apart from the ” carrier ” , needed hint for 22d a very clever clue .Altogether very enjoyable **/**** Favourite was doctors assist .Thanks to Rufus and Millypops.
Top half wasn’t pretty well but got a little sidetracked in bottom half.
Never mind though beautiful day and dogs straining for a gallop on the cliffs.
Thanks to Miffypops and setter.
As usual Tuesday’s crossword will probably try the brain.
I made harder work of this than necessary. I don’t know why in retrospect. Like several others, I was unimpressed by 26a but the penny dropped with a loud clang on 22d as my last one in and it gets my vote for favourite.
Thanks to Rufus for the entertainment and also to Miffypops for the equally entertaining review.
Not the easiest of Monday puzzles… Last in the fairly difficult intersection of 22/26. There seemed to be lots of “it’s” scattered round the clues (22/24/25d in a row, or should that be column?), which felt a little unsatisfactory at the time.
Agree **/**** for an entertaining but gentle start to the week. Like others I wasn’t convinced by 26a or 27a but overall this was an excellent puzzle. I had a slight stumble in the south-west and stupidly putting in “attorney” for 21a didn’t help. 24d made me chuckle and 18a was my favourite. Thanks again to Rufus and to MP for explaining why some of my answers were right. Cheers
Is there anything in pointing out that “entrance” as a verb is similar to transport as a verb. 28a ?
Yes, Domus, I agree. I took “one is admitted after this” as the definition, with “entrance” cluing the first word of the answer and “charge” the second word.
Yes because the answer is what one is admitted after so not charged, transport meaning to entrance and charge being the fee
Dammit RD you got in just ahead of me being smarty pants!!!
**/****. Very enjoyable solve. Started slowly but finished with a flourish. Our weather has been very mild but not so in the east where the wind chill has taken temperatures down below -45C. Thanks to MP for the review and the setter for a very rewarding challenge.
Rufus has been a tad trickier over the last few weeks and this puzzle is no exception. A couple of dubious definitions though and I most certainly disagree with 11a as Chvatican doesn’t fit or even make sense. I’m pretty sure that The Pope does not have a Rome postcode. Apart from that the rest was enjoyable. I will go for 4d as my favourite of the day.
Thanks to Rufus for the puzzle and the poorly schooled etc etc for his review. Loved the illustrations for 10 & 13a :good:
Very good point. As a good Catholic girl I should have spotted that straight off.
The Pope lives in The Vatican City in Rome. I live in Downtown LI in Warwickshire in England in Europe. I rest my case.
Don’t forget – The World, The Solar System, The Known Universe. I rest my case.
I live in North Yorkshire near Wicked Whitby with some elves and a scary dragon. I rest my case.
Papal postal addresses
His Holiness, Pope Francis PP.
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano
His Holiness Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
Vatican City
His Holiness Pope Francis
Vatican City State, I – 00120
Rome? :whistle:
To us heretics he lives in Rome.
Is he not still “The Bishop Of Rome”??
We are back on track after a week of very heavy work. We had a wonderful Valentine’s supper last night at Pierre Gagnaire’s SKETCH restaurant and if Tstrummer is interested, Paso purchased a delightful Gibson es 135 and a Vox amplifier to annoy the other members of the household.
Back to the crossword: We found this trickier than a normal Rufus offering but enjoyable indeed. ***/****
What year ES135?
I managed to finsh the puzzle on Saturday but did not get very far with this.
Welcome Pistache
Hello from me too
I didn’t feel that this was Rufus at his best, although his puzzles are never less than enjoyable for me.
Some dubious definitions as SL rightly says – I certainly have some sympathy with Una and others over 26a and with RD over 27a. 23a is possibly one of the worst-ever Rufus clues I’ve seen in terms of its surface reading, as they are normally flawless. I’ve read it umpteen times but still can’t get my head around the grammar – how can the verb be “assist” and not “assists”, or is the indicator “doctor” a typo and should actually be in the plural?
My favourite is 3d, but 13a did produce a wide smile.
Many thanks to Mr. Squires and to Miffypops. I do hope that next Monday’s puzzle will be back to vintage Rufus as it coincides with the maestro’s birthday.
Already noted
The stock market jitters seem to have banished full-page adverts from the back page recently, leaving the cryptic crossword in its rightful place.
22d defeated me.
Thanks to Miffypops and setter.
Found this a bit tricky and the clues didn’t really gel together. Some of them are very old chestnuts ( as I found when I googled them) so a bit disappointing all round.
I always enjoy Rufus’s puzzles and I thought this was up to his usual standard.
I rather liked 1d, so I’ll call that my fave.
Thanks to Rufus and to M’pops for his review.
Good afternoon everybody.
Mostly straightorward Mondayish fare with completion delayed only by 21a and 22d. Favourite was 8d.
Finally completed last Friday week’s Toughie too!
Now to watch The Cruel Sea for the zillionth time…
I watched ‘the Cruel Sea’ this afternoon as well – it must have been for the umpteenth time for me also – it’s a great old British film with Jack Hawkins and Donald Sinden in fine form.
I’d watched ‘I believe in you’ on London Live immediately before it – another fine old British Film with Cecil Parker, Celia Johnson, Harry Fowler and a very young Joan Collins – a real cracker!
I love old British films – nothing better!
Enjoyed the top half but thought most of the bottom was just awful. What happened to start the week off gently, most Monday’s are now little short of diabolical.
Can’t wait to go on the mainframe to read all the blogging. Looks like you had a busy afternoon.
Rufus was on double def mood again today. Not my favourites. And 26a. Need I say more?
The rest was very enjoyable.
Thanks to Rufus and to MP for the review.
Oh dear oh dear.
I cannot see why stasis is a synonym for a blood clot. Stasis is a situation when the blood stops flowing and a clot is what often happens soon afterwards as a result. Stasis of traffic can happen when a car stops on the motorway – a rear end collision may follow but stasis is not a synonym for the collision.
Is 28a a cryptic clue? I can see that lorry is a licensed carrier, but it doe,sn’t seem at all cryptic to me. I can’t see why the clue is here and not in the Quickie.
And finally I thought an adherent was a follower of a cause, not at all the same as an advocate for one!
Many thanks to MP and Rufus (if really he).
I had some concerns about stasis but looking it up on google found this on Wikepedia :
“Blood stasis syndrome, or blood stagnation (Chinese: Xue Yu) is an important underlying pathology of many disease processes according to traditional Chinese medicine. Described in TCM theory as a slowing or pooling of the blood due to disruption of Heart Qi, it is often understood in biomedical terms in terms of hematological disorders such as hemorrhage, congestion, thrombosis, and local ischemia (microclots) and tissue changes.”
I hope that helps!
Back after a weekend out on the very chilly South Oxford canal. I did Fraiday’s puzzle yesterday and Saturday’s on Saturday but was unable to post as The Racy Mole was out if radio contact. Hope everyone had as good a weekend as I did.
I enjoyed this Rufus and did not find it too taxing. Favourite was 22d, least favourite was 26a.1*/3*
Ta to Rufus and to LI’s most ardent Dylaniste
Goodness, you’re in early tonight, TS – caught me quite unawares! Yes, I should think it was extremely chilly on the canals over the weekend – is this training for the northern wilderness? Speaking of which, if you haven’t finalised the reading matter for the hols. why not add ‘Nora Webster’ to the list?
Please pass on my thanks to Jan – I have just finished ‘Life after Life’ and can’t wait to get another ‘fix’ in the shape of ‘A God in Ruins’. Well recommended, that girl!
By the way, SL left a message for you – maybe Friday? Not sure whether you will have seen it as yet.
Jane’s right TS – just wondered if you had ever come across Malcolm Jones in your travels. The message is on last Friday’s back pager blog by DT.
Hi SL. I didn’t see your comment because I’ve been boating. However, I may or may not have come across him. I’ve been doing this for so long I forget everything and everyone. A mate if yours?
I ‘knew’ him through another site. He had a band called the Bullfrogs and played in a tribute band called the Spreadeagles as well as being the ‘front-of-house’ manager at The Roundhouse, Assistant Head of FM programming at Capital Radio, the winner of a Sony award in conjunction with Kenny Everett, radio presenter at Secklow Sounds and Town Crier in Stony Stratford.
Sadly, he passed away a few years ago.
I shall pass on your thanks. Nora may well be my woman for the flight.
All done, the SE corner took some doing.
Needed some hints to get finished.
Thanks to the setter and MP for the excellent hints
Thanks to Rufus and to Miffypops for the review and hints. I enjoyed this one a lot. Went ok until I reached the SW corner. Needed the hints for 21,26&27a. Guessed 22d. Was 3*/3* for me. Can’t seem to access the full site on my mobile, the link isn’t working, and my name & email are not being retained.
How strange, now I’ve posted a comment, I’ve been moved to the full site. Hooray!
Thanks Rufus for your Monday entertainment.
Pity you put 26a in, it is dreadful, but made up for completely by your rascally 22d.
Cheers to you & Miffypops, both of you have a smashing week.
Late on parade I am afraid :whistle: Liked the crossword **/*** always thought stasis was more than one East German Secret Policeman, but there we learn something new each crossword. TUVM to MP for the blog and Rufus for a nice start to the week :good: Liked 28a (transport/entrance) and 8d :bye:
:yes: cannot quite see why 1a is related to correspondence someone enlighten me. Also had problems with23a. A medical backround would have helped
Welcome to the blog Richard
Thanks for the welcome. I have been doing the DT crossword for many years with varying degrees of success (and failure).
I came across this site by chance and have enjoyed reading the comments so decided to join in. I notice that most people use an alias so I have decided to do the same. Anyone with knowledge of the British Army in the 70s and 80s will be able to tell which corp I was in by my alias
Regards Richard
Changing your alias dumped you into moderation for the second time!
Both should work from now on.
Hello from me too Richard.
To quote the lovely Rabbit Dave above..
“The interests of men and women may not always coincide/correspond.”
Hello from me as well Richard
Hi all. I’m not finding much time to comment, although am managing to squeeze the back-pagers in. Thought it was time to pop up and let you know I’m still alive.
The first half of this slipped in easily but some towards the lower right required more earnest prodding. I had to look up the creature in 12a and didn’t really remember a sweet of that name either. All in all I found this a pretty classic Rufus with lots to like, lots of simple but beautifully executed wordplay and then a few punishers to delay the moment of completion. (In fact I will admit to reaching for an electronic toy – it shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of anyway!)
Unlike MP, I spotted the anagram in 23a, but I wasn’t sure about the definition. I agree with comments about the 27a definition too.
Thanks to Rufus for today’s fun. Thank you also Miffypops for a classic MP blog which if I’m honest I enjoyed more than the crossword. It was very nice to see a return of My First Dictionary, and I heartily approve of your choice of clip for 5d. Chopin’s nocturne’s are gorgeous, and I suppressed buckets of tears watching The Pianist.
Praise indeed. Thank you.
Catching up time….
Fairly respectable start to the week; 26a excepted! 22d was my fave. 2/3* overall.
Thanks to Rufus… and to LI Man for his top notch review.
sorry this is not cryptic its guess the answer with the letters you have in place.make the clues sensible poor show. :yawn:
Welcome to the blog Sakura
Your comment is certainly cryptic – perhaps you could explain to which clue(s) you are referring.